hi im new!

by mrbloo 48 Replies latest members private

  • emptywords

    Hello I'm new too, my biggest problem with the org is the hypocricy of the so called love.....even if some sister or brother is a proven trouble making back biting ars*hole, we have to put up with it and continue greeting him/her like they are wonderful loving people, and they cant be stopped because they have done nothing unscriptual eg; smoking adultery, you know, or they are mentally ill or mad, yet they are allowed to go out witnessing representing Jehovah and abuse the argue in front of the house holder. Just irks me.

    I was inactive for years and since I came back have had to put up with being put down, I was wondering if anyone knows if the elders get others to spy on you or ask questions and get them to report to them. I feel as if I am being watched and am under suspicion, it is very discouraging as I have done and am doing nothing to warrent this.

    Also why do they say things (elders) in conversation like they are waiting for you to bring up something, like they are indirectly enquiring, why don't they just as you straight out, I hate all this secrecy. Because I complained to someone about this insulting person, and was really upset that they had allowed this problem to exist for so long really worried me, now I am being the subject of a tirade of gossip and spin. They said they cant do anything about this person and have spoken to her many times, as she has been doing this for years, verbally abusive and tormenting, so we have to forgive and cop the insults, while she manipulates and gets away with it because she can. Also she has a brother that comes around regulary and spends hours there on their own, he being on even ten years her junior, yet the society says not to be alone with a brother, even if they are in their sixties. Yet she is quick to judge others if they say or do what she thinks in not society. I hate it, this may seem trivial to many but to me it is unfair and hypocritical, and I feel like telling them all where to go jump.

    Hi to all, and hope all is well.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Mrbloo,

    You are right, you are not alone anymore!! You asked us to give you any information that may help you. So I am giving you what I started with. The 607 issue. Here is just the begining of what I found and where I found it. Happy reading, I am sure you will find it most interesting.



    Lady Liberty

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Welcome aboard...interested to hear your insights....


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear emptywords,

    WELCOME to the forum!! I am sorry you are being treated the way that you are!! There was a time when I would have been shocked at such behavior, but there isn't much about the organization that shocks me anymore. I hope that you take the time to look into the history of the organization, as it will help you understand more fully why this kind of garbage is going on. Again welcome!! You can vent here anytime!!


    Lady Liberty

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Welcome MrBloo. Not from the UK, I'm from Oklahoma, US. But I would like to visit. When would be a good time? Maybe I could drop by next week, at this time, and we could discuss.......

  • mrbloo

    emptyword....sorry to hear that.yes they do spy on you and at all hours ive had first hand expeence of this.call the police or simply tell them to get lost! hope you are well mrbloo

  • mrbloo

    emptywords....sorry to hear that.yes they do spy on you and at all hours ive had first hand experiences of this.call the police or simply tell them to get lost! hope you are well mrbloo

  • mrbloo

    horrible life.... lol any time mate i haven't heard that in ages largely due to the fact i have a big sign that says no jw here please!

  • besty

    Welcome MrBloo and Emptywords! This is a wonderful site, watch out you could get addicted! Let's here more of your life stories, we're all rooting for you all the way.

  • tijkmo
    i get really black days.my mates who have no knowledge of the jw's say its because i worry about dying way too much

    well i get black days and its not because im afraid of dying...so i don't think that is the only issue here.

    so welcome

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