Jehovah witnesses DESTROY happy families!

by D wiltshire 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Jehovah witnesses destroy many otherwise happy families by their cruel and inhumane shunning.
    The Bryant families(CA.& OR) are a very real example of how shunning as ENFORCED by elders and the Watchtower really messes up what could otherwise be happy families.
    Will those fat heads on the Governing body ever stop and think about how their sad and tragic misuse of shunning has led to untold suffering for so so many people,.. people who they owe,... no, people who they should feel love and compassion for because they have trusted them with their lives.

    There is all kinds of wickedness in this world and I think the Governing body is right up there close the the most wicked by their use of manipulation though LIES and GUILT. One day I'm sure they will be held accountable.

    Oh God please bring their own wickedness crashing back on their own heads, because they keep tearing your people to pieces with their lies and the SHUNNING of innocent people, please bring their own form of wickedness crashing back on their own heads.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • dungbeetle

    >Oh God please bring their own wickedness crashing back on their own heads<

    The wheels are in motion, believe you me!!!


    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • cornish

    Family life is what many hold to be the most precious thing in their life and no one wants to loose their family,that is why they continue to use it as a blackmail tool,people are so scared of loosing ordanairy things like seeing grandchildren,family get togethers,family support etc.
    I mean to many it would be no worse to put a gun to the head and be shot than be rejected the family,and have them walk right past and shun you.

  • Yadirf


    I mean to many it would be no worse to put a gun to the head and be shot than be rejected the family,and have them walk right past and shun you.
    I’m sad to have to acknowledge that I know of just such a case, although I don’t know ALL the details surrounding it. I can’t say that I know specifically what the son who committed suicide was disfellowshipped for, but apparently he had no regrets for his sin. I’m a little suspicious that he was gay, since he had been old enough to be married for several years and was living with another man. Was he really gay? I can’t say, since out of respect for the parents feelings I’ve never inquired … and never will.

    If he was gay I’m sure he knew he was living out of harmony with what the Bible says, and knowing his parents I know that he had a good upbringing along with having been studied with throughout his formative years.

    Of course Jesus said that divisions would occur as a result of some family members accepting their responsibility to live righteous lives while other members chose to live irresponsibly. Whose at fault when this happens, the wise one or the foolish one?

    Doesn’t the division that Jesus spoke of suggest a breakup?

    An example: Let’s suppose that you knew a thief that said to you that he didn’t care if stealing was wrong. That he would always practice stealing in spite of it being wrong - - the rest of his life - - because he just DIDN’T CARE. And as years wore by he lived up to his every word. What do you think? Would you continue to speak to such a person … thereby winking at the willfully, unregretful wrong practice? Don’t you think that under the circumstances you would be condoning his bad practice if you befriended him in such a way? Would you REALLY shun an incorrigible thief? I’ll bet if the truth were known that at least a few here on this forum know of someone whom they wouldn’t give the time of day to, unless such person changed their ways.

    What if the person was MY son? Would I still do the same thing? To be consistent would I not have to - - IF - - I knew for a certainty that he had been properly taught, and understood the difference between right and wrong, but in spite of such he refused to listen to reason. What if my son, because he couldn't live with people not liking him due to the person he chose to be, surprised everyone by killing himself? Yes, purely because he refused to hate lawlessness he killed himself. Would that really be the fault of me and others?

    Personally, there is no question but what I would give my very life for my sons ... with but one exception ... and that's unless they've made a time-tested, incorrigible decision to no longer care about life (which equates with respecting the Life-giver, and his righteous laws in order to obtain it). Boy, it would be extremely hard being faced with a situation like that. I really feel for any who have been there, I mean particularly when it involves a person’s own offspring like I explained up above. I feel so sorry for their son too, that he had to pay such a high price. Will their boy come back in the resurrection? I see no reason why not. Why so? Because under Christ’s Kingdom, a period in which mankind will be leaning towards living longer and longer rather than death being the order of the day, he might develop a better appreciation for the value of life under righteous conditions and have a change of heart.

    I will be so glad when God's Kingdom saves the human race from all this mess. Then all this sadness will be in the past.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    Typical of JWs, you excel at ``filling in the blanks'' so as to justify the perpetuation of an indefensible policy that metes out but one punishment for a host of offenses irrespective of their gravity. In other words, it's death-- or its spiritual equivalent for everything from spitting on the sidewalk to murder.

    Abetted by judicial systems that accord freedom of action to religions who deny the same to their members, local elders, too often totally unqualified, have carte blanche to batter their flock into submission with impunity.

    In some cases, members rebel and break free. In others they buckle under, going through the motions in order to retain their precious family relationships; in still others, perhaps in the case of Bryant they suffer severe psychological scarring and react in a number of tragically self-destructive ways.

    To me, the most galling aspect of this is the nagging suspicion that all of this ham-fisted shunnng would evaporate --poof! with just one legal plaintiff's victory carryng a stiff monetary judgement agains the WTBTS and the locals alike. You'ld see how fast ``flashes of New Light'' from the throne would illuminate the Faithful and Discreet Slave toward greater mercy and compassion -- all draped in a suitably somber Watchtower language, of course-- replete with abundant proof texts.

  • Celia

    You give the example of in incorrigible thief, one who will do that during all his life...
    I would avoid such a person myself, for sure, if he was just an acquaintance, not so sure i would do the same if he was my son !
    But that's not the point I want to make.
    JWs. are DF and shunned for questioning the rules of the Watch Tower Society, their interpretations of the Bible, for smoking...
    and many other insignificant reasons.
    I would never shun (avoid) my son because he is smoking, or because he speaks up his mind...
    The Society destroys happy families...

  • waiting

    Hello Yadirf,

    "Yardif" for some reason, is easier to keep in mind.

    An example: Let’s suppose that you knew a thief that said to you that he didn’t care if stealing was wrong.
    Let's suppose that you know a person that said he didn't care if stealing was wrong. That was his opinion - and it was different from the accepted teachings of the WTBTS. And he spoke those words openly to other people.

    ? Would you continue to speak to such a person … thereby winking at the willfully, unregretful wrong practice?
    Would you continue to speak to such a person? Would the elders? Would they "wink" at the willfull speaking in opposition of Jehovah's Organization?

    Don’t you think that under the circumstances you would be condoning his bad practice if you befriended him in such a way?
    Yes, if I were still a faithful jw. One of the latest WT studies told all faithful jw's not to trust our families, our brother and sisters who have independent thought. We're not to even trust our own conclusions if they disagree with Jehovah's Organization.

    Would you REALLY shun an incorrigible thief?
    Would you REALLY shun an incorrigible person who speaks his thoughts and opinions - even if they don't agree with Jehovah's Organization?

    One of the problems with shunning is that it's used for such things as smoking a cigarette to thieves. From expressing doubt in a jw teaching to murder. From accepting a life-saving blood transfusion for your child to known repeated beating of that same child. Well, child beating is not necessarily a disfellowshipping offence.

    Of course, people select who they wish to associate with - it's a freedom. The WTBTS takes away that freedom and enforces punishments for those who don't comply. True example: A person can be df'd for having dinner with a family member (who doesn't live at home). The crime of the df'd son? Having premarital sex 15 years ago. Of course, he's now been married for 14 years with 2 children, but that doesn't matter - he's still to be shunned by all jw's - including his parents, brother & sister.

    And his jw family "did just so." Still do.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi again,

    Another point JW apolgists and proponents of their shunning polices miss totally is that, as originally laid out in the Scriptures, the practice was intended to forcibly remove -- expel -- from the congregation certain disturbers of the peace an spirit WHO HAD NO INTENTION OF LEAVING ON THEIR OWN but sought to persist in their divisive ways. And in any case, such action was an agenda item
    True Scriptural congregational discipline was never intended to punish those who for reasons of their own opted to quietly walk away. Upon any evenutal change of heart, these latter would without question be welcomed back without having to grovel at the feet of the elders.

  • Frenchy

    Witnesses miss the point of disfellowshipping. They are told, and consequently accept without question, that it’s for 1) To keep the congregation clean, and 2) to move the sinner to repentance. The truth of the matter is that it is a ‘big stick’ that is held over the heads of the flock to keep them in submission, not unlike ‘Babylon’s’ hellfire.

    Let’s look at the first stated reason. Here is a true case (not hypothetical, these people really do exist) that illustrates my point. Two girls, cousins, grow up in JW homes. Both become notoriously promiscuous. One has the misfortune to have allowed herself to be pressured into baptism, the other was much more shrewd (as were her parents inasmuch as they saw what was happening). One is disfellowshipped while the other one cannot be for obvious reasons. One is not only accepted with open arms in the Kingdom Hall (hell, she’s even invited to come!) while the other one is shunned like a leper. They are both associated with the Witnesses inasmuch as few worldly people are able to make the fine distinction (or understand the significance thereof) of being baptized or not. One is being punished one is being excused. Why is that? Are they not both guilty of the same bad conduct? Are they not both aware of the wrong?

    Number 2. If you die while you are disfellowshipped and you have made no effort to indicate some tendency to return, Witnesses will be instructed NOT to conduct your funeral. Now my question is this: How does that fulfill either of the two stated reasons for disfellowshipping? It does not. It’s a punitive action and it’s wrong!

  • Bang

    I think under certain conditions, shunning can be used to good purpose.
    When someone will simple not hear what is already known at heart (a down to earth, humble truth), to persist in a proud hatred and dumb scoffing, as found with JWs, what else can you do but refrain from speaking more about it - they're gonna do the evil their intent on - it'll be a teaching for them.

    However, JWs have realised that shunning is a tool, just like scriptures, and so they've used this tool to perpetrate a pride, saying with a high hand that which comes from doubt, to the extent of sacrificing their own family members for their own gain.

    I'll have to admit that I shun and have shunned, because I'm not sure how else to deal with the hatred of some JWs and others I've encountered. I know that Christ also came to a point with some people whereby He didn't speak further but suffered the evil they were intent on.

    With JWs, I shun their ways. I simply won't go along with them and I let them know it.


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