Scary Story

by KW13 17 Replies latest members private

  • KW13

    You got a scary story to top mine? they have to be TRUE and not True as in Jehovah's Witness true, i mean REALLY true.

    I was about 9, me and mum were sharing a room cos a guy called matt was staying over, his Girl Friend had kicked him out. He was a cool guy but he was a schizophrenic (he got sectioned about 3 years later).

    Anyway we were all asleep when he comes in my mums room and says REALLY quietly to her "XXXX i just had a dream about the devil". Just as he said her name someone/something at the front door screams her name loud like "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

    We went downstairs and this thing was at the front door and matt was shouting with it at the door, i remember a hand shooting through the letter box and it was just all so odd...considering what he'd been dreaming about. This hand was horrible, and he was stood a distance from the letter box yet it still nearly grabbed him.

    Lady over the road was cool with me till i told her a JW, she does ouija boards and stuff. Plus when matt went in our loft to check something for us once, he said he saw a big axe up there...when we looked there was no axe. Obviously he was a fruitcake.

    He died last year aged 28, got drunk and choked on his own vomit in Blackpool. Sad cos he was actually a nice lad.

  • stevenyc

    got drunk and choked on his own vomit in Blackpool.

    Yep, I've been to Blackpool. Nothing more scary than Blackpool.


  • KW13

    mmm scary that bit eh?

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Blackpool, home of the scary Northern Spidermen !

    Uncle Brucie's Grandmother disappeared in Blackpool!

  • noni1974

    I have weird things happen when I'm in bed.I'm not real sure if it's a dream I think I'm awake. I feel a presence like someone is on my back and my back gets cold and tingly.I can't move and I'm really scared.I can't move not even to open my eyes.All of a sudden it goes away.When it first happened I was a dub so I thought it was a demon.I was not at my house.I was at a friend's house.I thought her house was demonized.Then it happened at my house.I thought I was demonized or being followed by one.

    I never told anyone.Not even my parents I was to scared to.It dosen't happen any more.I still don't know what it was or is.It was more than likely a dream where I thought I was awake.But it scared me badly.That's my scary story.

  • ButtLight

    Nope, I dont have any scary stories! Nope, none at all!

  • ballistic

    Noni - it sounds like sleep paralysis which is fairly common. I used to get it around my mid twenties, I think it might be associated with times of stress. Because you a half in a dream state when it happens, you are able to add ideas such as demons to the experience. Me - I just felt I couldn't move and that is scary enough (partly because I also thought I was suffocating which isn't true).

  • ballistic

    Going from memory (long time ago now) - it's something related to the fact that during the dream stages of sleep, your brain shuts off part of the brain stem which stops dreams waking you up by your body acting out movements in the dream. This unusual experience consists of you becoming partly awake during the dream state, and being immediately aware that you cannot move.

  • ballistic

    Sorry another interesting fact, this state of conciousness is also almost identical to the state you need to be in to "direct" your dreams which I managed to do just once but very difficult when I didn't have the experience very often and was normally scared by it.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Where's your avatar gone ballsey?

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