Japan closes 638 Congregations!!!!! Why???

by Witness 007 67 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Japan since the 1970''s has had amazing publisher increases! Every year the number of Witnesses shot up by many thousands. This peaked in 1998, since then the number of Witnesses and Congregations has continued to drop!

    1998- Pubs 222,912 Congs. 3,802 {6 Years later}

    2004- Pubs 217,555 {-5,357 Pubs} Congs 3,164 {-638 Congs}

    Over 6 years what happened to the 5,357 publishers and 638 Congregations!! This is a mystery like the Burmuda triangle. Do you have any theories?

  • Mum

    The Japanese are a very intelligent people with a high tech society. They value politeness, but maybe they're not as compliant as in the past.

    Just my $.02.


  • stillajwexelder

    but above all as Randy (Dogpatch) predicted many years ago on his www.freeminds.org site, the internet here is the key driver. Japan as already pointed out is a high tech society with internet available to virtually every citizen. Free availability of information has to be the key driver for the drop in Japan

  • lawrence

    Maybe the novelty of belonging to an American cult wore off.

    Maybe the special pioneers were laid off by the WTS.

    Maybe the Kool Aid was stopped and the flock opened their eyes.

    Maybe people in non Anglo countries are tired of Anglo religions telling them what God says and doesn't say.

    Maybe the weekend cartoons got better in Japan.

  • Leolaia

    Unless those congregations consisted of an average of 8 people each, they're closing congregations a lot faster than people are leaving.

  • Nosferatu

    Perhaps Jehovah killed them. He's always going off and killing people.

  • eclipse

    Would deaths and natural disasters come into play?

    I sm not sure about Japan's natural disaster history for the last 6 years..

  • Clam

    Natural disasters? Jehovah? I don't know. What about Godzilla? 5000 Japanese Dubs could easily have been wiped out at a District Convention.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Maybe Kamakazi suicide after "the Generation of 1914" got dropped...actually that does fit the time-line.

  • Outaservice

    Maybe they moved to China where 'the need was great'!


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