Emotional Abuse & Cults

by rebel8 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Any therapist worth his or her salt who has skill in treating victims of emotionally abusive, controlling relationships should be able to successfully treat these same issues in someone who has been in a cult. They are similar issues. You may need to educate your therapist about the similarities, but he/she should be able to use similar treatment strategies for these particular issues.

    Here is a comparison chart I created today: http://www.lulu.com/ex-jw

  • snowbird

    You, dear lady, are totally awesome!


  • purplesofa




  • AllTimeJeff

    I read it. Very useful....

  • Heaven

    rebel8... thank you! I am somewhat worried about my father, who is an MS, because if they ever decided to give him 'the big size 9' (i.e. The Boot/DF), I want to be prepared to step in and facilitate damage control with a support structure to help him move forward with the rest of his life. He has had some warnings in the past so I figure they may be 'watching' him. He does have depression off and on and one of his closest friends is Catholic. I am monitoring the situation so hopefully I can be of help should anything transpire. Thank you again! Heaven

  • purplesofa

    Sometime after quitting meetings a few years back

    feeling that being apart of the organization had become abusive to me.

    I had to reflect back on my life.

    I had an abusive mother, jumped into a marriage that became abusive, got rid of the husband but was already tangled up in an abusive religion.

    I was DF for Nine years, but attached myself to a job that became abusive.

    When I got reinstated and my life began to calm down, I was able to see the pattern.

    I don't think the information you presented can be taken lightly, the similarities are startling and any therapist should be able to figure this out.

    Only with so many years behind me I can see how I was a prime candidate for becoming a JW.

    Not everyone will have the same story.

    But for JW's not born-in, there has to be something not right in their life, somewhere, for it to be appealling.


  • snowbird

    You nailed it, Purps.

    Same pattern in my life.


  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks so very much!

  • ziddina

    Thanks, Rebel8!

    Just out of curiosity, I previewed the "Apostate Dictionary" and had to turn my head sideways to read it. Has anyone downloaded it and does it revert to proper reading position when you do??? Thanks! Zid

  • creativhoney

    i just phoned my ex and he said dont be ridiculous you know it doesnt apply to disfellowshipped ones - you cant start start telling that to the public they wont understand it.. - i though this was 'THe Truth'

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