Brain Washing

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Have we been brain washed, when we studied with the Jehovah Witnesses? Call it brainwash or mind control, have we been exposed to this kind of treatment? So many meetings a week, and so much reading to do, having no time to think for ourselves, and not realize what we were actually doing. Could the Watchtower be using this technique on us, and we were unaware?

  • JH
  • freedom96

    If one were to do deep research on the subject, they would find that absolutely the WTS uses brainwashing techniques.

    Do they do it intentionally and knowingly? Don't know, and I would like to think not. But they sure have not given themselves any creditbility on other things, so the scary answer to that very well may be, yes.

  • nativenyr23

    well if its not brainwashing, it's certainly VERY SUBTLE (or not so subtle) MANIPULATION.

  • heathen

    The websters definition does suggest that the WT uses brainwashing.- To effect a radical change in belief through intensive indoctrination

  • Realist

    interesting question.

    i would say a kid growing up with this nonsense has little chance to avoid brainwashing...but how a normal adult can fall for this crap is beyond can any adult come to the conclusion that this is the real Truth???

  • LB

    You bet it's brainwashing. Same old studies day after day. After all if you kept repeating the sky is green eventually you would believe exactly that. A good test to see if the brainwashing is effective is to then have new light and see if people believe that the sky is actually yellow.

  • blondie

    All I know that it is very hard to change your "theocratic" vocabulary, such as saying "in the truth."


  • Gopher

    Realist asked

    how can any adult come to the conclusion that this is the real Truth???
    I submit that anyone, even adults, can get "persuaded" at certain emotionally vulnerable points in their life, or when they've been disillusioned by something else. The propaganda about a "new world order soon to come" and "paradise soon for the righteous" can spark HOPE, though not well-founded.

    And HOPE is what is a main motivator for people! HOPE is what keeps us going. Without HOPE, we're hopeless (goes without saying). So for those who don't have hope or who have recently been disillusioned, when the JW's come calling they may go with the program of relentless propaganda and love-bombing and turn into a borg recruit.

    After we're here on the outside, only then is when it all seems so foolish. Hindsight is 20-20.


    Thirty years of total brainwashing, - didn't think I was a person who could be hoodwinked so cleverly, the biggest problem, looking back, is that when you did research you were using THEIR material, it's only when I looked at the outside sources, did I realise how duped I had been. It took me many months, (like possibly many others who are reading this material), before I participated in this forum.

    I have read the comments of many nice people, yet before leaving the Organisation, it had been ingrained in me, that these were apostates. NO WAY!


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