Comments You Will Not Hear at the 02-06-05 WT Study (Abbreviated)

by blondie 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the February 6, 2005 WT Study (January 1, 2005 issue)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes from today?s WT

    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources

    will be in blue


    "I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also."?John 13:15 (NWT)

    I have set the example, and you should do for each other exactly what I have done for you.?John 13:15 (CEV) /cgi-bin/bible

    Opening Comments

    How well does the average JW know Jesus? How often is he featured in the WT articles or the WT songs? Did Jesus preach door to door? Did Jesus associate with "sinners"? Can you imagine the elders in your congregation washing your feet?


    Paragraph 1

    In all the history of mankind (humankind), only one person has lived his whole life without sinning. That is Jesus. Apart from Jesus, "there is no man that does not sin." (1 Kings 8:46; Romans 3:23)

    Note how the WTS highlights an OT scripture in the snippet rather than finding an NT scripture.

    For that reason, genuine Christians (only JWs are genuine Christians) view Jesus as a perfect model to be imitated.


    3/1 p. 7 They Triumphed Over Persecution ***

    What, though, do experiences such as theirs reveal about religious persecution? That such persecution is unsuccessful?at least when inflicted upon genuine Christians. While persecuting Jehovah?s Witnesses consumed a lot of resources and caused cruel suffering, it failed to achieve its objective. Today, Jehovah?s Witnesses are flourishing in Europe where the two great dictatorships once held sway.


    3/1 p. 133 The World?s Integrity on the Wane ***

    The churches of America?and they do exercise considerable influence among the people?claim the responsibility for upholding the morals of the people, teaching them the principles of God, of righteousness. But the program they have followed and are even now pursuing is not producing true Christians.

    Indeed, on Nisan 14, 33 C.E?Jesus mentioned a number of ways in which Christians (only JWs) should strive to be like him.

    The Need for Humility

    Paragraphs 2,3

    When Jesus urged his disciples to follow the pattern he set, he was specifically speaking of humility.

    He demonstrated his own humility by washing the feet of his apostles.

    "If I, although Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another." (John 13:14)

    He emptied himself and became a lowly human?the second-highest person in the universe, consented to become lower than the angels, to be born a helpless baby, to grow up subject to imperfect parents, and finally to die like a despised criminal. (Colossians 1:15,16; Hebrews 2:6,7)

    Is it possible to imitate that "mental attitude" and cultivate such "lowliness of mind"? (Philippians 2:3-5) Yes, but it is not easy.

    Note that it is someone with authority that is being used as an example of one who shows humility. Do those in authority in the congregation/organization show true humility? Would they "wash your feet"?

    The opposite of humility is pride. (Proverbs 6:16-19) Pride led to Satan?s downfall. (1 Timothy 3:6)

    People are prideful because of their country, their race, their possessions, their education, their secular achievements, their social standing, their looks, their sporting abilities, and many other things.

    What are people at the KH "proud" of? Their status as elders, MS, CO, DO, Bethelite, pioneer or having a family member who is, number of hours/studies in the field ministry, or literature placed, quickbuilds worked on, international quick builds, temporary workers at Bethel, frequency of giving public talks, not just an elder but the PO, not just the PO but the city overseer, giving talks at the assemblies/conventions, etc., etc.

    Humble Among Our Brothers

    Paragraphs 4-8

    Even our contributions to and achievements in Jehovah?s service should not make us proud; neither should responsibilities in the congregation. (1 Chronicles 29:14; 1 Timothy 6:17,18)

    In fact, the weightier our responsibilities, the more humble we need to be.

    The apostle Peter urged elders not to be "lording it over those who are God?s inheritance, but [to become] examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

    Elders are appointed to be servants
    and examples, not lords and masters.?Luke 22:24-26; 2 Corinthians 1:24.

    Once the elders were known as "servants," congregation servants, assistant congregation servants, bible study servants. With the elder arrangement in the early 1970?s that title changed to "overseers." So from being "lowly" servants, they changed to those who "over" see.

    Elders are not alone in needing humility. To younger men, who may be proud of their quicker minds and stronger bodies compared with those of older ones (speculation), Peter wrote: "Gird yourselves with lowliness of mind toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones." (1 Peter 5:5).

    It takes humility to preach the good news, especially in the face of indifference or hostility.

    That?s why so many congregations see the elders out so often and spending time working with the rank and file. What I saw were elders jumping into the car together and driving off leaving the rank and file in charge of the MS.

    It takes humility to accept counsel or to simply our life in order to enlarge our share in the ministry.

    Prideful people = low service hours

    In addition, we need humility as well as courageous faith when enduring bad publicity, legal attacks, or violent persecution.

    Bad publicity because of sexual abuse of children in their ranks that they have hidden, punishing those who report it and the victims/survivors.

    Legal attacks because of the lies and lack of love in those cases.

    Violent persecution that many Christians (not JWs) are suffering as well.

    How can a person overcome pride and conduct himself "with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior" to him? (Philippians 2:3)

    He needs to view himself as Jehovah does.

    Jesus explained the right attitude, when he said: "You, also, when you have done all the tings assigned to you, say, ?We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.?" (Luke 17:10)

    Nothing we can do compares with what Jesus did. Yet, Jesus was humble.

    Have you ever heard the elders refer to themselves as "good-for-nothing slaves?" Just once I heard an elder say that the elders were slaves of slaves. He was dragged into the backroom after that meeting and "adjusted."

    So who is more likely to take pride in their privileges, their position, their standing in the congregation? Who has the privileges, standing?

    A Proper View of Right and Wrong

    Paragraphs 9,10

    Not only to they (Christians?only JWs) know right from wrong; they hate what is wrong, and love what is right.

    Yet, Jesus said that if we practice "vile things"?things that are wrong unacceptable to God (as defined by the WTS)?we hate the light.

    Can you imagine hating Jesus and what he stands for?

    Then it is important to examine the Bible individually to see what Jesus stands for. Don?t study a publication, study the Bible.

    How to Cultivate Jesus? View of Right and Wrong

    Paragraphs 11-15

    We need a clear understanding of what is right and what is wrong from Jehovah?s WTS viewpoint.

    We gain that understanding only from a study of God?s Word, the Bible

    But can you do that without the WTS?

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible?A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.?John 6:68.

    Remember, however, that Satan is deceptive. (2 Corinthians 11:14) He can disguise wrong and make it appear acceptable to an unwary Christian (JW).

    Hence, we need to meditate deeply on what we learn and closely need the counsel of "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47)

    Yes, in 2005, the WTS confirms the statements made on 10/1/94 that you can only understand the Bible with their help.

    Some might reason that not everything in the world is wrong.

    Even so, the world and its attractions can easily distract us from serving Jehovah.

    And nothing the world provides is designed to draw us closer to God.

    Hence, if we grow to love the things in the world, even things that may not in themselves be wrong, we are on a dangerous course. (1 Timothy 6:9,10)

    If we watch movies or television programs that highlight (but not contain?) violence, materialism, or sexual immorality, those things can become acceptable?and then tempting.

    What do they mean by "highlight"? Does it mean that out of 2 hours, 10 minutes or more would be highlighting?

    If we mix with people who main (but secondary is all right) interest is in improve their life-style or cultivating business opportunities, those things can become of chief importance to us too.

    Oh, oh, too many JWs are getting involved in conferences and meetings to sell products and services, perhaps missing Christian meetings???

    If we associate with those who put the interests of God?s Kingdom first, we will become like them, loving what they love and avoiding what they avoid.


    Because Jesus did God?s will (and was called a blasphemer by the religious leaders because of it), he opened the way for humans to gain everlasting life. (1 John 5:13)

    Facing Persecution

    Paragraphs 16-29

    There are many reasons why Christians (only JWs) love their brothers (and sisters?)

    Yes, even in being persecuted, Christians (only JWs) are like Jesus. They need to develop a strong, loving bond to help them withstand that hatred.

    But how can you depend on the people in your congregation during persecution if these same people rarely talk to you, can?t remember your name or the names or your children, don?t know what your phone number or address is, never invite you to their homes for a meal and association, worse yet, tell others you are "spiritually weak"?

    The person faithful in what is least is faithful also in much, and the person unrighteous in what is least is unrighteous also in much. LUKE 16:10

    Why would the world hate Christians Jehovah?s Witnesses?

    They are neutral in military and political matters,

    What about their 10 years as a nongovernmental organization associated with the UN ending only when someone revealed to the news media?

    and they observe Bible principles, respecting the sanctity of life and keeping to a high moral code. (Acts 15:28,29; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

    Did you know that it is now a conscience matter for JWs to accept products made out of blood fractions, such as Polyheme, made out of hemoglobin from outdated stored blood?

    Did you know that elders are not required to report child sexual abuse to the secular authorities unless they live in a state/province that requires it? Why, because they consider it part of the clergy-penitent laws that says the clergy do not have to reveal the "confidences" of their members.

    w94 2/15 p. 7 Are Jehovah?s Witnesses a Cult? ***

    They reject the concept of a clergy-laity distinction. The Encyclopedia of Religion aptly states about Jehovah?s Witnesses: "A clergy class and distinctive titles are prohibited."

    Is that true in practice? Yes, JWs don?t say Elder So-and-So, but don?t they say, Brother So-and-So, he?s an elder.

    Jehovah?s Witnesses do not make compromises to seek admiration or acceptance.

    What compromising with the government of Bulgaria regarding the blood issue?

    In a press communique from the Commission, hearing no.28626/95 dated 3 July 1997, it states :-

    In respect of the refusal of blood transfusion, the applicant association submits that there are no religious sanctions for a Jehovah's Witness who chooses to accept blood transfusion and that, therefore, the fact that the religious doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is against blood transfusions cannot amount to a threat to "public health"

    In earlier times, Israelites fought with the sword against enemies. Now, though, things were different. God?s Kingdom was "no part of this world." And had no national boundaries to protect.
    They would confidently leave the outcome of matters in Jehovah?s hands.

    Just as Jesus warned, Christians (but only JWs) have experienced harsh persecution over the years.
    While acknowledging that other religions suffer persecution, the WTS says it is for the wrong reasons.

    w74 4/1 p. 217 Persecuted Christians?"A Theatrical Spectacle to the World"
    Do any of the churches of Christendom represent true Christianity? Well, are they made up of spiritual men and do they therefore suffer hatred and persecution for the same reason as first-century Christians? Many churches of Christendom today are hurting. They are losing members and money. Their influence is waning. But it is not because they are suffering for righteousness? sake as did the apostles. (Compare 1 Peter 2:19-21.)

    "Put On the Lord Jesus Christ"

    Paragraphs 20-22

    Christians (only JWs) wear Jesus, as it were, like a garment.

    We do not make our chief purpose in life the reaching of secular goals or the satisfying of fleshly desires.

    Rather, when make a decision or handling a problem we ask: ?What would Jesus do in this situation??


    More like what do the elders and the FDS/WTS/GB/CO/DO want me to do. JWs run to the elders first. Prayer?..right!

    Concluding Comments

    We can deduce that humility is on the wane, publishers are forming their own standards of right and wrong in the congregation. and people are not asking what Jesus would do but what would Brother Elder do.

    The picture on page 10 is obviously staged.

    We see two brothers one black and one white, greeting a middle-aged black sister.

    Two chunky single sisters are hugging each other.

    And a young black boy is talking to an older white man who is seated.

    What?s wrong with this picture?

    Next Week:

    Trained to Give a Thorough Witness?Acts 1:8

    Pre-study questions

    Is there anywhere in the NT where Jesus? followers are called witnesses of God (Jehovah)?

    Whose witnesses are Christians?

    Love, Blondie
  • TheEdge

    Thanks for these Blondie - and just for the record, I wouldn't wash anyone else's feet unless a tad Brahms or money changed hands

  • OldSoul

    Welcome to "This Week In Sophistry" where I will attempt to focus a lot of attention on at least one glaring flaw in reasoning.

    This week, the spotlight of incredulity shines on paragraphs 7, 8, 11 of the January 1, 2005 Watchtower article entitled, "Hold to the Pattern Jesus Set"

    7 How can a person overcome pride and conduct himself "with lowliness of mind considering that others are superior" to him? (Philippians 2:3) He needs to view himself as Jehovah does. Jesus explained the right attitude when he said: "You, also, when you have done all the things assigned to you, say, 'We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.'" (Luke 17:10) Remember, nothing we can do compares with what Jesus did. Yet, Jesus was humble. 8 Further, we can ask for Jehovah's help to cultivate the proper view of ourselves. Like the psalmist, we can pray: "Teach me goodness, sensibleness and knowledge themselves, for in your commandments I have exercised faith." (Psalm 119:66) Jehovah will help us to develop a sensible, balanced view of ourselves, and he will bless us for our humble attitude. (Proverbs 18:12) Jesus said: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." ? Matthew 23:12

    "How can a person overcome pride and conduct himself 'with lowliness of mind considering that others are superior' to him?" Excellent question, Faithful and Discreet Slave ... er, um ... Governing Body! Let's see if the context, i.e. the rest of the paragraph you chopped off, answers the question. I'll bet not, since you would never stoop to something other than letting the Scriptures speak for themselves. But I'll look anyway, on account'a I'm noble-minded and all don'tchya know.

    Philippians 2:1-4 If, then, there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any sharing of spirit, if any tender affections and compassions, 2 make my joy full in that YOU are of the same mind and have the same love, being joined together in soul, holding the one thought in mind, 3 doing nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to YOU, 4 keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just YOUR own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others.

    Interesting! Now it seems that the counsel was specifically for those who were doing things out of one of two motives. "Contentiousness" or "exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes" (Merriam-Webster online and "egotism" or "an exaggerated sense of self-importance" (Merriam-Webster online Obviously, this counsel has a much more limited scope than is expressed in this week's Watchtower Study. However, the scripture is partially quoted and so we know the key point the Faithful and Discreet Slave? (All Rights Reserved, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) wanted drawn from it. As plodding sheep, let us not examine the Scripture thoroughly to see whether these things are so.

    Sophists frequently use familiar ideas taken out of context to create the illusion of sound reasoning. One of the first things I broke with the Channel? (Patent Pending, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) over was the absence of education regarding proper pride. I do not dispute that they mention the existence of proper pride, but nowhere do they teach this vital concept. However, there are reams of "educational materials" available to assist ones in overcoming the sin of pride, with no distinction made between proper and improper.

    The conclusion reached by the sophistically inductive reasoning is ... you are wrongfully proud, whoever you are that believes you are better than nothing at all. You should view yourself as Jehovah views you. Of course, they don't dare risk offending everyone in the congregation by saying "you" so they invent a non-existent person that this Scripture applies to, and they call it "he." As we discussed last week, the sophist always gains the advantage when an imaginary third person or group is introduced in a believable way. Each reader now gets to apply their own imagination and begins working with the sophist to create the illusion that this counsel is beneficial and so very needed by the congregation. This surely is food at the proper time, because there are so many imaginary people that need this food.

    So, instead of "You need to ..." we read, "He needs to view himself as Jehovah does." Surely, the sophist will now explain how Jehovah view His friends, who work so hard shoulder-to-shoulder with the Son in accomplishing His will. Ah, that would be nice, but no. That is not what the sophist does. The sophist takes the imaginary person and now invites introspection. The sophist would not dare risk offending the sheep by saying "you" so they let Jesus say it instead. "You, also, when you have done all the things assigned to you ..." It is beautiful in a sick and twisted sort of way. Easily detectable, once you know what to look for, but if you go to this meeting listen to the comments and you will find how effective this sophistry really is.

    Anyway, you need to say, "We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done." Lest we think this counsel does not apply to the Faithful and Discreet Slave? (All Rights Reserved, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) the next sentence put us in our place. "Remember, nothing WE can do compares with what Jesus did." It would be nice if they taught that consistently, but unfortunately they teach that our ministry has far exceeded Jesus', and that the miracles performed by Jesus have been dwarfed by those performed through his disciples - both in the 1st Century and in our day.

    In the next paragraph we are admonished that "Jehovah will help us to develop a sensible, balanced view of ourselves, and he will bless us for our humble attitude." Aw. That's nice of Jehovah to help us understand that we are good-for-nothing. I believe it is an absolute outrage that this self-aggrandizing Channel? (Patent Pending, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) presumes to tell me how my Heavenly Father views me, and an even greater travesty that they state that He views me as good-for-nothing, or that He will help me come to that conclusion. Here is a comment you will not hear, but that everyone will leave thinking: "Jehovah views each and every one of us as good-for-nothing, and if we have trouble believing that He will help us come to that understanding."

    Luke 17:10 produces some particularly vivid reactions in me. Much of the angst of my youth was directly related to this sophistic application of this verse. My father abused this verse in the same way for many years. Yet, here is his master, the Faithful and Discreet Slave? (All Rights Reserved, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) using it in the identical way he did. As a club to beat the pride out of those unruly sheep. But, I digress slightly, let us press on ... for I wish to discuss "maturity."

    I'm not done yet, but thought you guys might enjoy the nibblets so far. Need to accompany my Lady to the grocers.

  • blondie

    He needs to view himself as Jehovah does.

    Jesus explained the right attitude, when he said: "You, also, when you have done all the tings assigned to you, say, ?We are good-for-nothing slaves. What we have done is what we ought to have done.?" (Luke 17:10)

    Nothing we can do compares with what Jesus did. Yet, Jesus was humble.

    That is pretty much the end of paragraph 7. I did state in the beginning that this is abbreviated. I don't think I intentionally misrespresented the material.

    I thought the point I made was that this point is brought up the the WTS but in application it is intended to be applied to the rank and file, the lowly publisher. Thanks for adding that information.

    Perhaps when I get my scanner, I can put the whole article up.


  • wannaexit
    Par. 6 "It takes humility to accept counsel or to simplify our life in order to enlarge our share in the ministry"

    Not much room for personal decision or choice here. If you don't do as they say your are judged as either weak or proud.

    In the 30 years of association I can't really say that I fould one piece of cousel from any elder that was worthy of adoption.

    Most elders are power hungry with not a thread of humility in them. Recently and older sister asked an elder why a certain activity at the hall what taking place a certain way. His response: BECAUSE I SAID SO.

    Thanks Blondie for all your hard work.


  • OldSoul


    I did state in the beginning that this is abbreviated. I don't think I intentionally misrespresented the material.

    I am not certain whether that was intended for me or not, but my tag-along isn't even attempting to replicate what you do. I have neither the time nor the patience. All I wanted to do was a full exposure of one or two thoughts per week, really dig in to small chunks and show the mechanics of how they mess with people's heads.

    Full props to you for doing what you do. The work and mental energy involved is very impressive to me. If you would rather I start a new thread each week for "This Week In Sophistry," I don't mind at all. I asked permission last week.

    I'm sorry if I stepped on your toes in any way.


  • willyloman

    Once again, Blondie, you have done a remarkable job of poking holes in the WTS presentation of "the facts" as they see them. I especially liked this:

    People are prideful because of their country, their race, their possessions, their education, their secular achievements, their social standing, their looks, their sporting abilities, and many other things.

    What are people at the KH "proud" of? Their status as elders, MS, CO, DO, Bethelite, pioneer or having a family member who is, number of hours/studies in the field ministry, or literature placed, quickbuilds worked on, international quick builds, temporary workers at Bethel, frequency of giving public talks, not just an elder but the PO, not just the PO but the city overseer, giving talks at the assemblies/conventions, etc., etc.

    A classic case of JWs looking the other way. Until I started doing some critical thinking, I never realized how often dubs pointed the finger at "the world" or "Christendom" and completely ignored the fact that there was a parallel situation in which the dubs were guilty of exactly the same hypocrisy. So many brain-dead dubs buy into this "we're better than them" mindset without thinking.

    Oh... there's one more comment you won't hear at the 2-6 meetings, which is Super Bowl Sunday:

    "I wonder why so many brothers are absent this afternoon? Perhaps they all got sick at the same time."

  • TheEdge
    Remember, however, that Satan is deceptive. (2 Corinthians 11:14) He can disguise wrong and make it appear acceptable to an unwary Christian (JW).

    Don't they see the irony of it?

  • HadEnuf
    We see two brothers one black and one white, greeting a middle-aged black sister.

    Two chunky single sisters are hugging each other.

    And a young black boy is talking to an older white man who is seated.

    What?s wrong with this picture?

    Dear Blondie:

    Last night Gary and I attended a gig with the boys band and it was at a small cafe located in Appleton. It was funded by Goodwill (the cafe; the boys played for donations and earned about $3.50...hahaha) and run entirely by volunteers. There was a huge sign in the entrance explaining that everyone, no matter what race, religion, gender, etc. was welcome there. When you walked through that door you had to leave all your prejudices at the door. The name of the place was The Harmony Cafe. Before the boys played, they had a "drum circle"...which was quite interesting. Anyone could join and people brought drums and other percussion instruments and just sat around in a circle and beat their drums. It was so cool. (yeah...I was born in the 50's so I use the term "cool" a lot) BUT...aside from that (which I'm sure the witnesses would find too weird to be acceptable)...I was thinking that Christ would have probably enjoyed that place a whole lot more than any KH, where people are free to and actually encouraged to be prejudicial against anyone else who doesn't believe as they do.

    The picture you refered to in the Watchtower, of course was staged. Because instances like the above quote just are so very few and far between. The only ones hugging each other at our KH were the ones in the same clique.

    So "what's wrong with this picture?" That deserves a Blondie "VOMIT ALERT" for sure!

    Cathy L.

  • TheEdge
    Jehovah?s Witnesses do not make compromises to seek admiration or acceptance.

    ((am thinking UN - but that's a whole different ballgame)) That's true -they seem to want to ruffle enough feathers in order to be noticed (and THAT serves a purpose).

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