We see things the way we want to see them

by kenpodragon 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    The other night I was at my in-laws house for dinner. They are both Jehovah's Witnesses and try every now and then to plant some thoughts in our heads to get us concerned. This night was no exception, with small words and phrases popping up through the evening. With all that is happening in the news, there is always a story or two that can fulfill their many prophesies. They mentioned the sniper attacks, the troubled economy and the possible war with Iraq. They were mentioning that we live in "uncertain times" and the end could happen at any time. My wife and I kept quiet and let their thoughts fall on deaf ears. I could tell this was frustrating them, and then my father-in-law spoke up and said, "how can you not see what is happening as a sign of the end?" To which I responded, "How can you see everything that happens as a sign of the end?" You see what I have learned in my life, is that people really just see things the way they want to see them. When I was a Witness and preaching door-to-door regularly. I honestly listened to the news thinking that this story I was watching was another sign that the end was upon us. I remember being in a earthquake once and immediately thinking, "this is another sign that the day of Armageddon was even closer." Very few things went by without me wanting to see some sort of reason to apply it to all of the prophesies that we were reading about in the Watchtower and Awake. That murder was caused by Satan, that landside was demons, and basically anything happening was just another sign of the end, and Satan's influence behind them. It seemed so normal then, but what about know? Sometimes I have to remember that relatives still in the religion still think this way. I have to remind myself of this, as I sometimes feel my positive outlook on things offends their negative anticipation about everything they read and learn about. When I see and read about the news, I do not see only evil and terrible things on the horizon. I see that there is today what their has always been in this world, people who like to do harm to others. That there are natural disasters, and famines and huge forest fires. Yet none of these are really anything new, that could not find a sister event on smaller scale in the ancient past. The reason they make such a big impression today when compared to ancient times, is really very simple in my mind. Their are more people on this planet, and more places where people live. Thus if a earthquake takes place, or a war is involved. It only stands to reason that a few more people are going to be harmed, killed or affected in some way. I call that type of thinking rational logic. What then is the Witness view of my wife's parents?

    I think the Witnesses use the news and current events as a means of feeling good about the things they have doubts about in their heads. They might see that something the religion is doing is wrong, or that something is mistaken. Yet they feel fear in how everything around them is linked to some warning, and thus they stay quiet and hope that things get better soon. The only thing I find disturbing in this thinking, "that destruction will offer up some sort of mental healing to their anguishing life." Is that is the same type of thought that people have when they think about suicide in this life. The suicidal person will see everything that is happening as one more reason why they need to take their life, they will look for reasons for depression while telling themselves that they are not doing such a thing. In the end, they are a weakened person who has a hard time looking for a reason to live again. So to me the term "that we see things the way we want to see them" is very truthful of my Witness life. When I was in I wanted to see horrible things, so that I felt my religion was right. I felt some sort of sick joy in thinking that these terrible events meant that the day was soon upon us when God would slaughter billions in our sight and all the while we would be smiling. Does that make the Witnesses a organization of suicidal emotional thoughts. Whether it does or not, the thoughts they dwell on can not be of any benefit mentally to get some sort of sick pleasure out of the worlds hurt or destruction. So as I stared into the eyes of my father-in-law as he asked me that question, "how can you not see what is happening as a sign of the end?" I really felt a bit of sadness that he could ask that question, but never understand my response. Do you know how this feels? My thought Dragon

    Edited by - kenpodragon on 21 October 2002 21:36:41

  • Pathofthorns

    I just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading your posts lately. This one reminded me of something my mother asked me after I had told her I was concerned over things regarding this religion. She asked with all honesty "who else has a faithful and discreet slave?" and I just couldn't believe the sheer desperation for reasons to believe.

    I think few people really let the facts and evidence lead them to conclusions and that they do believe what they want to. When their beliefs constantly fail them, hopefully they will one day be honest with themselves. Even after leaving the JW's, sometimes it is still hard to question and critically evaluate your beliefs and admit that you still believe things for no other reason than you want to.


  • Scorpion

    "So to me the term "that we see things the way we want to see them" is very truthful of my Witness life."


    Very true Kenpodragon. As a Witness I saw what the WT wanted me to see and refused to see anything else that was contrary to WT teaching. To be in such a state of denial to facts that contradict your beliefs and allow such control over your life makes one a puppet in action and thought.

    ///////////////// "So as I stared into the eyes of my father-in-law as he asked me that question, "how can you not see what is happening as a sign of the end?" I really felt a bit of sadness that he could ask that question, but never understand my response. Do you know how this feels? //////////////////// Yes. I enjoyed your thoughts kenpodragon Scorpion

  • mpatrick


    Your post reminded me of one of my favorite quotes...

    "we do not see the world as it is, we see the world as we are. . ." Anais Nin

    This quote was a real eye opener for me and how I view the world now and how I viewed it as a JW.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Here's my favourite..."Critical Times hard to deal with are here" This is my mother's answer for everything that goes wrong in the world.

    It is easy to feel saddness for our relatives when we see them so locked into their jw way of thinking. I look at my mother and grandmother and feel a sense of saddness that they are living out their lives waiting for their reward...a paradise earth. I know that likewise they look at me with saddness knowing that I won't be there with them in this paradise. Truth is, I have the life I want...and I am living it now...whereas they are waiting for their lives to begin...but there's not a lot we can do about it except accept their choice knowing that they are happy with it.


  • Kenneson

    Thanks for you input Dragon. Excellent post.

    If only JWs could see that every age has its doom-day prophets and ours is no different. If they would only realize that communications are infinitely faster than they ever were. So that if a disaster or a crime, etc. occurs it can now be known almost immediately. That doesn't mean there weren't crimes, disasters and wars in the past. It only took longer for people to become aware of them.

    So then, are events and situations really worse today than they ever were as Jws postulate? I found some revealing articles that our readership might like to peruse at http://watchtowerobserver.org In the left- hand corner scroll down to "Doctrine." Under that heading click on "Prophecies." Then look for "Is Today's 'Increasing of Lawlessness Unprecedented?' " When you are finished that one go back to the page with the article "Earthquakes and Historical Facts." At the bottom of the page are Related Articles. This article has 5 parts. When finished with those go back to the article "Peace and Security." Also, at the bottom of the page are Related Articles. Make sure you read "The Last Days in the 14th Century." That article deals with Wars, Pestilence (the Black Death), Earthquakes, Crime and Famine. It may take you a while to read all that but it is well worthwhile.

    The J.W. view of things is not the only one.

  • Kenneson
  • shera

    I recall using the earthquake and the recter scale,in trying to prove the end is close...lol,when I think of it I realize how silly I must have sounded.One man at the door just looked at me and said how can you prove the end is close because of how powerful the earthqukes are..LOL LOL!!!!


  • SixofNine
    So as I stared into the eyes of my father-in-law as he asked me that question, "how can you not see what is happening as a sign of the end?" I really felt a bit of sadness that he could ask that question, but never understand my response.

    I suspect he understands your response perfectly. Or at least he can if he gives himself even an inch of leeway to think about it. It was a good response. I certainly agree with your premise. It pains me greatly however, to see people leave the Borg, and now, instead of unconciously "seeing things the way we want to see them", they merely accept that as a human inclination, and decide that now, they will conciously "see things the way we want to see them". Kinda like, "cool, I'll not just rebel against the org, I'll rebel against intelligence too!". Striving to see things the way they are is so freeing. Unless someone used a calibrated measuring device, the glass is never half full or half empty. Deal with it.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    There's a lot more where that came from.

    I'd assume that being jws, they see themselves as being the world's finer examples of who is "good" too.

    • even though they watch people on tele turning to crime because of poverty, and say "they're so bad, jehovah will punish them" - then go and buy a new tele for a bigger clearer picture of it all.
    • even though they comfortably live on (own) land that was taken from murdered native Americans - bought and payed for - from this "evil system".
    • even though they talk of how jehovah will get rid of pollution, but it's actually them! - their own lifestyle ranks as the most pollutive type in the world

    I don't know if they see - what they want, what they can, what they're taught or what they're threatened to - but they certainly see it different to other people.


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