Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-29-05 WT Study (Apostasy; Inactive)

by blondie 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the May 29, 2005 WT Study (April 15, 2005 issue)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes from todays WT

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    "Your word is ... a light to my roadway."-PSALM 119:105.

    By your words I can see where Im going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.?Psalm 119:105 (The Message Bible) /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments

    As the foremost person in the Bible who let Gods Word light his roadway, where is Jesus in this article?

    How can the average JW study the Bible when they are required to study so many WTS publications. Even now the Keep on the Watch brochure is being studied at the book study and many JWs tell me that they are insulted at the simplistic level of the material. How can they advance past the elementary things of the Bible?


    JEHOVAHS word

    will light our roadway if we allow that to happen. To enjoy

    such spiritual light, we must be diligent students of Gods written Word and

    apply its counsel. Only then can we share the psalmists sentiments: "Your

    word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway."-Psalm 119:105.

    Remember from last week

    Jehovahs word (small w) means his message

    Jehovahs Word (large w) means the Bible

    Must be diligent students

    Most JWs barely have time to glance at the information assigned each week for them to read let alone do any in-depth research.

    20 to 22 paragraphs in the Watchtower

    15 paragraphs in the book study

    3 to 4 chapters of the Bible

    Another WT article for the instruction talk

    Material for the #3 and #4 talks

    Prepare and conduct the family study

    Prepare for field service on Saturday (read articles in 2 magazines)

    And if you are an elder, prepare and conduct the book study, perhaps also the WTS, besides preparing one public talk a month

    2 Let us now consider Psalm 119:89-176. What a wealth of information is

    contained in these verses, arranged in 11 stanzas! They can help us to stay

    on the road to everlasting life

    .-Matthew 7:13,14.


    Can help us to stay on the road to everlasting life

    Why Be Fond of Gods Word?

    3 Fondness for Jehovahs word results in spiritual stability. (Psalm

    119:89-96) The psalmist sang: "To time indefinite, O Jehovah, your word is

    stationed in the heavens. . . . You have solidly fixed the earth, that it

    may keep standing." (Psalm 119:89, 90) By Gods word--his "statutes of the

    heavens"--the celestial bodies move flawlessly in their orbits and the earth

    is solidly fixed forever. (Job 38:31-33; Psalm 104:5) We can depend on every

    word going forth from Jehovahs mouth; what God says will have "certain

    success" in the fulfillment of his purpose.-Isaiah 55:8-11.

    Blurb on page 16: Gods word is a source of spiritual light

    Please notice how often the WTS either uses a snippet or strings snippets of scriptures to make a point. Notice little application is made to daily life or practical examples given.

    4 The psalmist would have perished in his affliction if he had not been

    fond of Gods law. (Psalm 119:92) He was not being afflicted by foreigners;

    it was Israelite lawbreakers who hated him. (Leviticus 19:17) But this did

    not overwhelm him, for he loved Gods sustaining law. At Corinth, the

    apostle Paul was "in dangers among false brothers," perhaps including

    "superfine apostles" seeking an accusation against him. (2 Corinthians

    11:5,12-14, 26) Yet, Paul survived spiritually because he was fond of Gods

    word. Since we are fond of Jehovahs written Word and apply what it says, we

    love our brothers. (1 John 3:15) Even the worlds hatred does not make us

    forget any of Gods instructions. We keep doing his will in loving unity

    with our brothers as we look forward to an eternity of joyous service to

    Jehovah.-Psalm 119:93.

    Would have perished in his affliction is he had not been fond of Gods law

    Paul survived spiritually because he was fond of Gods word

    Remind of you of when the elders say your problems would go away if you read the Bible more?

    False brothers

    w89 10/15 p. 19 How Harmful Gossip Can Be Crushed ***

    Since love endures all things and never fails, it also helps us to remain loyal to Gods organization even if "false brothers" or others speak against it or its members.?Galatians 2:4.

    But should a loyal Christian not speak out against lies and untruth? A real brother will tell you the truth even if it is difficult. Does our loyalty belong to God or an organization?

    Superfine apostles

    Who set themselves up as superior to the rank and file? Does a persons authority derive from his/her position or from the Bible?

    Love our brothers

    Remember actions speak louder than words? Who pays attention to the elderly in your congregation, the poor materially, those from single parent families, when is the last time you helped any of these people, had them over to your home?

    Worlds hatred

    The world really does not care; actually most people barely know who JWs are let alone what they preach.

    Loving unity

    The WTS has rules to unite them.

    Dress and grooming; no beards on men, no pants on women at the KH or in the ministry, all without biblical basis.

    Seat saving regulations at conventions

    What out does the WTS give themselves and the elders?

    w77 6/15 p. 382 The Influential Pharisees ***

    In view of what the Pharisees did, elders in the congregations of Gods people will do well to remember that they have no authority to make rules that go beyond what is clearly stated in the Bible. True, at times certain arrangements must be made for orderliness in matters

    w88 9/15 p. 29 Christians?Firm yet Flexible ***

    Most Christians have little trouble submitting to clearly defined Bible laws. But Christians are told: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you." (Hebrews 13:17) Congregation elders may designate specific times for the congregation to meet for field service. Or they may specify that Kingdom Hall equipment should be used in a certain way. True, no Bible text spells out how a thermostat should be adjusted or who should do such adjusting. Yet, when the elders make such decisions, is it not a fine thing to cooperate?

    w95 3/1 p. 7 Lessons From the Miracles of Jesus ***

    Those in authority in the congregation refrain from burdening others with excessive man-made rules and policies.

    And is the Bible the only basis for these rules?

    w75 8/1 p. 474 Elders Presiding in a Fine Way ***

    If the Bible and the publications of the "faithful and discreet slave" do not clearly outline a course
    , the elders should not impose their personal likes and dislikes, as if these were rules to be followed by the others

    5 Expressing our devotion to Jehovah, we might pray: "I am yours. O save me,

    because I have searched for your own orders." (Psalm 119:94) King Asa

    searched for God and rooted out apostasy in Judah. At a great assembly in

    the 15th year of Asas reign (963 B.C.E.), Judahs inhabitants "entered into

    a covenant to search for Jehovah." God "let himself be found by them" and

    "continued to give them rest all around." (2 Chronicles 15:10-15) This

    example should encourage a renewed search for God by any who have drifted

    away from the Christian congregation. He will bless and protect those who

    resume active association with his people.

    Rooted out apostasy

    This example should encourage a renewed search for God by any who have drifted away from the Christian congregation

    Actually they mean drifted away from the JW congregation; many people still love God and never left him but have realized that he could no longer be found at the KH of JWs.

    Also, notice how they combine the thought of apostasy with drifting away.

    He will bless and protect those who resume active association with his people.

    That goes along with the following statement that only JWs are true Christians and only they will be protected by God when he destroys the wicked.

    Survival book chap. 12 pp. 92-93 Identified for Destruction or Survival? ***

    It would be a serious mistake to conclude that if a person tries to lead a "good" life and if he shuns religions that are doing things clearly condemned in Gods Word, nothing more is required of him. All who hope to survive into the "new earth" must also be unmistakably identified as worshipers of Jehovah. (Revelation 14:6, 7; Psalm 37:34; Joel 2:32)

    6 Jehovahs word imparts wisdom that can protect us from spiritual harm.

    (Psalm 119:97-104) Gods commandments make us wiser than our enemies.

    Heeding his reminders gives us insight, and observing his orders enables us

    to behave with more understanding than older men. (Psalm 119:98-100) If

    Jehovahs sayings are smoother to our palate than honey to our mouth, we

    will hate and avoid "every false path." (Psalm 119:103,104) This will serve

    as a protection from spiritual harm as we encounter haughty, fierce, ungodly

    people in these last days.-2 Timothy 3:1-5.

    Protect us from spiritual harm

    Truly studying the Bible and not WT publications, a person will see the twisting of the scriptures.

    Before 1929, the WTS taught that the superior authorities (Romans 13) were the secular governments, from 1929 to 1962, that they were Jesus and God, and from 1962 to now that they are the secular authorities.

    Wiser than our enemies

    The only way to combat the doctrines of the WTS is through the scriptures and their own flipflopping words.

    Behave with more understanding than older men

    Do you feel that way since being on JWD you are better equipped to deal with the carefully crafted statements of the WTS?

    Hate and avoid every false path

    Per the WTS, they are the only true path, channel.

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovahs channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.

    Protection from spiritual harm

    As we encounter haughty, fierce, ungodly people

    By implication they mean anyone not part of the WTS.

    A Lamp to Our Foot

    7 Gods word is a source of unfailing spiritual light. (Psalm 119:105-112)

    Whether we are anointed Christians or we are their companions of the "other

    sheep," we declare: "Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my

    roadway." (John 10:16; Psalm 119:105) Gods word is like a lamp lighting our

    way, so that we do not stumble and fall spiritually. (Proverbs 6:23) Yet, we

    must personally let Jehovahs word be a lamp to our foot.

    Blurb on page 17: If we love Jehovahs reminders, he will never regard us as

    "scummy dross"

    Gods word is a source of unfailing spiritual light.

    But only as interpreted/explained by the WTS (see above).

    Anointed Christians only JWs who expect to go to heaven when they die

    Their companions All the other JWs who are told that the plane is full

    Must personally let Jehovahs word be a lamp to our foot

    Personally let? No, only after it is been filtered through WT publications.

    8 We need to be as resolute as the composer of Psalm 119. He was determined

    not to wander from Gods orders. "I have made a sworn statement," he said,

    "and I will carry it out, to keep your [Jehovahs] righteous judicial

    decisions." (Psalm 119:106) Let us never underestimate the value of regular

    Bible study and participation in Christian meetings.

    Not to wander from Gods orders

    Not to wander from the organizations directions

    w03 3/15 p. 25 The Early Christians and the Mosaic Law ***

    When Jehovah provides direction by means of
    his Word, his spirit, and his earthly organization, let us listen carefully.

    w02 10/1 p. 12 Jehovah Blesses and Protects Those Who Are Obedient ***

    However, if we stay close to God and respond swiftly to the direction we receive through his Word and organization, we can be assured of his protective care.

    w01 6/15 p. 26 Be Joyful With the Kingdom Hope! ***

    Brother Lösch concluded by saying: "In order to remain spiritually protected, we must remain under the wings of Jehovah. This means that we must not develop a spirit of independence. Let us always stay close to Jehovah and his motherlike organization, not separating ourselves from their direction and loving counsel."

    Never underestimate the value of regular Bible study and participation in Christian meetings

    Do JWs study the Bible or the WT publications? How many times do you see someone crack open a Bible and read from it to support a statement at a meeting? How many read the partially quoted or snippet scripture from the paragraph? How many elders, MS, pioneers and their families comment at the meetings?

    9 The psalmist did not wander from Gods orders, but that can happen to a

    person dedicated to Jehovah. (Psalm 119:110) King Solomon wandered, although he was a member of a nation dedicated to Jehovah and had originally acted in harmony with God-given wisdom. "Even him the foreign wives caused to sin" by inducing him to worship false gods.-Nehemiah 13:26; 1 Kings 11:1-6.

    Wander from Gods orders

    Wander from Gods orders or the WTS orders?

    Can happen to a person dedicated to Jehovah

    Translation; there are too many JWs becoming inactive

    King Solomon wandered

    Originally acted in harmony with God-given wisdom

    Translation; there are too many JWs no longer acting in harmony with WTS-given wisdom

    His foreign wives caused him to sin

    Can all these inactive JWs been influenced by non-JW spouses?

    10 "The birdcatcher," Satan, sets many traps. (Psalm 91:3) For instance, a

    former associate may try to induce us to wander off the pathway of spiritual

    light into the darkness of apostasy. Among Christians at Thya-tira, there

    was "that woman Jezebel," possibly a group of women teaching others to

    practice idolatry and commit fornication. Jesus did not tolerate such evils,

    and neither should we. (Revelation 2:18-22; Jude 3, 4) Let us therefore pray

    for Jehovahs help so that we do not wander from his orders but remain in

    divine light.-Psalm 119:111, 112.

    Satan set many traps

    A former associate may try to induce us to wander off the pathway of spiritual light into the darkness of apostasy.

    Oooh, demonize any JW no longer attending meetings.

    If someone points out the emperor has no clothes

    But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on." And the people began to whisper to one another what the child had said. "He hasn't got anything on." "There's a little child saying he hasn't got anything on." Till everyone was saying, "But he hasn't got anything on." The Emperor himself had the uncomfortable feeling that what they were whispering was only too true. "But I will have to go through with the procession," he said to himself.

    If someone points out the man behind the curtain

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

    Jezebel; possibly a group of women teaching others to practice idolatry and commit fornication

    How many JWs understand that child molesters have committed fornication and/or adultery? Is it women in the congregation that through their policies make the JW congregation an ideal place for molesters; requiring 2 eyewitnesses before the elders will act to protect the congregation?

    Who has committed idolatry by requiring their members to go through the faithful and discreet slave (represented by the governing body of JWs) to get to Jesus.

    w01 1/15 p. 16 Overseers and Ministerial Servants Theocratically Appointed

    Theocratic appointments come from Jehovah through his Son and Gods visible earthly channel, "the faithful and discreet slave" and its Governing Body. (Matthew 24:45-47)

    God (1 st )

    Jesus (2 nd )

    FDS/GB (3 rd )

    All others

    w01 3/1 p. 16 Rejoicing for Those Who Walk in the Light ***

    Through "the faithful and discreet slave," we are given everything we could ever need in a spiritual sense.

    Do not wander from his orders but remain in divine light.

    Translation; remaining at the KH equals remaining in divine light.

    Sustained by Gods Word

    11 If we never stray from his regulations, God will sustain us. (Psalm

    119:113-120) We do not approve of "halfhearted ones," even as Jesus

    disapproves of lukewarm professing Christians today. (Psalm 119:113;

    Revelation 3:16) Because we wholeheartedly serve Jehovah, he is our place

    of concealment and will sustain us. He will toss away all those straying

    from his regulations by resorting to trickiness and falsehood. (Psalm

    119:114, 117,118; Proverbs 3:32) He views such wicked ones as "scummy

    dross"--impurities removed from such valuable metals as silver and gold.

    (Psalm 119:119; Proverbs 17:3) May we always display love for Gods

    reminders, for we surely do not want to join the wicked on the slag heap of


    Stray from his regulations

    Stray from WTS regulations

    We do not approve of halfhearted ones

    Halfhearted ones; inactive, irregular, under 5 hour publishers

    Jesus disapproves of lukewarm professing Christians today

    Lukewarm; under 5 hour publishers; elders/MS under 10 hours

    Professing Christians; non-JWs

    Jesus disapproves; the WTS disapproves, self-proclaimed only true representatives of Jesus on earth

    Wholeheartedly serve Jehovah

    Wholeheartedly do what the WTS says

    Toss away all those straying from his regulations

    Are the inactive to be tossed away because they no longer follow the command at Hebrews 10:24,25? Only time will tell; but can the WTS afford to hemorrhage any more?

    By resorting to trickiness and falsehood

    Falsehoods such as:

    Bloody policy

    Child abuse

    UN involvement

    607 and 1914

    False prophecies of WTS past

    Such wicked ones; scummy dross

    According to the WTS, everyone not a JW is a wicked one; doomed to eternal destruction in the near future.

    Do not want to join the wicked on the slag heap of destruction

    So according to the WTS, the wicked are already on the slag heap?

    12 "From the dread of you [Jehovah] my flesh has had a creepy feeling," said

    the psalmist. (Psalm 119:120) Our having a wholesome dread of God,

    manifested by avoiding what he disapproves, is vital if he is to sustain us

    as his servants. Reverential fear of Jehovah caused Job to live a righteous

    life. (Job 1:1; 23:15) Godly fear can enable us to persevere in a divinely

    favored course regardless of what we must endure. Endurance, though, calls

    for earnest prayers said in faith.-James 5:15.

    Blurb on page 18: If we read the Bible daily, helpful passages may readily

    come to mind when we pray

    Wholesome dread of God; of the WTS

    Avoiding what he disapproves; what the WTS disapproves

    Fear of Jehovah caused Job to live a righteous life

    Not love?

    Pray in Faith

    13 We can pray in faith that God will act in our behalf. (Psalm 119:121-128)

    Like the psalmist, we are sure that our prayers will be answered. Why?

    Because we love divine commandments "more than gold, even refined gold."

    Moreover, we consider all of Gods orders regarding all things to be

    right-Psalm 119:127,128.

    We are sure that our prayers will be answered

    Only if we do what the WTS says

    14 Jehovah hears our petitions because we pray in faith and also carefully

    comply with his orders. (Psalm 65:2) But what if we sometimes have such

    bewildering problems that we do not know what to say in prayer? Then "the

    spirit itself pleads for us with groanings unuttered." (Romans 8:26, 27) At

    such times, God accepts expressions found in his Word as prayers covering

    our needs.

    Jehovah hears our petitions because

    Carefully comply with his orders

    Does God listen to the prayers of non-JWs then?

    15 The Scriptures are full of prayers and thoughts that would tie in with

    our unuttered groanings. For example, consider Psalm 119:121-128. The way

    things are expressed here may fit our circumstances. If we fear being

    defrauded, for instance, we might ask for Gods help in the way the psalmist

    did. (Verses 121-123) Suppose we need to make a very difficult decision.

    Then we might pray that Jehovahs spirit help us to recall and apply his

    reminders. (Verses 124, 125) Although we hate every false path, we may

    need to ask God to act in our behalf so that we do not succumb to some

    temptation to break his law. (Verses 126-128) If we read the Bible daily,

    such helpful passages may come to mind when we supplicate Jehovah.

    Fear being defrauded

    The elders will tell you to eat the loss, especially if another elder is at fault. It is not Christian to be taking your brother to court, the elder body can handle it. Moral of the story; never do business with a JW if you are a JW.

    Make a very difficult decision

    w01 4/15 p. 28 You Can Succeed Regardless of Your Upbringing ***

    Malinda too seeks the advice of the elders when making important decisions in her life.

    Read the Bible daily

    Read the so-called bible-based WTS publications daily. After all, by January 2006, many JWs will have one less Awake to read a month.

    Helped by Jehovahs Reminders

    16 To be heard in prayer and to enjoy divine favor, we must heed Gods

    reminders. (Psalm 119:129-136) Since we are forgetful, we need Jehovahs

    wonderful reminders that bring his instruction and commandments back to our

    minds. Of course, we appreciate the spiritual light shed by every new

    disclosure of Gods words. (Psalm 119:129, 130) We are also grateful that

    Jehovah has made his face shine upon us in approval, although streams of

    water run from our eyes because others violate his law.-Psalm 119: 135,136;

    Numbers 6:25.

    To be heard

    Enjoy divine favor

    Heed Gods reminders

    WTS reminders; otherwise you will not be heard and will not enjoy divine favor

    Since we are forgetful, we need Jehovahs wonderful reminders

    w00 12/1 p. 16 Do You Love Jehovahs Reminders Exceedingly? ***

    Our need for Gods reminders is met in part at Christian meetings, where instruction is provided by appointed brothers.

    w99 8/15 p. 28 Benefiting From "the Grain of Heaven" ***

    Attendance at all Christian meetings reflects our appreciation for Jehovahs reminders

    17 We are sure to have Gods continued favor if we comply with his righteous

    reminders. (Psalm 119:137-144) As Jehovahs servants, we acknowledge that it

    is right for him to bring his righteous reminders to our attention and place

    them upon us as commandments that we should obey. (Psalm 119:138) Since the psalmist obeyed Gods commandments, why did he say: "I am insignificant and contemptible"? (Psalm 119: 141) Apparently, he was alluding to the way his

    enemies viewed him. If we maintain an uncompromising stand for

    righteousness, others may look down on us. Yet, what really matters is that

    Jehovah looks on us with favor because we live in accord with his righteous


    Gods continued favor

    Only if you do what the WTS says

    Comply with his righteous standards (as interpreted by the WTS)

    Right for him to bring his righteous reminders to our attention

    Right for God or right for the WTS?

    Really what matters is that Jehovah looks on us with favor

    Yes, it is only what God and Jesus think of us that matters; not the WTS, not the elders, not other JWs, not your JW family.

    Secure and at Peace

    18 Observing Gods reminders keeps us close to him. (Psalm 119:145-152)

    Because we pay attention to Jehovahs reminders, we feel free to call upon

    him with our whole heart, and we can expect to be heard. We may awaken

    "early in the morning twilight" and cry for help. What a fine time to pray!

    (Psalm 119:145-147) God is also near us because we avoid loose conduct and

    view his word as truth, even as Jesus did. (Psalm 119: 150, 151; John 17:17)

    Our relationship with Jehovah sustains us in this troubled world and will

    carry us through his great war of Armageddon.-Revelation 7:9,14; 16:13-16.

    Pay attention to Gods reminders; we can expect to be heard

    If we dont pay attention to the WTS reminders, are our prayers blocked? Do prayers go through Jesus or the WTS?

    Avoid loose conduct

    Did you know you could be DFd for loose conduct and not have done anything sexual?

    Insight book Volume 2 p. 264 Loose Conduct ***

    Acts that reflect a brazen attitude, an attitude betraying disrespect, even contempt for law and authority.

    Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock

    Unit 5(a)

    Loose conduct.
    Term not restricted to sexual immorality.
    (Gal. 5:19, Ref.. Bi., ftn.; 2 Pet. 2:7,
    Ref.. Bi., ftn.; w83
    3/15 p. 31;
    w73 9/15 pp. 574-6; it-2 p. 264)

    19 Because of our deep regard for Gods word, we enjoy true security. (Psalm

    119:153-160) Unlike the wicked, we have not deviated from Jehovahs

    reminders. We love Gods orders and therefore are secure in his

    loving-kindness. (Psalm 119:157-159) Jehovahs reminders stimulate our

    memory so that we remember what he requires of us in specific situations.

    Gods orders, on the other hand, are directives, and we readily acknowledge

    our Creators right to direct us. Aware that the substance of Gods word is

    truth and that we cannot direct our own steps independently, we gladly

    accept divine direction.-Psalm 119:160; Jeremiah 10:23.

    True security

    Only in the congregations of JWs

    w01 3/1 p. 21 Salvation for Those Who Choose the Light ***

    Regarding that dangerous time, Jehovah warns us: "Go, my people, enter into your interior rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over. For, look! Jehovah is coming forth from his place to call to account the error of the inhabitant of the land against him, and the land will certainly expose her bloodshed and will no longer cover over her killed ones." (Isaiah 26:20, 21; Zephaniah 1:14) This warning showed the Jews how to survive the fall of Babylon in 539 B.C.E. Those who heeded it would have stayed in their houses, safe from the conquering soldiers out in the streets.

    Today, the "interior rooms" of the prophecy likely have to do with the tens of thousands of congregations of Jehovahs people around the world. Such congregations are a protection even now, a place where Christians find safety among their brothers, under the loving care of the elders. (Isaiah 32:1, 2; Hebrews 10:24, 25) This is especially true in view of the nearness of the end of
    this system of things when survival will depend on obedience.?Zephaniah 2:3.

    Unlike the wicked, we have not deviated

    Remember what he requires of us in specific situations

    Does a sister scream or not scream if she is being raped, has she committed fornication if she doesnt scream?

    20 Our love for Jehovahs law brings us abundant peace. (Psalm 119:161-168)

    Persecution does not rob us of the incomparable "peace of God." (Philippians

    4:6, 7) So much do we appreciate Jehovahs judicial decisions that we praise

    him for them often --"seven times in the day." (Psalm 119:161-164) "Abundant

    peace belongs to those loving your law," sang the psalmist, "and for them

    there is no stumbling block." (Psalm 119:165) If we as individuals love and

    keep Jehovahs law, we will not be stumbled spiritually by what someone else

    does or by any other matter.

    If we as individuals love and keep Jehovahs law

    We will not be stumbled spiritually by what someone else does or by any other matter.

    Jesus kept Gods law perfectly. He wasnt stumbled spiritually when he say the actions and words of the religious leaders of his time; it did not stop him from pointing out how Gods word had been made invalid or publicly acknowledging that those who were doing that were offspring of vipers and from their father the Devil.

    Translation; evidently the news on the Internet regard child abuse, the WTS association with the UN, the evolving blood doctrine and compromise with countries like Bulgaria, is yielding results, besides the WTS own hypocrisy.

    21 Many individuals of Bible record did not let anything be a lasting

    stumbling block for them. For instance, the Christian man Gaius was not

    stumbled but went on walking in the truth despite the ungodly conduct of

    Diotrephes. (3 John 1-3, 9,10) Paul exhorted the Christian women Euodia and

    Syntyche "to be of the same mind in the Lord," likely because difficulties

    had arisen between them. Apparently, they were helped to resolve their

    problem, and they continued to serve Jehovah faithfully. (Philippians 4:2,

    3) So we need not stumble if difficulties of some sort arise in the

    congregation. Let us concentrate on keeping Jehovahs orders, remembering

    that all our ways are in front of him. (Psalm 119:168; Proverbs 15:3) Then

    nothing will permanently rob us of "abundant peace."


    Notice though that Diotrephes was revealed and corrected publicly by John. Has the WTS ever admitted to any wrongdoing or misinformation let alone been publicly rebuked?

    Have they apologized for the JWs who died between 1967 and 1980 when organ transplants were a Dfing offense?

    Need not stumble if difficulties of some sort arise in the congregation

    An confessed child molester is reinstated after only 8 months; an adulterous sister is reinstated only after 8 years.

    Elders reveal confidential material about people unless it involves a child molester in the midst of the congregation and then they zip their lips; only the elders and their families are protected.

    But all these things go back to the organization and their policies. The problems are not in the congregation but in the central administration of the WTS.

    22 If we always obey Jehovah, we will be privileged to keep on praising him.

    (Psalm 119:169-176) By living in harmony with Gods regulations, not only do

    we enjoy spiritual security but our lips continue to bubble forth Jehovahs

    praise. (Psalm 119:169-171, 174) This is the greatest privilege we could

    have in these last days. The psalmist wanted to keep living and praising

    Jehovah, but in some undisclosed way, he had wandered like a lost sheep.

    (Psalm 119:175,176) Some who have wandered away from the Christian

    congregation may still love God and may want to praise him. Let us therefore

    do all we can to help them so that they may again find spiritual security

    and experience the joy of praising Jehovah with his people. -Hebrews 13:15;

    1 Peter 5:6, 7.

    If we always obey Jehovah

    If we always obey the WTS

    Wandered like a lost sheep

    Some who have wandered away from the Christian congregation may still love God and may want to praise him. Let us therefore do all we can to help them so that they may again find spiritual security and experience the joy of praising Jehovah with his people

    Wandered away from the Christian congregation

    Really, only left the JW organization because no spiritual security was found there and they could no longer praise God in an organization that did not display the love of the Christ.

    Lasting Light for Our Roadway

    23 Psalm 119 can benefit us in various ways. For instance, it can make us

    more reliant on God, for it shows that true happiness results from "walking

    in the law of Jehovah." (Psalm 119:1) The psalmist reminds us that the

    substance of Gods word is truth. (Psalm 119:160) This surely ought to

    enhance our appreciation for the entire written Word of God. Meditating on

    Psalm 119 should move us to study the Scriptures diligently. The psalmist

    repeatedly petitioned God: "Teach me your regulations." (Psalm 119:12, 68,

    135) He also pleaded: "Teach me goodness, sensibleness and knowledge

    themselves, for in your commandments I have exercised faith." (Psalm 119:66)

    We do well to pray in a similar way.

    More reliant on God

    More reliant on the WTS

    Substance of Gods word is truth

    Enhance our appreciation for the entire written Word of God

    Study the Scriptures diligently

    Never just accept something because the WTS says it. Open your Bible, read the context, check other places in the Bible, what has the WTS said in the past (use your CD). Pray to God but not those canned prayers you hear at the KH.

    24 Divine teaching makes possible a close relationship with Jehovah. The

    psalmist repeatedly calls himself Gods servant. In fact, he addresses

    Jehovah with the touching words: "I am yours." (Psalm 119:17, 65, 94,

    122,125; Romans 14:8) What a privilege it is to serve and praise Jehovah as

    one of his Witnesses! (Psalm 119:7) Are you serving God joyfully as a

    Kingdom proclaimer? If so, be assured that Jehovah will continue to support

    and bless you in this privileged activity if you always trust in his word

    and let it light your roadway.

    Makes possible

    The WTS never lets you feel secure in your relationship with God or Jesus. Possible, probably, likely, maybe.

    Praise Jehovah as one of his witnesses

    Or as one of Jesus witnesses (Acts 1:8)?

    Concluding Comments

    Man, I felt like I just got off a rollercoaster ride and need to vomit.

    Where was Jesus in this? Was your relationship with Jesus enhanced?

    If JWs actually read the Bible and studied it without the filter of WTS publications, they would be surprised. If they actually read and contemplated the history of the WTS, they would run not walk out the KH door.

    Love, Blondie (who did not drift or wander but left with intelligent thought)


    1, 2. Under what circumstances will Jehovahs word light our roadway?

    3. How does Psalm 119:89, 90 show that we can depend on Gods word?

    4. What does fondness for Gods word do for his servants who suffer


    5. How did King Asa search for Jehovah?

    6. What course will protect us from spiritual harm?

    7, 8. In keeping with Psalm 119:105, what do we need to do?

    9, 10. How do we know that individuals dedicated to Jehovah can wander from

    his orders/ but how can this be avoided?

    11. According to Psalm 119:119, how does God view the wicked?

    12. Why is fear of Jehovah important?

    13-15. (a) Why can we have faith that our prayers will be answered? (b) What

    can happen if we do not know what to say in prayer? (c) Illustrate how Psalm

    119:121-128 might tie in with our unuttered groanings in prayer.

    16, 17. (a) Why do we need Gods reminders, and how should we view them? (b)

    How may others look upon us, but what really matters?

    18, 19. What results from our observing Gods reminders?

    20. Why do we have "abundant peace"?

    21. What Scriptural examples show that we need not stumble if difficulties

    arise in the congregation?

    22. (a) If we obey God, what privilege can we enjoy? (b) How should we view

    some who have wandered away from the Christian congregation?

    23, 24. What benefits have you drawn from Psalm 119?

    How Would You Answer?

    Why should we be fond of Gods word?

    How are we sustained by Gods word?

    In what ways are we helped by Jehovahs reminders?

    Why are Jehovahs people secure and at peace?
  • jgnat

    Great advice:

    Never just accept something because the WTS says it. Open your Bible, read the context, check other places in the Bible, what has the WTS said in the past (use your CD). Pray to God but not those canned prayers you hear at the KH.Love, Blondie (who did not drift or wander but left with intelligent thought)

    So people like me are Jezebels, huh? This should be a "fun" week for non-JW spouses.

  • sugarbritches

    HI Blondie- thanks again for your post. I so enjoy your work. In reference to loose conduct- My ex-friend was df'd because he was singing with me in a local band and I was not a witness. They told him his conduct was loose- you know associating with me - a Jezabel-lol. Again, thanks for your hard work.

  • Scully

    Average R&F JW following the "carrot" of the Promise TM of Everlasting Life TM .

  • wiegel

    David died as a worshipper of "false" gods and once again, an entire study based on the old testament and the words of someone who was an adulterer, murderer, and pagan. "Christian" is just a buzz word for them. Thanks, Blondie, for confirmation that they continuing to use the same old crap to hold onto the same old people. I wonder how many studies they are able to keep and baptize with this pablum. For many of the r&f who have been in for a long time, these old "tapes" may work to keep them fenced in, but it is absurd gibberish to non-culters.

    trudy (of the how did this ever happen to me class)

  • ezekiel3
    9, 10. How do we know that individuals dedicated to Jehovah can wander from
    his orders, but how can this be avoided?

    For instance, a former associate may try to induce us to wander off the pathway of spiritual
    light into the darkness of apostasy.

    Ohh, the boogey man. If there is one consistant and successful programming on JWs it's the dread "apostate".

    Funny how the major apostates of Isrealite times were the kings and priests of the nation. What should that tell the rank & file today?

  • minimus

    They really stress the reading and studying of the Bible. Right!! The more you read and examine the scriptures, the more you see that the Witnesses twist the Bible and impose heavy burdens just as the Pharisees did.

  • heathen

    Looks like another load of manuer for the j-dubs to carry around . Brilliant job blondie . Right back to the demonizing the "apostates " and making the counsel from the WTBTS into law . Great comments as well . I hate the way they compare people that can't swallow all the crap from brooklyn to just being plain evil . The bible does say to show compassion to those with doubts not trash them and beat them with defaming remarks and judgementalism . The funny thing is that now that I'm not studying with the WTBTS I actually know more about them from the web . I do remember the part where the apostle Paul states that we are not under law but under undeserved kindness .

  • stillajwexelder

    Well I will be attending tomorrow as I am reading the WT -my turn. So I will let you know what some of the banal comments are

  • xjwms

    W O W

    Blondie, you have really detailed this one. Many Many THANKS.

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