JW's "Genius" Brainwashing Technique - DID YOU FEEL THIS WAY?

by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I'm sure I'm not having some great big ephinany that no one else thought of, but to me this is sorta big to realize:

    So many people in both congregations I attended as a Witness were soooooo depressed, severely, traumatizingly depressed, I would say. They would all comfort each other and say that Satan was attacking them personally and their depression was proof of it, and that this was the "best place this side of paradise" they could be. I've said that exact thing myself so many times.

    That's perfect!Why would anybody who is so severely depressed leave "the best thing" in this system?If they believe, and I know I did, that the big bad world is so awful (I know a lot of bad things happen in this world, and I'm not saying it's some big shiny happy musical, but it's not the picture the JW's paint either - not everywhere ALL THE TIME. There ARE good people in the world, just like there are good people in the JW religion.), that anything outside of the JW religion would cause you to be even more severely depressed, why would you leave? You would be terrified to leave that place that was "so good" for fear of what you would find in the world.

    I just think this is my mom. I have never known anyone sadder than my mom. It breaks my heart that she is so sad all the time. But she believes that if she leaves the JW's that she will go over the edge in her sadness, that the world is waaaaaaaaaay worse than what she is dealing with right now. It's a trick. It's a total trick. And it's genius. Because it works.

    This is why my theory is that you have to go through something fairly traumatizing within the JW religion in order to wake up from it. There is a thought in my Toltec Wisdom book that says we will only allow the same amount of abuse from other people that we ourselves abuse ourselves. It makes sense then that the JW's squash your self esteem, tell you that you are a good-for-nothing slave, doing what you ought to have done, and not to think more of yourself than is necessary to think. If you have a low self-esteem, you will abuse yourself with negative self-talk, etc. And then you are prime to accept and put up with all kinds of abuse from THEM. This is one way they keep people in, isn't it? But then to drive this point home (I think), I would say that I woke up because I experienced MORE abuse from the religion than I would do to myself, because I was in therapy and learning how to think in a more healthy way about myself, and I reached my limit of what I would put up with, even at a great personal cost.

    That's why they don't want you to go to therapy too! Because they want to keep you under their thumb. They want you to believe you suck. If you go to a professional psychiatrist or whatever, you will learn that you have been thinking very badly about yourself, and that is not healthy. And then slowly everything else around you will unravel...

    I'm slowly putting the pieces together here...

    What do you guys think? Did you feel like that when you were a JW? That even if it sucked (or maybe you couldn't even comprehend that it sucked), it was still better than being "in the world?"

  • Crumpet

    Good Girl you are spot on! They use a series of devices that snare you and one of the biggest is if you leave "where will you go away to?" When you read on this board people talking about trying to get family members out - that reply comes up over and over again. JWs believe that it is dangerous and bad out there - its a nameless fear for the most part of being in a debauched world where people are just waiting to stab you in the back. And what do you think all those articles are about in the mags wheer people share experiences of being drug addicts, murderers, prostitutes before they became dubs. They deliberately pick extreme examples (if they are even true) to reinforce that this is what the world outside is like so that people feel less tempted to leave.

    of course we all know that the world is brimming with beautiful lovely shiney happy people for real and every day brings a new example of this humanity.

  • Zico

    Sometimes... I still think like this. I think 'Is this religion really that bad? I have a lot of good friends, and my family's all in it, will it really be better on the outside?' It's probably ridiculous and irrational, but not knowing anything else, 'The world' can still terrify me, and I often wonder if it really is any better. I guess I still have a lot of control to fight.

  • reneeisorym
    I think 'Is this religion really that bad? I have a lot of good friends, and my family's all in it, will it really be better on the outside?'

    What price are you willing to pay for freedom?

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    I think 'Is this religion really that bad? I have a lot of good friends, and my family's all in it, will it really be better on the outside?'
    What price are you willing to pay for freedom?

    RIGHT. This is ANOTHER successful technique they use to keep members. You don't have any friends on the "outside." Everything you know is on the "inside." Why would you leave? That's why I think it's VITAL to build up one's self esteem in order to be able to see through the BS.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Whoops, I got excited and didn't finish my thought - it's vital to build up one's self-esteem because it is at great personal cost to leave it, especially if everything you know is there.

    But the rewards are bigger, actually being happy for once, knowing/realizing who you really are, being able to have your own thoughts not owned by a publishing company... I'm sure there are more...

  • Bodhisattva1320

    WOW GIRL!!!!! you are so right ON!!!!

    i can relate personally as well- yes SOOO many in the congregation i was raised in were very depressed, suffered for it, wallowed in it- very sad. My mother is also on anti-depressants, that happened right about when i left JW when i was 15. Funny thing tho that DRUGZ are OK but counseling is SOOOO NOT OK. GAWD it's so assbackwards....

    WTS/JW's are master's at spiritual abuse and manipulation and this is clearly what you have pointed out - good on ya ((((((GGBG))))))

  • new boy
    new boy

    Great thread..............You are so right.

    That is way its time to change your name............YOU ARE GOOD GIRL....and will never be bad girl.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    thanks, bod, for taking time outta yer busy day. you are such a great pal!!!!!!! (((((tera)))))))

  • Bodhisattva1320

    girl YOU KNOW IT!! You are giving me a gift by letting me *see* you free yourself and others from the lies. I thank you for that-

    here's something beautiful a friend gave me

    Good and bad, self and others, life and death: Why affirm these concepts? Why deny them? To do either is to exercise the mind, and an integral being knows that the manipulations of the mind are dreams delusions, and shadows.
    Hold one idea, and another competes with it. soon the two will be in conflict with a third, and in time your life is all chatter and contradiction.
    Seek instead to keep your mind undivided.
    Dissolve all Ideas into the Tao.



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