Jonadabs, the promise they will never die made in 1935

by garybuss 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • garybuss

    Jonadabs, the promise they will never die made in 1935

    Again The Watchtower reminds its readers that a convention of Jehovah’s witnesses and Jonadabs mill be held at Washing ton, D. C., beginning May 30 and ending June 3, 1933. It is hoped that many of the remnant and the Jonadabs may find it convenient to attend this convention. Heretofore not many Jonadabs have had the privilege of attending a convention, and the convention at Washington may he a real comfort and benefit to them. (The Watchtower And Herald Of Christ's Presence April 1, 1935 p. 98)

    This is a service convention, and it is expected that all the remnant and the Jonadabs will participate in
    the service. (The Watchtower And Herald Of Christ's Presence April 15, 1935 p. 127)

    CONVENTIONJEHOVAH ‘S witnesses assembled in convention at Washing ton, D.C., May 31 to June 3 inclusive. About twenty thousand interested ones attended, among whom were a large number of Jonadabs who symbolized their consecration by water immersion. The spirit of unity was manifest by all as never before at a like convention. The peak of attendance was reached on Sunday, June 2. Not only did the great audience fill all available space in the auditorium, on every floor, but great crowds were in the parks near by, where voice amplifiers were installed so all could easily hear. The public address on that occasion was broadcast throughout North America and South America, Europe, and many places in Asia and Africa and the islands of the sea. Cable reports from these various countries since disclose a clear reception and much enthusiasm. Watchtower apace being so limited, a detailed report of the convention will be published in the Golden Age magazine Number 413. Those desiring extra copies of the Golden Age publishing the report should write the office at 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
    (The Watchtower And Herald Of Christ's Presence July 1, 1935 P. 194)

    (The Watchtower And Herald Of Christ's Presence, August 15 1935 p. 248)

    Thus the Jonadabs or great multitude are hid in the day of God’s wrath. (Rev. 21: 3, Diaglott) The Christ is that which stands in the tabernacle of God. Through Christ Jehovah dwells with and overshadows the great multitude for their protection and relief. Jehovah thus dwells with them representatively through Christ because they have fled there to the city of refuge’. The Greater Jehu has invited them into the chariot, that is, into the organization of Jehovah, and he tabernacles over them.
    (The Watchtower And Herald Of Christ's Presence, August 15 1935 p. 249)

    This prophecy must be getting a little rotten on the shelf. This promise was NOT MADE TO BABIES. It was made to people preaching and teaching in 1935.

  • Poztate
    This prophecy must be getting a little rotten on the shelf. This promise was NOT MADE TO BABIES. It was made to people preaching and teaching in 1935.

    A LITTLE ROTTEN....It stinks to high heaven by now. Time for them to"invent" more new light on the subject.

  • TD

    ...And then, in 1984:

    "Especially beginning in 1935, when the identity of the "great multitude," or "great crowd," was clearly understood, large numbers of these began to manifest themselves. At first there were hundreds, then thousands, later hundreds of thousands, and now there are millions spread around the globe. God’s infallible Word depicts this group as ‘coming out of the great tribulation,’ being survivors of it, living right on into God’s New Order without ever having to die. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14; John 11:26) The early members of this group are now in their 60’s or 70’s or older. Jehovah did not allow the ingathering of this group to begin too soon. The "great crowd," including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the "new earth." (Survival Into A New Earth p. 185)

  • garybuss

    Oh, good one TD. Thanks! Will the Society just try to let this failure just fade without resolution and hope nobody happened to notice it failed? It's like . . . maybe if we don't say anything about it, nobody will notice.

    Brooklyn, this is your biggest failure yet. This is the absolute failure of the reward promised to the masses. Time's up!

  • Woodsman

    Reminds me of the saying;

    "Millions now living are dead"

  • Elsewhere

    The WTS has nothing to worry about... dead people will not remember this promise.

  • yaddayadda

    "Jehovah thus dwells with them representatively through Christ because they have fled there to the city of refuge’. The Greater Jehu has invited them into the chariot, that is, into the organization of Jehovah, and he tabernacles over them."

    So 'the organisation' is an anti-typical 'city of refuge' and the 'chariot' that Jehu rode??? Good grief.

  • VM44


  • observador

    Oh boy... That's a good one.

  • Leolaia

    Konrad Franke also noted a talk given by Rutherford that gave Jonadabs during the war the impression that Jehovah would protect them from harm, so several of them in one instance failed to protect themselves from a bombing raid and the survivors were shocked to see that their friends had died.

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