Kent's Tabloid Journalism = lies??

by Kismet 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    "These were non-voting business influence. The Society also has no rights to sell these shares."

    Do you not know that the Society tells brothers that they cannot do work on churches of Christendom for monetary compensation even if they are employees of a non-jw contractor?

    The Society could follow their own dogma and "turn down" the gift of these shares the same way they expect men/women to turn down jobs which would provide compensation and food on the table for their families.

    We could hold our breath and wait for the Society to stop being hypocrites. But should we? Not!

  • sf

    Hello bluesapphire,

    I agree with this statement as well:

    "The Society could follow their own dogma and "turn down" the gift of these shares the same way they expect men/women to turn down jobs which would provide compensation and food on the table for their families."

    But then, it wouldn't be "charitable planning for the kingdom ministry", now would it?

    sKally, counting dead gb members, like sheep at night (klass)

  • Kent
    Dearest Prisca :)

    I am speaking from my experience in reading Kent's posts over the years on this and other DBs.

    I don’t believe you have done ANYTHING to clean the black and white Watchtower thinking out of yourself. As the rest of us know (most of us, anyway), simply leaving doesn’t do it.

    Unless you start to READ, or actively research, you'll gonna stay in your mental post-JW rut. I'm pretty much tempted to ignore you completely, since you don't seem to listen to reason. It's a big world out there. Diverse people and ideas. Oftentimes there is no "one right and only way".

    You should be more flexible and open-minded, less damned sure YOU know it all. You seem to believe you are 100% correct 100% of the time, and as many have pointed out to you - that simply isn't so.

    You need to start doing something pro-active to grow, to make yourself able to differ between apples and bananas. To see the shades of grey, and to see the absolute fact you're not God or any authority to say all others are wrong all the time.

    Look at all the brilliant women on the board-suffering thru the mental emotional struggle, actively learning about what the WTS is really about - and meditating aloud how their lives are, and how they feel. Why haven't you followed their lead?

    JanH knows me better than most, and he told you your ideas of me were laughable. You don't know me at all, but YOU KNOW he's wrong, and you're right. It seems, my girl, you need to do some thinking. Maybe it's a good idea to climb down from the pedestal - because you've no reason to be up there.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Grunt

    I have butted heads with Kent a few times. Usually half in fun when he would make some remark about the USA, that was, OF COURSE, wrong. I don't like the way he insults people. I think the rule we should follow is that we talk to one another just like we would face to face. Most of us are not so rude as to say "you are stupid" to someone face to face. Yet here many feel free to do so. I do my best to talk to people here the same way I would if they were in front of me. Courtesy is the name of the game until I get insulted. Even then I am not going to curse someone.
    Having said that, let me say that I am deeply indebted to Kent and others like him who have done so much work. I have profited from that work. I try to spread the benefits of the information from him and the others like him.
    As for being bitter and angry, I don't see that as a flaw in him. I AM A BITTERLY ANGRY MAN WHEN IT COMES TO THE WATCHTOWER, whether he is or not. Simply said, I hate them. I am sorry to admit to being so childish but I really, honestly, would love to beat the hell out of each member of the Governing Body that has inflicted so much harm on so many. They should be in prison in my opinion. They have caused a lot of others to be and yet they sit on their flabby butts in New York and skate while the poor "sister" loses her husband because she chooses the WT over him, while the poor child dies for lack of a bone marrow transplant, while families are shattered and forsaken, they.....there I go, see? I get up a head of steam pretty quick when I start thinking about the two faced hypocrites and phonies. Why shouldn't we be angry? Look what they doing and to whom they do it. They've earned my contempt.
    As for what Kent says, it was all true. Not partially true.

    Kent said:
    "Today the Watchtower is all about money. ...
    And business is what it's all about. Weapons production, security companies, real estate companies, travelling agencies, microwave equipment, grocery stores, Car sales, fruit exporters, printing, stocks - you name it - and the Watchtower do have a finger there!"

    The things he mentioned all support what he said, it is all business, all money. They sleep with everyone that they forbid the rank and file to talk to.

    You replied to him:
    "While the Watchtower Society may have some connection to the above, it has been proven time and again that some of the above have nothing to do with the religious organization except sharing the same name."

    They share the MONEY. Which is what it is all about, business. Witnesses can't work for a church, but they can file a lawsuit with Jimmy Swaggart and the Moonies as cronies. If they own stocks in an arms business then they should give it away, destroy it, something, but don't profit from the "unclean" thing. They have whored their way around in France trying to influence political policy, they sucked up to Hitler, and George Bush could have his way with them anytime he wants to by offering them tax incentives or loopholes. Or he could make them put the bibles away and cause them to lie and say they are a "cultural club" if he threatened to take away all their property and freeze their accounts if they are a religion. It is laughable. They are supposed to be the ONE that would stand up when all the other religions lay down? Ha. They would be happy to tell the rank and file to die like sheep rather than compromise, but at headquarters they have a true appreciation for the dollar bill. The bulgarian blood deal gives you a good idea of what they are capable of, and what they allowed in Africa. No, Kent is doing a good job I think. Not quite up to Swedish Standards, but still a pretty good job.

  • sf

    Dear Grunt,

    How do you physically feel after "vomiting" that out? Nice chunks...thumbs up.

    I know that after I "vomit" verbally and emotionally, my body goes through a few "pains and discomfort". Did you experience any of this?

    Sincerely, sKally

  • Grunt

    How do I feel? Great.
    Vomiting? I see it more as lancing their wound than vomiting up my chunks. Many people lurk here. A lot are Witnesses. Any that are honest, and a lot are or all of us wouldn't have left, have to admit that the facts are the rank and file are the only ones that do the dirt and pay the price. When was the last time a GB member went to prison for anything? Or pioneered for that matter. They have two standards, or really one standard and a non-standard. At the top everything is flexible. I picture it as going like this, "Hmmm, can't get into these new countries with the present stand on blood eh? Ok, change it to a conscience issue, by the tell the r and f nothing has changed but the name. Voting too, huh, ok, same deal, same message to the rank and file. By the way, find some way to beat the drums, these people are slowing down!!! We can't allow, uh, make that, Jehovah doesn't want His people to slow down now SO Close to the END. That's right, beat the drums a little bit, light a fire under these publishers somehow. Do what you have to do but these numbers have to come back up."

    Besides when you lance a wound, everyone can see the puss and know just how infected it was.

  • Kismet

    {shaking head in disbelief} no matter how much things change they stay the same.

    Make a comment to Kent, disagree with him Jan comes running to his defense full of insults and personal attacks.

    Believe it or not I was impressed with the way Kent finally dealt with my post but then all teh other detractors had to jump into the frey and here we are... insult after insult, attack after attack.

    As tempting as it may be I for one am not going to join in the mud wrestling pit. Unfortunately this thread has probably show many readers the personality of some participants...well at least their online personality. What they are like in real life means diddlysquat since most of us will never meet them in RL.

    What matters to most is what they are like while hiding behind their computer screens (real name or not) and posting their comments. Perhaps if the alleged RL personalities were displayed online some of these issues would not need to be raised.

    Kismet - growing tired of the same ole same ole

  • Mazza

    Dear Kismet, Sooooooooorry for using your name! I forgot! (put it down to age)! For what it's worth I think your topic is a good one, and well worth discussing.

    I'm wondering what's wrong with being bitter anyway? Why is it considered an insult? I can't say I'm thrilled about the lost years (over 20 now) without my loved ones, due to a really stupid religion. Bitter, yep, I think I've got my quoter. If it's not bitterness that keeps us here - then it has to be OCD. I personally lean towards the former, but I think some fit the latter. Niether of these qualities are a crime in my book.


  • Kent
    Hi Grunt

    I have butted heads with Kent a few times. Usually half in fun when he would make some remark about the USA, that was, OF COURSE, wrong. I don't like the way he insults people.

    It seems the Americans are a bit more emotional about anyone making fun of their country than is normal here in Scandinavia. OF COURSE some people will be offended, no matter what you say - but what I usually write about the US and the US systems of things isn't an insult at all.

    We have to be careful we don't feel so much of importance we're starting to talk in capital letters, saying Sir to ourselves. No offence intended. I do admit my sense of humor is different than many, especcially in the US. (Normally it works just fine in Australia and England. I've noticed Canadians also subscribe to some of the more direct kind of humor.)

    Anyway, try to figure out if my "rude attacks" on Gods Own Country isn't meant to be a bit humoristic. You see, Grunt - I've got many friends in the US as time goes by.

    I think the rule we should follow is that we talk to one another just like we would face to face. Most of us are not so rude as to say "you are stupid" to someone face to face. Yet here many feel free to do so.

    Well, again there is differences between countries and places. In principle I agree full-heartedly with your saying, but fact is we CAN say that to a person in Norway without riscing being shot at! We CAN roll down our car-window when an asshole don't drive at a green light and tell him he's a blind asshole without riscing our lives.

    Naturally, there is a big difference online. We don't se the others facial expression, and we can't read the body language. I've always said it's not what I say that's important - it's HOW I SAY IT! And in that, facial expression and body language, the tone of the voice - everything do play a part for the other to interpret what I actually say.

    Online, a person can only READ what is being said, and even thoug I read and write English, it's a lot of words I don't know, a lot of expressions that may seem OK for me - that others choose to take offence from, and so on.

    Again - it would be a good idea to try to see what a person is actually trying to say - not HOW he says it. Not everyone here has English as their first language.

    As for insults; I agree I can be insulting - on purpose. But honestly, is it me that STARTS that thing? I guess you will find I'm not a guy to turn the other cheek, and I answer in the spirit of the accusations or attacks directed at me.

    Some people are simply too stupid to answer at all, and as a result you will find there is a few people on this board I usually never answer. Simply because it's absolutely in vain, they will just answer with personal attacks, avoiding the subject, throw in Red Herrings, start discussing something totally different in the thread, and so on.

    But fact is I can be insulting. The only thing I ask is to see if I'm the one starting it all, because I believe you will find that seldom is the fact. I'm not perfect, far from it. But I do have an advantage here - I haven't any personal prestige invested in anything! I'm a hard man to offend, since I choose NOT to be offended - and I honestly don't think anyone on this board could actually manage to make me real mad - no matter how hard they tried.

    You need to know me extremely well to manage that - and not many people do.

    Th accusations of me being "bitter" pops up every now and then; usually from JWs which are pissed off by The Watchtower Observer. The ones accusing me of such nonsense have their head filled with Watchtower-ideas, and they still subscribe to Watchtower "values".

    The idiotic idea of "unity" - never to "offend" anyone. Unidirection (is that the word)isn't the same as "unity" - and to take offence by order from all and everything that doesn't fit into the ideas of a cult is stupidity.

    So, I guess these idiotic and unfounded accusations and claims will pop up from Watchtower-drones over and over. And from people who BELIEVE they're out - but who have their mind-set geared towards the Watchtower "morals" and their black and white thinking.

    Else, I enjoyed your post.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

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