A Life in a Day

by Big Tex 32 Replies latest members private

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The following is a fictional story, although it is based on a real event in my childhood. It is the story of a boy whose reality was so bad he lived in a dream world to protect himself. He used that dream world to help him understand and explain the world around him.

    WARNING: Although no profanity is used, the story is graphic and may contain triggers for abuse victims/survivors. Please do not read this story if you are feeling vulnerable, depressed or alone. Please exercise caution and make sure you are in a safe place before reading this.

    A Life in a Day

    The sun, blood-red, was setting behind the Hertz building. The shadows were lengthening until all of downtown was covered. All was dark. Night reigned supreme again. It would be a night much like any other night in the city. Hot, loud and humid. Music mixed with the sounds of car horns, laughter and the occasional scream. Pushers waved to the hookers who laughed at the drunks lying in the gutter. These were the creatures of the night, and like roaches seeking food, the street scum scurried out from their nests to reclaim the city.

    The woman hurried along the sidewalk. She did not like to be in this part of town after dark. If it hadn’t been for the Sanders deposition, she wouldn’t have had to come into the office at all. She swore under her breath. Now if she could just find that bus stop. It was amazing how different the city looked at night. She was afraid she was lost, but finally she located the battered bench she sat on every day, and waited impatiently for her bus.

    “Hey lady, got a light?”

    She turned and saw a disheveled man with a t-shirt that proclaimed Texas was the Friendly State, an unlit cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. “Uh, no. I don’t smoke.” she said.

    “That’s good, you’ll live longer,” he sneered, “and you’ll live even longer if you give me your purse.”

    She saw the flash of a knife blade. The woman was frightened. Something bad was going to happen. She felt vulnerable. Exposed. Her fear was quickly building into blind terror when she looked up and saw a flash of blue and red. The mugger in front of her was knocked to the ground unconscious. She stared dumbfounded at her savior. It had to be Him.

    “Superman!” she exclaimed. “How can I ever thank you?! You’re everything I’ve wanted in … ”

    SCOTT! ”

    The little boy wearing the red cape turned and stared blankly at his mother.

    “What in the world are you doing on the picnic table?” she asked irritably. “I’ve been calling you for five minutes now! Get down off that table this instant. Don’t you know you could fall off and break your arm?”

    The boy heaved a heavy sigh and got down slowly.

    “Honestly, if I didn’t know better I would think you’re deaf the way you ignore me. Now get inside and get dressed, we’re late. We should have been at your grandparents’ house for lunch five minutes ago. And look at what you’ve done to your pants,” she said pointing at his knees, “look at that hole. I just bought those jeans last week. You’ve got to learn to be more careful with your clothes. Money doesn’t grow on trees you know. What were doing, digging your way to China?”

    The engineer looked at his clothes. “Damn.” he thought, “This is no way to meet the President. After all, how many men successfully build a tunnel all the way to China?” He trudged inside to change into his tuxedo and made a mental note to take better care of his clothes.

    “ Scott! ” his mother bellowed. “Hurry up or I’m leaving without you.”

    She made The Face and shook her head slowly. “I don’t know where his mind is half the time.”

    Her thoughts were interrupted by the boy, now well scrubbed and properly attired, running out of the house and into the car with his impatient mother. He slammed the car door shut and snuggled up to his stuffed monkey.

    “It would help if you shut the front door.” she sighed.

    “Huh?, said the boy innocently, “Oh.”

    The bank robbery had gone flawlessly. Baby Face had done it again, this time taking out a cool million. He dashed out to the getaway car and got in.

    “Step on it.” he said.

    He eyed the driver. She was a pushy dame, but she could be trusted. Then he peered in the back at Mugsy counting the money.

    “Typical.” he thought to himself.

    Mugsy never trusted anyone, but to count the money in the car was low class. Baby Face turned around and smiled. Mugsy had no idea that cement overshoes were waiting for him back at the hideout. Besides he never trusted Mugsy anyway, he could act like a real monkey sometimes.

    “Scott, get out of the car and give your Nanny a kiss.”

    Startled, the little boy clambered out of the car and bounced over to his grandmother and dutifully pecked the soft, wrinkled cheek offered to him. He liked his grandmother. She was soft and smelled good.

    “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already set everything out on the table.” Nanny said. “Everyone go inside and have a seat.”

    The little boy bounced inside the small frame house and into the kitchen. He found his seat and stood up on his knees to get a good look at what was spread before him. His eyes danced as he saw fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, cream gravy, and corn on the cob.

    The great walrus lay gorged to capacity on the beach. Like other members of his species, he ate everything in sight, not aware that even his enormous stomach had its limits. Surrounded by curious penguins, he broke into an monstrous gap-toothed yawn. As usual, the bloated walrus wanted nothing more than sleep after such a large meal.


    “Well what did you expect when you ate everything in sight?” sighed his mother.

    A yawn struggled out of the tiny mouth as his mother droned on, a familiar monotone punctuated at intervals by his grandmother’s incessant critiques. It had been a wonderful meal topped by homemade biscuits and honey. The voices grew more distant until sleep finally closed in.

    The woman carried the limp body of her son into the darkened bedroom, where her father was still asleep after a hard night’s work at the railyards.

    “Hi Daddy. Can Scott sleep with in bed with you?” she quietly asked.

    “Sure,” he mumbled. He motioned next to him. “Just put him down there.”

    She started to pull the blanket over her son, when her father said quietly, “No, I’ll take care of him.”

    The woman quietly tiptoed to the door and was about to shut it when he spoke up again.

    “Just leave it open Daughter.”

    She was gone. All was quiet.

    The little boy awoke with a start. He was naked from the waist down. Granddaddy was touching him … there. The private spot.

    “Don’t’ move and don’t say anything,” said his grandfather, “or I’ll kill you.”

    He stopped the fondling abruptly and lifted the small body up over him so that the boy was facing the old man’s feet. The boy was frightened. Something bad was going to happen. He felt vulnerable. Exposed. His fear was quickly building into blind terror when he looked up and saw his mother standing in the open bedroom doorway. For a brief instant his spirits soared. She would save him. She would stop this.

    But why was she just standing there?

    He called out, “Mommy!” She didn’t move.

    Again, louder and more urgently, he cried out, “ Mommy!! ”

    Her eyes, doll-like, didn’t blink.

    “Mommy help me!”

    She doesn’t see me. Again he screamed, holding his fat little hands out. If he could just reach her. The fear, growing bigger and bigger, consumed him.

    He started kicking, mindless like a cornered animal he struggled. He felt himself being lifted up again. “ Please Mommy! ”

    The boy’s eyes were still on his mother when his backside exploded with pain. The boy shut his imploring eyes and screamed as he felt a pain he was never meant to experience. As the twisted appendage rejoiced in what it was wrecking, the boy opened his eyes to plead again with his mother, but she wasn’t there. Now all hope was gone. The frail little boy was alone with only the sounds of urgent ardor for company.

    Waste. Miles and miles, as far as the eye could see the desert stretched. There were no gentle sand dunes, only dry and scorched dirt mixed with rocks. The young Arab snorted disgustedly.

    “Nothing could grow here,” he thought.

    He looked up at the merciless sun. Why had Allah forsaken this land? He sighed and looked down at his camel. He was glad she was here for surely he would die on foot. His father had once said that, with only a little water, this land would blossom like a rose and be a garden paradise. All it needed was a little attention by a loving God to heal and grow.

    The little boy stared unblinkingly at shadows on the wall. He grew tired of using a pillow to wrap himself and numbly let it drop. Bloody semen slowly oozed down his leg. It tickled, but he made no move to stop it. He could hear the heavy breathing of the old man sleeping the blissful sleep of one who is sexually relieved. The boy felt numb, so numb that he did not feel the persistent and throbbing pain. Detached, as if he were watching another, he did not move as his mother quickly entered and silently dressed him. As if floating, he watched from the ceiling as his mother picked up his small body and carried him outside to the waiting car.

    “You be sure to give him a thorough bath,” said the boy’s grandmother. “There’s no need to see a doctor. Just use cotton balls and keep him on his stomach for a few days.”

    “Are you sure?”

    “You just trust me. I know how to handle these sorts of problems.”

    The young mother started the car. “He’s not going to grow up, you know, ‘funny’ will he?”

    “Now don’t you worry about that honey. Why in a few days he’ll be laughing and running around like nothing happened. Nothing dries faster than a child’s tears. And when he’s grown, it’ll be as though nothing ever happened. He won’t remember. He can’t,” she said confidently, “He’s too little.”

    We were supposed to make the world safe for democracy. The young soldier swore softly. He had seen and experienced things no human should.

    “Damn trench warfare. Will this madness never end?”

    As he lay on his stomach, grimacing from the pain of his wound, his thoughts turned toward home. He thought of the vine covered cottage with the white picket fence. He thought of his new wife.

    “By the time this heals, I should be discharged.”

    Yes. Discharged and free from the horrors of this hideous war, he could return home. He could start a new life, the life of his dreams. The life of his fantasies. And he could forget.

    Forget it all.

  • pr_capone

    Damn Tex...... I'm so sorry man. I cannot even begin to fathom what your childhood was like. I have no idea what to tell you man but I wanted you to know that I read it. I'm so sorry. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Big Tex ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    PFC District Overveer

  • Utopian_Raindrops


    You are amazingly strong man to be able to share this with us.

    Every person reacts to abuse differently and I am glad you had your imagination to help you escape.

    I had Jesus believe it or not and Our Heavenly Father. I prayed a lot as a child.

    One of my girlfriends who is still JW so I have not spoken with her for over year……she has some where around 12 personalities due to abuse.

    In you story the mother and grandmother knew and seemed to discuss it so calmly.

    My mother knew also and so did my girlfriend’s parents.

    Can someone tell me what is wrong with mothers and even some fathers who know of the abuse and do nothing?? Or other adults even who know as in both mine and my friend’s cases there were others who knew.

    {{{{{{Hugz}}}}}} Tex for being so brave as to share this, I think maybe you should write a book in this same style.

    It is secrecy that makes it possible for this kind of treatment to persist. The more people who come out with their stories the less safe abusers will be and the more safe children will be!

    You are such a wonderful man to be giving so much of yourself to all of us.

    I’m not sure I could be as brave as you to tell in such detail what exactly this kind of abuse does.

    Kiss your dear wife and hug your darling daughter for us.

    Gotta Luvz You And Your Whole Fam,


  • joannadandy


    I'm speechless...that was so well written! So touching, and so sad...I'm seriously tearing up here.

    You for sure have a talent with a pen...have you ever been published? I know there are lots of places that publish stories and poetry written by abuse survivors to help in healing, etc. I have published a few of my own pieces with a local abuse center for women...but you definately have a voice that should be heard...

    Thank you so much for sharing that...

  • cruzanheart

    (((((((My darling friend and lifemate)))))))


  • outnfree

    (((((Big Tex)))))


    I am blown away.

    I am sorry for your pain AND inspired by your survival. I am also awed by your talent: Jo is right, you should be published...

    I hope the writing was cathartic for you as I'm sure it will help others if only to raise consciousness.


    I cannot understand grown-ups who stand idly by and permit children to be hurt in such a soul-wrenching way. The best I can do is to vow that I will never do so and that I will teach my children never to accept that child sexual abuse is just "something that happens" or, worse, "something that we just don't talk about." Rather, I will teach them to tell and prosecute.

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((To all the Abuse Survivors on this Forum)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) who managed to read this far.

    There's a book in you, Chris.


  • Loris

    I can not write how much this has touched me. I am at work now. crying is not an option. I just wanted to let you know I read it.


    You are an inspiration. A true giant among men. There are others who have been hurt who can look to you as an example of triumph over evil. Keep safe and well,


  • LyinEyes

    (((((((((((Big Tex))))))))))))) Words fail me right now, but sending hugs your way,,,,Dede.

  • Seven


  • xenawarrior


    I wish I could take it all away for you.


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