wow gregor, for once I agree with you!! it has now become taboo to accuse any black person of anything for fear of being called racist.
Posts by fern
A perspective on Professor Gates' arrest
by SixofNine intaken from another db i frequent: link.
a perspective on professor gates' arrest google_ad_section_end .
edited on thu jul-23-09 06:30 pm by empowerer google_ad_section_start the events leading up to professor gates' arrest, the arrest itself and reaction thereto - from the president and others - cannot be fully understood without considering it within the larger context.
Do You Think Most People Are Prejudiced ----Black, White, Red, etc.???
by minimus inafter reading the terrific thread about the black harvard professor and the allegations being thrown around, i wonder if anyone might not show prejudice in one way or another.
i kind of think, anyone can be guilty of it.
i know some blacks that seriously look down upon other blacks simply because of a variation in color.
yes, I think most people are inherently racist to some extent. I think it's actually normal for people to lean more towards people who are more like them rather than different from them. I strongly think there are many varying degrees of prejudice. You can be a little bit prejudice or alot. Anyone who says they aren't prejudice at all is fooling themselves.
Molestation case in my area
by fern inin one of my early posts, i said that there wasn't any molestation cases that i knew of in the congregations in my area.
well all that has changed.
in the last few months i have learned that a man whom i have known since i was a little kid, and who hung around my older brothers and sisters has been molesting childred for years.
six- he was not an MS or elder but did pioneer in the 1970's
Password- they must have reported him because he confessed then. That 2 person rule is the most assinine thing I've ever heard of. No wonder he kept doing it.
Does The Burger King Creep You Out?
by minimus ini saw a tv ad with that creepy looking burger king.
i would think kids would be afraid of him....or is it just me?.
Hell yes!
Molestation case in my area
by fern inin one of my early posts, i said that there wasn't any molestation cases that i knew of in the congregations in my area.
well all that has changed.
in the last few months i have learned that a man whom i have known since i was a little kid, and who hung around my older brothers and sisters has been molesting childred for years.
In one of my early posts, I said that there wasn't any molestation cases that I knew of in the congregations in my area. Well all that has changed. In the last few months I have learned that a man whom I have known since I was a little kid, and who hung around my older brothers and sisters has been molesting childred for years. He is now in jail, charged with raping his granddaughter. He confessed to the detective that he has been molesting for 30 yrs which means I could have easily been a victim of his. I also just learned that he molested two young girls in my former kingdom hall who were not much younger than me. Both these girls have lived troubled lives, one of which frequently comes to jail. I do know that in this last case involving his granddaughter, the elders did call police and report him. This is not the first time that they have been aware of this man's criminal activity and if they had done something about it sooner, it may have saved some victims. Also, this is the frist time he has been disfellowshipped. I told my JW mother about the two person witness rule which of course she denied existed and said she had never heard of such a rule. I let her know that there are rules that the regular rank and file JW doesn't see. I do believe the the society may have changed this due to all of the court cases they have lost but I'm not sure. In any case, once again what I thought to be true has turned out to be false. Story of my life. I get shivers thinking I could have easily been this mans victim.
by fern inok, i just have to vent for a minute!
i have known these two teenage girls for six years now and in that time they have wiped buggars on my furniture and walls, pooped their pants and continued to deny they had done it and refused to clean up and change their clothes.
they also routinely get poo and menstrual blood on the toilet seat and don't clean it up until i make them.
Thanks Snakes and everyone else for your comments. I will try harder to get my hubby in line with what deep down he knows are just reasonable expectations of any human being.
by fern inok, i just have to vent for a minute!
i have known these two teenage girls for six years now and in that time they have wiped buggars on my furniture and walls, pooped their pants and continued to deny they had done it and refused to clean up and change their clothes.
they also routinely get poo and menstrual blood on the toilet seat and don't clean it up until i make them.
Borg- I have done that. the poo he blamed on my son and had no explaination for the blood.
Purps-They don't live with us, only every other weekend and 2 weeks during the summer. Their mother is a major part of the problem. She'd rather go to the bar to find a "rich man" than teach her kids proper manners.
DJK-I'm hoping that doesn't happen to my marriage.
by fern inok, i just have to vent for a minute!
i have known these two teenage girls for six years now and in that time they have wiped buggars on my furniture and walls, pooped their pants and continued to deny they had done it and refused to clean up and change their clothes.
they also routinely get poo and menstrual blood on the toilet seat and don't clean it up until i make them.
tried talking to their father Borg, he has a united front with THEM!
My dogs definitely, or a hug from my hubby if he's not the source of my bad day.
by fern inok, i just have to vent for a minute!
i have known these two teenage girls for six years now and in that time they have wiped buggars on my furniture and walls, pooped their pants and continued to deny they had done it and refused to clean up and change their clothes.
they also routinely get poo and menstrual blood on the toilet seat and don't clean it up until i make them.
Ok, I just have to vent for a minute! I have known these two teenage girls for six years now and in that time they have wiped buggars on my furniture and walls, pooped their pants and continued to deny they had done it and refused to clean up and change their clothes. They also routinely get poo and menstrual blood on the toilet seat and don't clean it up until I MAKE them. They also only shower three times per week, which might be ok if you are a little kid but once you hit puberty, you need to shower DAILY, especially during certain times of the month. They are both snippity snotty smart mouthed brats who do nothing but complain about everything. The youngest one (13yrs) has ruined so many vacations with her pouting and tantrums that I now refuse to go with my husband and them. We now take our vacations seperately. To top it all off, my husband always makes excuses for them and outright denies that they do some of the things I have brought to his attention. I recently found out that when I talk directly to them about some of their habits, they "tattle" on me to their father. This pisses me off almost more than anything. On new years day, the youngest girl tried to steal a video game player from our house and when her dad caught her, she told him to F***k off! She only got the silent treatment from her dad for the rest of the day, NO PUNISHMENT! It's not like these girls are mentally challenged or anything. They both get straight A's in school. They have not been brought up with any manners and now I'm the bad guy for calling them on it. ok, I'm done. WHEW! I feel better being able to vent. Any advice would be welcome.