New Yearbook stats for 2007 now out!

by Dogpatch 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    I have updated the graphs at jwfacts with the latest figures. There has been quite an unwarranted spike this year, so have to be somewhat dubious about the results. However, it is still well behind the growth experienced up to ten years ago.

  • penny2

    Wow, jwfacts! You must have been working through the night!

  • SirNose586

    9,105 partakers, eh? My guess was 9114. Hot damn!

    Wait, 3% increase? Uhhhh....yeah right. In 3rd world countries.

  • serendipity

    I'm having problems reading the file. How many countries with 0 growth? How does that compare to last year? Is all the growth in 'developing' countries?

  • truthsetsonefree

    No matter what little increases they have or tricks they employ to get more members it will NEVER change the fallacies on which that religion is based. And overall, I doubt that they will grow very much.


  • truthseeker

    And then there's Japan - a 0% increase.

    Although the increase was too small to be registered, they baptized over 4,000 publishers - where did they go?

    The Japanese are rumored to be the longest lived on earth, so death can't be an adequate explanation for such a decline.

  • bronzefist

    Welcome to the board notyetx......enjoyed your comments.

    These numbers only have a meaning to the average hall chair filler. If this brings them some sort of joy at this time of year that's ok. Give it time..........discouragement is rampant at most halls.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Or I only think I have an explanation for the statistical increase of 3%... This is speculative, but hear me out. At the time I wondered about this...

    I don't have the records on hand, but starting about a year ago, a new box appeared on the report that congregation secretaries submit to hindquarters, er, I mean headquarters. In addition to the table layout for total hours, literature, return visits, bible studies, and report count of slips for the month for publishers, pioneers, and aux. pios., a separate new box appeared titled "Congregation Members - Active Publishers". Consequently, in addition to the number of active publishers for that one month, there was now a number turned in each month for the number of active publishers for the last 6 months, that would be a higher number. For example, in bOrgville congregation, for the month of December, the secretary received 52 publisher reports, 1 aux pio, and 4 reg pio reports. The total number of reports would be 57. However, the new box asking for the number of active publishers would receive the higher number of 62, since the 3 of the Fader family haven't reported in the last five months (consequently are 'irregular' and not yet 'inactive' until next "month six". At which time, the elders will try frantically to get them out at least one month before the CO returns and chews them out {both the elders and inactive... but mostly the elders, usually}), and in December a couple oldtimers had strokes, couldn't speak, and had no field service time (the Satan worshipping heathens). So, if WTBTS now uses 62 for the publisher count instead of the traditional 57 active publisher for the month, ta-da, instant increase... although no increase exists. The thing I would find surprising would be that using that statistic, I would think the publisher count would be up more like 8%.

    I don't know, I hate to speculate, or go beyond what the Faithful and Discreet Slave has written. Oh, um, nevermind. I'm officially speculating without approval here. At the time that box appeared, I wondered why it was there. The next problem would be that next year the artificial peak wouldn't be new and would level off again to more like the 1.3% again.

    Sorry I don't have time to research, but I wonder if a number game like this would be revealed in the total hours. The last CO visits have really pushed more hours, more hours, more hours.

  • jwfacts

    There are 30 countries with 0% or negative growth. Another 24 had 1%. Therefore 54 countries (out of 206 shown) - one quarter - grew less than the global population growth rate.

    Although JWs will sit there gleefully discussing the surge in growth, lets not lose sight of reality. 100,000,000 people were born last year, and according to Watchtower doctrine there is now 100,000,000 less then 200,000 additional publishers that God is now going to destroy at Armageddon. The Watchtower growth rate is just an insignificant blip in the scheme of things.

  • BurnTheShips

    Maybe we should send Danny Haszard to Brooklyn with a few cans of pepper spray and get the TRUTH.

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