WTS Plan to Improve Stats

by Marvin Shilmer 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    It looks like the WTS finally put 2 and 2 together on the US Branch’s failing statistics over the past few years, particularly the years 97 - 01. What happened?

    In the latter part of 1996 COs instructed elders that congregation bookstudy conductors (soon to be officially called "Congregation Bookstudy Overseers) should not initially ask congregation publishers for their field service time reports. Instead, each congregation should have a small box so that publishers could "shoulder their own responsibility by turning in time of their own accord," by voluntarily putting their report slip into this box. Bookstudy conductors were advised that they should only ask a publisher for his time if the secretary found the time had not been turned in. When conductors did this they usually told the publisher to just turn the time in at the end of the following month, and this usually does not work very well. So, though the practice of having bookstudy conductors directly collect time slips was used in many, many congregations in the USA to help "get all the reports," this was not an officially mandated practice, and with the 1996 CO visits elder bodies were told to stop the practice. The reason, though, that so many congregation had invoked this program was because they got more reports by this direct personal collection of time slips.

    Interestingly, one of the reasons given for this 1996 directive to stop this personal collection of time slips was that having publishers turn in their field service reports without compulsion from an elder would support the idea of publishers wanting to turn in field slips rather than having to do so. Well, now this is all about to change.

    At the current km school elders are being told that beginning early in 2002 they will make a change to having field service report slips collected by bookstudy overseers. These men are instructed to do whatever it takes to collect these reports by calling publishers or talking to them personally so as to elicit the time slip. I cannot help but wonder what this intimidation move will do to bolster failing service report numbers.

    This maximum collection effort does not stop their, either. Starting at the same time (early 2002) elders are to begin having one on one conversations with elderly inactive publishers about turning in just 15 minutes of time, in order to have them counted as publishers. In the km schools elders are even being told to go into nursing homes where elderly inactive publishers are now living, and talk with them about turning in their 15 minutes of time, time that could be the least little thing of displaying a brochure in their room for an oxygen therapist or orderly (they need not even open their months and speak!). Since many of these older ones are invalids, elders are instructed to go pick their time up personally so they will understand the need to do so and the time and, more importantly, the publisher can be counted.

    Pretty pathetic. At km school they called this "a loving provision from the faithful slave." As an aside they mentioned that this technique had improve the statistical average of publishers by 1.6% in one pilot branch. This increase was called "a loving provision from Jehovah."

    Shriners have a saying: "A man never stood so tall that stooped to help a child."

    How does this one sound: "An elder never stood so tall that stooped to squeeze their old and invalid to bolster failing statistics!"



    HEY Marvin,this is pretty outrageous information.Where did you find it?..MERRY CHRISTMAS...OUTLAW

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hi, Outlaw!

    Where did I find this information? The 1996 stuff came from CO outlines for elder meetings. All elders in attendance during that round got the info. The rest comes the km schools for elders going on right now in the US branch.

  • ISP

    Yes this will happen..........but av. hours should suffer! Baptisms and Bible studies, memorial attendance should continue the tailspin in the Western world and Japan!


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello Marvin:

    How does this one sound: "An elder never stood so tall that stooped to squeeze their old and invalid to bolster failing statistics!"

    I have to say that every day I keep finding out more about how low they will stoop. This one is appalling but certainly not surprising.

    The only good thing is that now, those in a nursing home like my mother, will at least get a visit once a month from someone from the congregation. For all the years of association and service she's had, she only has us, her family, visiting her, much like many others who need to be in a nursing home.

    The WTS's whole motivation for this "time collecting" tactic shouts a loud and clear message of desperation on their part. Its actually good to see them scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas in how to make the numbers go up again.

    We may have to listen to them crow about any rise in statistics for awile, but any rise will only be temporary until the r&f get fed up from being bullied more, I'm sure.

    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    This makes me happy.I'm glad they're worried

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    I agree, ISP!

    Not only that, but this move should only help the statistical average of publishers for only a year or two. This is not only a shoddy move, it a shoddy plan because it is so shortsighted.


    Thanks Marvin...OUTLAW

  • ISP

    What they need to do is to stop the reporting. Then no one would know anything...seems to suit their mindset in so much of what they do anyway!


  • r51785

    More and more they sound like a sales organization -- management is to have one on one discussions with poor performers; pilot programs at branch offices to increase sales performance yielding a 1.6% increase. What's next, will they hold a sales contest and give plaques to the highest performers?

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