Dollar Collapse I was freaking right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by 5go 46 Replies latest members adult

  • 5go

    [edit] U.S. dollar turmoil

    Subprime woes have been blamed for causing the dollar to continue its decline. The Daily Telegraph recently reported that the "Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States" and "that Beijing had the power to set off a dollar collapse if it choose to do so" with economic analysts saying it "could have very serious consequences at a time when the credit markets are already afraid of contagion from the subprime troubles" [27] . Reuters has quoted officials at HVB Bank in New York remarking that they "believe that what is going on in the subprime lending market is just hurting the dollar too much... I think overall the fate of the dollar depends on developments in the subprime sector and housing market. [28] " On July 12, 2007, the decline of the dollar "was broad as well as deep", with it reaching "a record low against the euro... as the U.S. subprime mortgage market crisis damaged sentiment on the greenback" [29] .

  • 5go

    I told you china was going to pull this card!

    They planned this way the whole time the own the USA's economic system.

    I bet this has to do with our sudden lack of interest in Iran too.

  • MinisterAmos

    Meh welcome to 2006 again. Stock market is up 20% so everyone says everyrhing is OK. Meanwhile dollar is down 30%-50% against various other currencies, milk is up 50%, gas who knows how much, and housing has hit the bubble. So tell us again how successful stock speculation and the creation of new below poverty level jobs spells economic "success" for the nation?

  • under_believer

    Then again those of us thinking about buying a home are just waiting for the foreclosures to start. Talk about a supply glut.

  • hillary_step


    I told you china was going to pull this card!

    Hardly a mystery. There are posts going back at least five years on this Board which suggested the very same thing.

    What is a mystery is how a Government, which is perhaps one of the most irresponsible in the history of Western Politics has been allowed to remain in power for so long. I guess the WTS was right when it said that one day the earth would be filled with sheep.

    Even that was discussed years ago. ;)


    PS - Posting a link is just as effective as embedding a page from the Internet. That way the formatting does not get messed up.

  • journey-on

    Our entire Congress has some explaining to do IMO.....all of them: ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL!!!

  • 5go
    Our entire Congress has some explaining to do IMO.....all of them: ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL!!!

    No, just the conservatives that said "goverment is bad" then took control of it and made it bad. They have got some explaining to do!

  • JH

    For Canadians travelling to the US, it,s good to get so much American money for our Canadian money.

  • MinisterAmos

    >>Then again those of us thinking about buying a home are just waiting for the foreclosures to start. Talk about a supply glut.<<

    Want to guess where interest rates are headed? The only thing that is delaying the Fed from making some remarkable rate hike is that FORTY TWO PERCENT OF CALIFORNIA HOMES ARE MORTGAGED WITH SUB_PAR OR ADJUSTABLES!

    You guys might want to take this to heart.....

  • 5go
    Then again those of us thinking about buying a home are just waiting for the foreclosures to start. Talk about a supply glut.

    >>Then again those of us thinking about buying a home are just waiting for the foreclosures to start. Talk about a supply glut.<<

    Want to guess where interest rates are headed? The only thing that is delaying the Fed from making some remarkable rate hike is that FORTY TWO PERCENT OF CALIFORNIA HOMES ARE MORTGAGED WITH SUB_PAR OR ADJUSTABLES!

    You guys might want to take this to heart.....

    Yep, By then house will 10,000 dollars or less. I could float that myself without a loan.

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