Who is Ted Jaracz and why is he so disliked?

by imallgrowedup 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • imallgrowedup

    Just wondering who this guy is - can anyone help?!


  • cruzanheart

    He's a member of the Governing Body at the headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. He is kind of the head of the whole dog-and-pony show up there, and is very controlling, unloving, mean and dictatorial, as evidenced by all the rules that come down to the lowly congregation members. I remember him as a district overseer when I was a kid in California, and he wasn't just a barrel of laughs back then either. There are allegations floating around that he has been (and perhaps still is) involved in child abuse personally.

    I think to most on this board, he represents all that is bad about the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.


  • Euphemism

    growedup... if you read Crisis of Conscience, you'll see that Jaracz was usually voting for the hard line (although he isn't a prominent figure in the book).

    I haven't known a Bethelite who had anything good to say about Jaracz. Usually, even the weird or eccentric GB members will at least be viewed somewhat fondly. All I've heard about Ted Jaracz and his wife are stories of rudeness.

  • Sunnygal41

    Euphemism...............you mean to say someone married that miserable old Codger????????????????? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~


  • Englishman

    TJ's appearance on the Panorama programme about child molestation showed him to be a complete control freak with his weasely words. His reply of "You know, you're British aren't you.." was pure dodging.


  • gumby

    He's the offspring of Rutherford and Hitler...........they were lovers ya know?


  • sf


    I was quite shocked to see this questions author. Of all your research on the WTBTS, you do not know of this man?

    I find that very stunning. But that is just me.

    Use google lady and type in : 'governing body theodore ted jaracz'. For good measure, add: 'barbara anderson' to the keywords.

    Happy trails!


  • gumby

    I love allgrowedup and frankly have always admired her wisdom.......but I must say......I was thinking the same thing as sKally


  • metatron

    Seen Mr.Burns on the Simpsons?

    Theodore Jaracz is the one man who will bring the Watchtower Society to ruin.

    For those of us who wish to see this sick and ugly cult wrecked, he's the answer to our prayers.

    His plan is simple: Stonewalling instead of honesty

    Meanspiritedness instead of charity

    Defiance instead of apology

    Coldheartedness instead of love

    I fully support his efforts to bring about change in the organization

    ..with a view towards destroying it.

    metatron ( go get 'em, Boss!)

  • IT Support
    IT Support
    growedup... if you read Crisis of Conscience, you'll see that Jaracz was usually voting for the hard line (although he isn't a prominent figure in the book).

    Apparently the reason is that he then wasn't an influential member of the GB.

    However, in the backlash caused by the Ray Franz 'situation,' he gained a prominence his abilities never deserved and that he never had before.

    Now, if anyone even thinks of trying to change things or be more compassionate, TJ quietly but menacingly says to them, "You're not trying to do a Ray, are you?"

    Just what I've heard...


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