JoinedTopics Started by TheLoveDoctor
To ex-elders,that are df'ed, disassociated, fadeing and a wife thats still in please answer this.
by TheLoveDoctor inme ex elder, pioneer was very active but am trying to fade.
one elder knows how i feel and i would not talk to anyone but him.
i miss most meetings now.
my take on this weekends Assembly
by TheLoveDoctor inadgrpid:|servtype: google_ad_section_start to the making of many books is worrisome as the bible says yet the last time we received a ypa book it was 2008 volume 1, 2 now this weekend we received volume 1 revised.
wow and so many are excited about us killing so many trees to repeat the same thing over and over again.
i need to vent a bit and could easily get on to many issues of wtbts and its goober body.
to the making of many books is worrisom!
by TheLoveDoctor into the making of many books is worrisome as the bible says yet the last time we received a ypa book it was 2008 volume 1, 2 now this weekend we received volume 1 revised.
wow and so many are excited about us killing so many trees to repeat the same thing over and over again.
i need to vent a bit and could easily get on to many issues of wtbts and its goober body.
Randy/Wt comments
by TheLoveDoctor inwhen are u ganna update your video on those that partake were up to 11,200 as of last year and waiting for this years numbers?
this updated info could have a great effect on those who need to hear the truth of the truth.. you could also do a video about the gb/annointed and how annointed are not so important, how now thier numbers are not important even though its one of the five lines of evidence were in the last days, show some quotes of how we obey them.
that anointed are feeding us but that they have no more spirit than any of us.. you have some great video's and it would be nice to see one or two more.
New girl not at hall no more
by TheLoveDoctor inwe had a beutifull young woman about 22 comming to the hall with her young daughter wont mention names to protect the innocent.
anyhow she was studing with a very kind young sister about the same age.
she was comming to the hall regularly and her very cute daughter.
by TheLoveDoctor intoday i turned in my field service time for may.
i believe its my 6th month of zero time (seems like a year) so on my time slip i put my name, month and wrote in inactive.
i told my wife she just said i was crazy.. .
2003 for me is latest Implication of the end
by TheLoveDoctor inwarnedofthingsnotyetbeheld.
6 in noahs day, jehovah declared: my spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh.
accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.
all jw's should listen to the co talk fools paradise posted I did repost it because how important I think it is for those still in to study and think and see the brainwashing please!!!!!!!!
by TheLoveDoctor innew curcuit overseer brainwash talk....obey the slave even if you find a serious flaw in jw doctrine.
comment on this 2000 wt 6 lines of evidence
by TheLoveDoctor in***w001/15pp.12-14keeponthewatch***(pay attention to #6).