Topics Started by teejay
PEDOPHILES are to WTS as flies are to honey?
by Focus inw73 11/15 703-4 questions from readers ***.
do paul's words at 1 corinthians 6:1-7 mean that under no circumstances should a christian take to court a case involving a fellow believer?
-u.s.a. here paul was showing the corinthian christians the inconsistency of taking disputes between christians before secular tribunals.
Waiting's Never-ending Joke Thread
by Seven inhappy monday!.
had no price tag.
much to her embarrassment the cashier got on the intercom and boomed out for the entire store to hear: "price check on lane thirteen, tampax, supersize.
by TR inthis is sort of a take-off of the "what should the wt do" thread.. i need to get together a board of directors and elect a president and officers.
we need to figure out a doctrine, a manifesto, and a set of disciplinary rules.
we need to figure out a way to fund our new movement.
Thank You Ray Franz.
by Martini inhello friends,.
in a thread over at entitled "society bracing for law suits" fellow jw's are taking swipes at ray franz.
not too long ago, while i was still under the wt spell i also would have similarily spoken abusively of ray.
Movies You Watch Over & Over & Over
by 3acrewood inhave you noticed there are certain movies you just never get tired of watching?
what's does your list include?
here are some of mine (in no particular order as to favorites):.
Question for this forum???
by spectromize inhow many here still believe the organization is ahead of any other religion as far as teaching truth from the bible despite some of the wrong teachings that we perhaps have???.
i will be the first to answer in saying, i still believe we are ahead of any other religion for the present but it can change.
only time will tell wether the organization wants to adjust to some of their mistaken chronology and teachings.
"Hey there all you lurkey ones..."
by Simon inhmmn, doesn't quite work does it?
ok...we'll stick with 'thirsty' then .
why not register and make a post or two...ask a question...make a statement...whatever !.
Hey, where did all the forums go?
by Simon ini decided to limit the number of forums until the number of visitors has built up a bit...otherwise it will be like having a party in a 200 room mansion - no one will ever meet!.
please let me know if there are any forums that you'd like to see available.