Did being a witness bring out the best or worst?

by freedom96 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    A person years ago made a comment to me, about witnesses. They said that in their opinion, being a witness brought out the extreme in a person.

    For example, if they were untrusting, they would trust less.

    If they were vindictive by nature, they would become more hateful and vindictive.

    If they were kind and loving, they would even be more so.

    Basically, whatever type of person they were, being a witness would intensify that persona.

    Have you found that to be true? To yourself, to others around you? Maybe you knew someone before they came a witness. Did they become more extreme in their viewpoints?

  • IronGland

    It brought out my inner door to door salesman.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Although generalities may be unfair, it does seem to me, after more than 40 years of association, that the JW experience does tend to denigrate emotional spontanaeity, especially the expression of affection. Withn the narrow JWE world, the inability to respect opposing points of view and the conviction, often unspoken, that since everyone but the JWs are going to die at Armageddon, fosters considerable self-centeredness and insensitivity to human suffering. The repeated warnings that even amongst the members of a congregation, dangers lurk from being ``pulled down'' by weak ones, engenders mistrust and even paranoia. Nor is the downplayng of indivuduality and attainment particularly heathful to the development of emotional maturity.

  • WildHorses

    It brought out the worst in me as far as my kids go. I was a bitch to them. I didn't want to spank them as the jws sugested so instead I yelled at them constantly to try to make them change into good little dub children. I look back and am ashamed of myself.

  • freedom96

    Inner door to door salesman! Thats great IronGland!

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I guess it depends!

    Worst case : I am, by nature, very organized and orderly. So, within the Organizational Functions of the WT Society, I was extreme. Everything I did was to the tee (ahead of time, and in human standards, "perfect"). This included everything that I was assigned to do. Accounts, Territory, Sound/Stage, Magazines...etc. The friends in the Hall started to call me "Brother Exerting Vigorously". [However, that label has now changed]. I even got to the point of straightening up the chairs at the Kingdom Hall before the meeting started so that they were perfectly lined up. [Sick, huh! ]

    Best case : I always felt that others deserved more than I did. So, I was always there to lend a helping hand to the "brotherhood" both in and out of the congregation meetings. Helping elderly ones with their yards, coordinating activites for the "youths", donating my material resources to those in need....ya' know. Believe me, this was done out of all sincerity for their well-being. I wasn't not "selling" myself.

    Then came the time when I realized that I was starting to become a "warped" person. Burned Out and Disillusioned! Now doing the "submerge"!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It's true what was said - to be careful of how you hear the word


    So how do they hear?

    for to Him who has, more will be given - self-exalting/earnt, judgemental views

    and to him who has not, even the little he has is taken away - love and kindness


    In careful hearing

    for to Him who has, more will be given - love and kindness

    and to him who has not, even the little he has is taken away - the haughty expectancy


    The amplification of life that the word brings makes ex-jws. The ex-jws are those that end up saying, "It seems that either you or I made some kind of mistake here God. Is that really what You said ?"

    But they had been listening to the wts - it's just that the wts said they were God.


    Edited by - a paduan on 22 November 2002 21:25:19

  • Dia

    Knowing that you're better than everybody makes you an asshole.

  • Sangdigger

    I think many people take advantage of thier jobs or careers in much the same way as people in a religious org. For example: The security guard at the local bank, or small town city cop who because he brandishes a badge, he can now boss everyone around, or your local dub elder who pulls you to the back room because he seen something he didnt like.

    Really in the long run, i think its who you are to begin with. Personally, i think it made me extra judgemental of other people in and out of the borg.

  • Scarlet

    I can't really say that it brought out the worst in me but I can't say it brought out the best in me. I don't think I was ever me when I was a JW. I was raised in the religion and never allowed to be a real person. I had to live up to standards set in front of me. I feel like I am finally free to be me and that is why I am so happy to be out. I know if it had brought out the best in me why would I be here? Wouldn't I still be a Witness? I am here because something made me wonder about my inner self and happiness.

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