DC Observations: Sat & Sun

by Open mind 35 Replies latest members private

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Phew! Survived another DC and only over-drank on Friday night. Not too much. Just a little buzz.

    Just a couple things that jumped out at me that I thought JWDers might enjoy hearing.

    Was it just me or did this DC have more SKITS & INTERVIEWS than any DC in recent history? That was my overall impression. Good job Brooklyn. If you want to keep people awake, skits & interviews are definitely more effective at pulling heart strings than boring old talks. If I ever decide to start my own mind-control religion, I'll keep this in mind.


    There was a little one-person skit where a young dude was blasting some Rap/Hip-Hop while his parents were gone. Then he does this little self-talk soliloquoy:

    'What am I doing? What would Jehovah think? blah, blah.'

    Anyway, about half-way through his self-flagellation, he says, "Do I really think that Rap or Hip-Hop will be in the New Order?"

    So there you have it. It's official. No Rap or Hip-Hop in Paradise!

    I'll share a couple other mind-farts in a bit.


  • kwintestal
    Anyway, about half-way through his self-flagellation, he says, "Do I really think that Rap or Hip-Hop will be in the New Order

    Ha ha! The guy doesn't even know New Order is a rock band, not hip hop!


  • sir82

    I have it on good authority that only Inuit throat singing will be allowed in the new order....

  • blondie

    I always ask if there will be football in the "new order" considering the violence...you should see the faces of the elders..........pro football that is. Like the Super Bowll will continue.........

  • Open mind
    Open mind




    There were a couple guys like that behind us on Saturday!


    Garrett Losche (sp?) has made it abundantly clear that American Footbal and tiger-petting do not mix.

    OK, here's another DC observation.

    As I stated on my Friday update, the DC we attended was at the Cow Palace in San Francisco. (For any lurking JWs trying to track me down, my family MAY or MAY NOT have been assigned there. So that narrows me down to about 1 in 60,000 JWs )

    If you've ever been to the Cow Palace, you might remember that there are about a dozen square roof hatches that are usually wide open. These allow rays of Hoooly Spirit to shine down into the auditorium and form intense spotlights on inviduals all over the main floor. At mid-day the average amount of time a solar spotlight remains on any one individual is about four minutes.

    Oh, BTW, did I mention that the program was absolutely RIVETING?


  • FadingAway
    So there you have it. It's official. No Rap or Hip-Hop in Paradise!

    It would be reasonable to conclude that Jehovah, or J Daddy on the street, would figuratively put a "cap in their a$$" of the wicked ones which would include all homies, playas, gangsta's and ho's that enjoy this type of degrading entertainment. May we always put forth a vigilant effort not to be sucked in to the unwholesome entertainment that rap and hip hop give us. Continue to glorify Jehovah (J Daddy) as we serve him with everlasting life in view.... motherf******r!!!!!!

  • 95stormfront

    Riveting to say the least..... That Sunday drama was the foulest so-called biblically based prophaghandish trash I's seen from them in awhile. and, the Bethel speaker, though he put me to sleep, gave the crowd a viscious tongue lashing that they'd better get out there and DO MORE!!!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Thanks for the observations OM.

    My three year old just learnt the word/concept rapping this weekend while watching a Gorillaz concert DVD. It makes me angry that they keep finding things to make young ones feel guilty about from babyhood up. I bet there's a whole load of 4-10 year olds feeling so guilty, confused, ashamed and fighting their natural feelings all the time - it's the children I feel most sorry for, not the adults who really should know better by now with regards to this sorry excuse for a religion.

    I could just scream.

  • logic

    The first and last time I went to the cowpalace they had record breaking heat , and the smell of cow pee would knock you down, the speakers were the lousiest I have ever heard and the only seats were at the very top. I spent most of my time outside in the shade. Me and another guy were talking to each other how crazy the whole thing was . Anybody that can sit through that kind of crap and then say how much they enjoyed the assembly has just got to be full of ****.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    LOL @ your "spiritual" rap.


    Who was the Bethel tongue-lasher?

    We had a TON of NY suits who got to fly free to Cali and get multiple green hand-shakes. Harold Jackson, Corkern, and about 3 or 4 others. But none of them really breathed the fire & brimstone like you described. They have in the past, but not so much this year. F&D Slave references were down by about 50%. Still enough to cause nausea, but not quite as "cultish" as last year.

    sweet pea:

    I bet there's a whole load of 4-10 year olds feeling so guilty, confused, ashamed and fighting their natural feelings all the time - it's the children I feel most sorry for,

    Absolutely. I'm there the whole time to help de-fuse and call Bull$h*t throughout the day. The kids now have three modes of operation at the DC.

    1. Fervent note taking to make Mom happy for the first one or two talks.

    2. Picture drawing, note-passing, whispering ridicule of the steady stream of absurdities coming from the stage.

    3. Sleeping like logs. I won't touch 'em. And Mom gave up on this about 6 months ago. Pretty much. The dirty looks from Ricky Righteous types are priceless.

    I've also already started poking holes in the new spiritual food (2 books this year) we received.


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