My Crazy Aunt

by mrsjones5 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    So I'm talking to my mother last night and she tells me what's beening happening since Mom and Dad arrived back home from their trip to visit me and the family. Mom needed someone to watch the house and kinda oversee the nurse that would be taking care of my disabled brother, the only person she could find to do this was my father's youngest sister Pinky (her childhood nickname). Pinky is a fair weather jw (but aren't most of them? ) and I'm not even sure if she ever got baptised but she claims to be a jw. Pinky's best friend is the mother of my exfiance who got another woman pregnant about six months before we were to marry (when I was 18), he went on the marry the woman. The ex's wife just died of a heart attack and Mother told me this while she was here, which I was sad to hear - a human being has died.

    Well crazy Pinky goes on to say to my mother "Ricky's wife has died and Josie's husband is sick (I think she thinks he's gonna kick the bucket soon ) so maybe they'll get back together." My mother said that in no way with ever happen (good job Mom! ) No way in hell would I ever go back to him or the jws. JesusHChrist! It's been over 24 years since I laid eyes on the man! I can't help but think that it's a sick wish of Pinky, the ex's mother, and maybe even the ex's. Oh someone gag me with a spoon.

    Did I mention that all these people are jws?


  • ex-nj-jw

    ROFLMAO @ Mrs. Jones!

    Those JW's are always plot'n and plan'n something.


  • snowbird

    Yep, they're all screwed. Any semblance of love and compassion they had in the past has gone out the windows, er doors, since most KH's are windowless.

    My oldest daughter is embroiled in a battle with one now over a nick my daughter made on the JW's new car. She's talking about suing for damages because my daughter refuses to file an insurance claim to fix the car. My daughter's friend has offered to do it for a much lower cost, but Mrs. JW has gotten all greedy and wants much more. The kid gloves have come off; they're being revealed for all their ugliness. Jehovah's clean people, indeed!


  • dawg

    I didn't know your husband was sick....I'm sorry to hear that But what about crazy Pinky almost wishing it so you'd marry a JW... anything to keep the worship of the cult going huh?

  • mrsjones5

    Yep, I'm so glad I live over 2000 miles from those people and the jws in town don't know I'm here...not that they could do anything anyway since I was never baptised as a jw.

  • UnConfused

    Ricky and Josie up a tree --- Kay eye ess ess eye en gee ---- (says Crazy Pinky in her mind)

  • mrsjones5

    lol been there done that

  • sweetstuff

    They are one wacked bunch of wackers. Ok, I got something to get your mind off it Josie, now dance along to this one...

    I think you'll like it.

  • mrsjones5

    Thank you Sweetie, that was way men in the morning...Mmmmm

  • sweetstuff
    Thank you Sweetie, that was way men in the morning...Mmmmm

    Yvw, I agree, very nice eye candy.

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