Embarrassed because I had never heard an expression before

by Lady Lee 101 Replies latest members adult

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    As JWs we were pretty isolated. There were a lot of things I didn't know about the larger world; a lot of expressions I had never heard. The one that probably embarrassed me the most was:

    when the shit hit the fan

    I was in a business meeting and I was definitely low man on the totem pole. Well my boss used the expression and my head went into a pretty vivid image of this happening and I could not stop laughing. After trying to stop I finally had to get up and leave. No one mentioned it to me later so I have no idea what the other thought but I hope they were glad I got up and left.

    I never led a double life as a JW. I stayed home to rais ethe children so had very little contact outside the JWs. So I had a lot to learn when I left.

    I know there were other things but that was the worst for me.

    So are there things you didn't know? Wished you had known? Embarrassed the hell out of you?

  • Elsewhere

    > So are there things you didn't know?

    Yes... as it turns out, women actually DO like sex!

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Poor social skills due to only mixing with JW's as per instructions.


  • serenitynow!

    People used to ask me if I liked to party. I would always say, "sure!" because, you know I like going to parties as much as the next girl. Of course as a JW I always came off as being very straight laced, so the person would always be like "really?!!" It wasn't until recently that I learned that that expression means do you get high!

  • palmtree67

    One time I set a coffee and muffin down in a room full of construction workers and as I left to get my equipment I said, "Nobody eat my muffin."

    Turns out it means something different than "please don't eat my baked goods."

  • Robdar

    Lady Lee,

    When you said you saw a vivid image of the shit hitting the fan, I burst out laughing. What a great story!

    When I first left the org, almost everything embarrassed me. I had lived such a sheltered life that my embarrassment went on for years. But, I guess the expression that embarrassed me the most, because it was one of the first, was told to me in joke form:

    Q: Why did the Americans win the Revolutionary War?

    A: Because the British were coming.

    It took me 2 weeks to get that joke. When I did, I burst out laughing so loud that my upstairs neighbor, who had told me the joke, heard me laughing. It would have taken even longer to get the joke had I not just gotten married and started becoming acquainted with sex and some of the terms used to describe it.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    This one caught me off guard first time I heard it.

    "If she's old enough to go to the store, she's old enough to get bred."

    Think About It

  • slimboyfat

    Call me sheltered too. I had never heard that expression either Lady Lee until I started reading the 'evil' Internet.

  • rockmehardplace

    palmtree67 - that is the funniest thing i have ever heard.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    That really made me laugh Lady Lee!

    Laughing 16

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