JW's campaign of intimidation

by IT Support 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Two days ago the Toronto Star carried a story titled "Rights essential to our heritage."


    (Based on what has been said about eBay links, I guess you'll have to copy the link and paste it into your browser...)

    In part, the article stated:

    In 1916, Wilfrid Laurier campaigned for a "regime of tolerance" for francophones in Ontario and John Diefenbaker later did the same for the religious rights of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    In view of Quotes' recent problems with WT Canada, I felt it couldn't go without comment, and sent the following letter to the editor (after first checking, of course, with Quotes that he didn't mind any publicity, if it was printed):

    Jehovah's Witnesses' campaign of intimidation


    Re: 'Rights essential to our heritage' by Thomas S. Axworthy Feb. 22, 2005 01:00 AM


    I refer to the above article which mentions John Diefenbaker's campaign for religious tolerance and the rights of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    So it is a pity that Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada (Jehovah's Witnesses legal corporation) does not extend the same tolerance to those who disagree with their unorthodox beliefs, and engages in intimidatory tactics in an effort to gag opposing opinions.

    For some time now Watch Tower solicitors around the world have been involved in a campaign to shut down web sites that present valuable information about the history, doctrines and practices of the Watchtower religion, information that is not known by the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    One of the most valuable of these sites is Watchtower Society Quotes ( http://quotes.watchtower.ca ). It presents well-researched, thematic quotes--directly from Watch Tower publications--detailing many now-embarrassing, hypocritical and downright dangerous doctrines of this destructive cult.

    Thus last month the Watch Tower's Georgetown solicitors served a 'cease and desist' notice on the site owner and his web hosting company, alleging copyright infringement ( http://quotes.watchtower.ca/admin-news.htm#2005.01.27 ).

    As the Quotes' solicitor's reply shows ( http://quotes.watchtower.ca/admin-news.htm#2005.02.11 ), Watch Tower's claims are overreaching and misinterpret copyright and intellectual property law.

    Since the Watch Tower's solicitors clearly must realise their claims are unfounded, it is reasonable to conclude that their misrepresentation is deliberate and their purpose is to intimidate the Quotes' web site owner, his web hosting company and domain name registrar into pulling down the site under threat of potentially expensive legal action.

    Simply put, it is the old story of the big, bad multi-national corporation attempting to bully the little guy into submission.

    Furthermore, and perhaps most important, the position taken by Watch Tower Canada is ironic at best, and hypocritical at worst.

    Watch Tower likes to boast of itself as a defender of freedom and speech and expression. Yet the very same Georgetown solicitors who have in the past won legal battles to establish Jehovah's Witnesses' freedom of expression in both Canada and the USA are now trying to stifle that same freedom of expression for others.

    Watch Tower further claims that their "kingdom message" is "urgent" and "life saving." Yet with this 'cease and desist' notice, they are attempting to quash both free expression and free examination of that very same "life saving" message.

    Why does Watch Tower not tolerate free examination of their message?

    Why will Watch Tower not extend the same tolerance to others as was shown to them by John Diefenbaker?


    Ken Smith

    P.S. Apart from supporting the aims of and work done by this web site, I have no connection whatsoever with it or its proprietor.

    Does anyone read the Toronto Star daily who can let us know if it is printed?

    Does anyone else want to write to the editor?


    Very good letter!


  • Mary

    What an excellent letter! I know there's been a few others on here who have written to the media asking the same questions: Why are the leaders of the WTS denying freedom of religion and freedom of speech to it's own members when they fought so hard to establish these same freedoms for themselves?

    I would LOVE for CNN, Dateline, 20/20 or any other major media corporation to invite members of the Governing Body for an interview to ask them this very question. While I'm sure they would "decline" to be interviewed, it certainly wouldn't make them look too "Christ-like" in front of the world.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Very good letter, ITS. I hope it gets some attention!


  • Neo

    IT Support,

    That's an excellent letter. Concise and to the point. You didn't miss a perfect chance to expose the deep contradiction and hypocrisy of the WT. What's the problem with a few quotes in a Web site when this printing company has published thousands of pages? They are only embarassing themselves and making it easier to expose their double standards.

    Thanks, Ken!

  • observador


    very good job!!! These hypocrites have to learn a lesson...


  • Neo

    *** w00 2/15 p. 29 Cyril Lucaris?A Man Who Valued the Bible ***

    Once again, the ruling ecclesiastical class suppressed efforts to make God?s Word available to their flock. They violently silenced a voice that pointed to some of the errors of their non-Biblical beliefs. They proved to be among the worst enemies of religious freedom and truth. Sadly, this is a stance that in various ways survives even to our day. It is a sobering reminder of what happens when clergy-instigated intrigues stand in the way of freedom of thought and expression.

  • seattleniceguy

    Waytago, Ken!


  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Thank you for your comments.

    If you think it's worthwhile, would anyone else like to also write to the editor?

  • seattleniceguy

    I'll write.


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