Well well .... so since you think your smart stuff why dont you add a couple of good metal songs for muah.
In the class of Metalica, Disturbed, Godsmack... (am I doing better) lol
And yeah I think I can say I pretty much like all music it's my fiance , cuz and even my sis that pulls me more to the hard rock, emo punk, classic rock stuff... Lol
My sister loves punk, she plays acoustic, and was asked to sing in a rock band but of course being a JW, Elders said not good (funny mom was ok with it) and she didn't do it, she didn't want to looked bad at I guess.
My cuz was going through a phase in high school all he talked about was bands and skateboarding!! haha He played electric! He was hularious to me cause I use to get on his nerves and blast R&B or my girlie music just despite him! hahaha
My fiance took Rock music for a class in college, didn't even know there was such thing! But he always quizes me on what the name of the band is and what year it came out!
Anyways I love concerts, my fiance and I don't miss one!! We rock out like nun else. It's fun! I kinda have shyed away from pop cause it was my music when I was a single chick dancing the night away with my girls! Now I listen to mostly rock... kinda feel deprived of my girlie stuff tho. lol