Messy home or no home?

by Sparkplug 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • Sparkplug

    Everyone- Just an all encompassing thank you. I know it is all getting better because today is Friday and tomorrow I get to play catch up after my photo shoot with an eetie beetie babie. I am so excited. Naked Babies. gotta love them from a mommas perspective.

    To ALL of YOU!!

    I take everyones encouragement and it does not seem half as bad today. Nothing that a weekend will not fix and I was planning that anyway.

    Lil Toe- You are so bad.

    Billy. Yes, I had learned the lesson of do not marry for money long ago, I guess I just found it really hard to believe she has not.

    I saw her tonight. She actually did the no notice thing and dropped in again so proud of herself that she had driven 30 minutes to pick up her girl ..(seeing her husband is at prison ministry tonight).

    I have known this girl since she was 3 and after hearing from her mom how she turned out, I was suprised to find the most beautiful and talented, outgoing girl standing before me. I was so upset that when she left I called her and told her how precious that girl is and how seeing she is not in love, from her own mouth, that no amount of money is worth loosing that child. I laid it out to her straight up, and in the middle of me telling her how wonderful her girl is, she said...OOh, he is calling, I have to go.

    It made me so mad. Hell I would take that child in a heartbeat.

    I even went so bold as to tell her that she is selling her child for a few gold coins so to speak...She will never see I am afraid. She has the world most precious treasure right in front of her face, and does not see it.


  • MsMcDucket

    Hi I'm new! My name is Melinda. Your post really struck me! I am married and have four daughters. I'm the type of person that could never keep a neat home. I just couldn't make myself beat the kids to get them to clean up, and I sure as heck didn't have the strength to keep up behind them. To make matters worse, my husband is a horder! He hates to throw away anything! So, I became somewhat of a hermit. I hated visitors. I was always wondering if they were judging me because of my cluttered home. Anyway, somewhere I seen this door sign that said: If you come over unexpectedly, don't expect to get in! I didn't buy that sign, but I sure wanted to! That sign would have been perfect for your rude little friend!

    The way that I get my double sinks unplugged is to keep pouring boiling hot water with a mixture of chlorox and (just a tad) detergent down the drain. It might work for you.

  • Sparkplug

    thanks- MsMcDucket -

    Actually yesterday my 15 yr old took the trap apart and fixed the proble,. I knew all that hard work would pay off some day.

    4 kids... I feel ya!

    Tell us something of your self!

  • Billygoat
    To make matters worse, my husband is a horder! He hates to throw away anything!

    Eeks! I've married one of those too. Mozz still has love notes from his little summer camp girlfriend in the 3rd grade in his memory box. LOL! Or maybe I should say "one of his memory boxes"! Seriously, the guy has like 4 boxes all 2 by 3 feet that are filled with stuff from childhood, high school and college. WTH? But he is terribly sensitive and sentimental, which is one of the things I love about him. So if a few boxes of memories is the worst baggage that comes with him, I guess I have nothing to complain about.

  • MsMcDucket

    I'm 45, got baptized in 1986, disassociated myself in 1988, but still feared the organization...When I got baptized, I was pregnant with twin girls. I taught all my children about Jehovah, but I didn't go back to the Kingdom Hall. Well, my neice who is a JW invited me and the family to go to the Memorial about 2 years ago. I packed up my three youngest girls and my husband and went. Needless to say, my twin daughters were in awe with the whole thing. They started a bible study and just recently got baptized. Ugh! I can't groan enough! They are now shunning me! It was at this point that a rock hit me on the head, and I knew that I had been letting the JW's control my life! I don't know how I'm going to get my girls back!? My twins are 18 years old....sheesh...I in a mess. There's more to this story, but you got the most of it.


  • Sparkplug
    They started a bible study and just recently got baptized. Ugh! I can't groan enough! They are now shunning me!

    Oh sweetie. I cannot imagine your pain. Getting shunned by family such as parents or siblings is one thing...but by your children. That has to be a terrible pain in your heart.

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