Has this board lost it's 'Pop' lately?

by AK - Jeff 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow2


  • Mary

    Well I can't speak for everyone, but I haven't posted much here lately (haven't you all gone in to culture shock?), simply because I've been so busy at work lately. And I know there's been a few others on here who've sent me PM saying the same thing: They're super busy at work and simply don't have the time right now.

    Ah sometimes it's just nice to take a bit of a break and then come back to a fresh start........

  • rebel8

    I think summer vacation ending has a role in this too.

  • doffy

    Oh, is there no 'live chat' on here?

    I suppose it's easier to catch up with everyone with posts, but chat is so much fun.

    I have msn, if anyone is interested email me exjwhelp @ hotmail.co.uk.

    I post somewhere else too, and that board has live chat. It's a matter of sitting & waiting for others to join in though sometimes, but when it gets going it's great! http://p196.ezboard.com/bexjehovahswitnessforum

    I think all boards go through 'quiet' phases though. Sometimes the 'steady' posters get busy with 'life', and new posters find it hard to find their feet, or feel nervous about joining in. All understandable I suppose!

  • under74

    sometimes it's jumpin and sometimes not...all depends on what day it is, what time it is, and what time of year it is.

    ...in my opinion.

  • TheListener

    I have really enjoyed some of the deep scriptural discussions that have gone on lately. I feel like I'm learning from the people here to think for myself and how to research topics on my own. Something I never learned to do as a young witness person.

    I would love chat, but would spend too much time there.

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