Evil Lives Monday, April 11, 2005

by apocalypse 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • apocalypse

    Evil Lives Monday, April 11, 2005

    -If ever in your mind you wonder as to whether the leadership at Watchtower has some level of sincerity, or perhaps as you move deeper into your pursuit of the real truth, you find yourself having doubts that you are doing the right thing in "doubting" the Watchtower ?then read on.

    The Watchtower of Feb. 15/05 studied just last week (April 3/05) provided this reader with one of the best examples of pure literary evil composed by Watchtower till this time. It is found on page 21 par. 14 and is below quoted.

    14 ?"No plague or miracle- not even the loss of his firstborn son- was able to persuade Pharaoh that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah."

    If you don't immediately see what is wrong with this and where it's leading, then keep reading.

    Reflect back to the same article just 5 paragraphs earlier. It relates the below quoted.

    9 Prove Bible truth to yourself.

    ...Every Christian -young or old- needs to prove to his own satisfaction that what he believes is indeed the truth as found in the Bible.

    Ask then this question. Where in the Bible does it say, or even infer, that Pharaoh didn?t believe Moses claim that he was speaking on behalf of God Almighty?

    It simply doesn?t. In fact it plainly states the opposite!

    Are you starting to read between the lines to see the sinister motive in printing paragraph 14?

    No sooner did The Watchtower tell the reader in par. 9 that they should be sure that what they are learning from The Watchtower is ?the truth as found in the Bible? then they drop this bombshell in paragraph 14 with a complete fabrication. A LIE.

    Quoting from the NWT we read.

    (Exodus 5:2) . . .But Phar´aoh said: ?Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice to send Israel away? I do not know Jehovah at all and, what is more, I am not going to send Israel away.?

    (Exodus 8:8) 8 In time Phar´aoh called Moses and Aaron and said: ?Entreat Jehovah that he may remove the frogs from me and my people, as I want to send the people away that they may sacrifice to Jehovah. . .

    Does this sound like a man that had trouble with the idea ?that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah???

    Pharoah was in complete acceptance of the idea ?that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah? as is revealed in THE BIBLE!

    The watchtower set up a ?straw man argument? to fool the reader.

    So Watchtower wants the reader to accept this evil invention, and the reader will please not that there?s not one Scripture salient in this paragraph to back up this concoction. Oh, Watchtower is quick to site the Scripture if they can. For sure, if the words ?faithful slave? are mentioned in the paragraph, they will site Matthew 24:45-48 like clockwork.

    But not one word from ?the truth as found in the Bible?.

    So what is Watchtower really after? Please read the revision below.

    14 No plague or miracle will able to persuade people that Watchtower was speaking on behalf of Jehovah.

    Yes, the paragraph went on, ?Therefore, do not let fear of man paralyze you.?

    The intent of paragraph 14 was pure un-adulterated mind control in an effort to place into the mind of the reader, using a ?straw man?, a mental defense mechanism against those who would try to say to a JW that the Watchtower is really not speaking on behalf of Jehovah. Yet there was no basis in the Bible whatsoever in the account of Pharoah or any other such instance, and so the Watchtower sited NO SCRIPTURE AT ALL. They knew all too well it was a LIE.

    Since I know for a fact, from the mouth of a Circuit Overseer, that Watchtower monitors this site, I want to speak directly to the brother who is now reading this post.

    I tell you, relay this message to you know who.


    You bastards. You propagate this demonic evil and you are going to pay with your very lives. Will I rise up against you? Certainly I shall not have to. The object of your demise is already at work. For those to whom you look for help will themselves certainly remove from you your self-appointment. They will come, not in the night, but in the daylight. Just when you are sure that your position is secure, they will take from you your head.

    You have advanced, not Christ, but your own agenda. You have had your reward in full. Boast in yourself further. Make big boasts. Claim His throne itself and seat yourself on it. Your time has come. Your future is dark. Your end has arrived.

  • kls

    You have advanced, not Christ, but your own agenda. You have had your reward in full. Boast in yourself further. Make big boasts. Claim His throne itself and seat yourself on it. Your time has come. Your future is dark. Your end has arrived.

    We can only hope soon.

  • EvilForce

    Um, not to sound stupid... but I don't understand what you are saying. Can you explain it to me in plain, simple English? I'm not following your train of thought.

    I'm being sincere so please don't take this as a mockery or anything :)

    Thanks for the help!

  • apocalypse

    The Watchtower told a big lie in order to protect themselves.

    Moses claimed to speak on behalf of God Almighty. The Watchtower claims nothing less today.

    On the surface, the paragraph is talking about the Moses/ Pharaoh relationship. In reality, it's talking about the Watchtower / naysayer relationship.

    People say that Watchtower IS NOT speaking for Jehovah, but rather on behalf of their own agendas and lust for power. (the proof of this is clear) So Watchtower invents what is called a "straw man argument". Like a "straw man" in a cornfield, it is intended to scare away the crows.

    The crows in this case are the naysayers against Watchtower. But remember that a scarecrow is just a stuffed shirt. There's no substance. It's false.

    Watchtower said that Pharaoh doubted Moses, they say that Pharaoh didn't believe that Moses was really speaking for Jehovah. Yet the Scriptures bear out Pharaoh?s own words betraying the truth.

    Pharaoh DID believe and acted accordingly. Th Bible shows that, and so no verse was sited by WT.

    The demons at WT just said in par. 9 to verify from the Bible, and then LIE five paragraphs later. A lie told to cover up their false claim to divine speech. A lie told to divert attention. A lie invented in order to place into teh mind of JWs a defense against those who speak contrary to WT claim to divinity of speech.

  • EvilForce

    AH!!! OK, OK, Now I understand your argument!!! I just got a little confused in your tirade... i couldn't follow your thought process :)

  • heathen

    That was brilliant apocalypse . A classic bait and switch argument . Ok so at one point pharoh didn't believe and neither did the Israelites but you are correct that pharoh would give in so that the plagues would end then change his mind . It was after all God that made is heart obstinate in the end . The whole point of the 10 plagues was to prove that egypts Gods could not intervene . Not only proving that jehovah was a God but that the other Gods could not lift a finger to help and most likely didn't exist . IMO

  • Flash

    14 No plague or miracle will able to persuade people that Watchtower was speaking on behalf of Jehovah.

    I agree with you completely. This is exactly the message they intended to convey to the congregations!

    And yes, they will pay! The Master is coming!

  • peacefulpete

    Nice work Apocalypse. yes, the not too subtle association of modern doubters of the WT with evil hard hearted Pharoah, for whom no amount of evidence would satisfy!

  • apocalypse

    I am surprised that Blondie didn't pick up on it. She's pretty good.

  • candidlynuts

    pharoh kept the slaves so busy they wouldnt seek the deliverer..

    the watchtower keeps the slaves so busy so they wont seek the Messiah.

    the wtbs is very weak on Jesus christ, claims to be a mediator between Christ and MAN (that IS NOT in the bible) , and the wtbs keeps people so busy that they dont have time to examine the scriptures independent of their publications,where they'd clearly see how weak the wtbs is on Jesus.

    they say Jesus name every so often but they take away his power and insert their own.

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