King has become Jehovah... oops

by proplog2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    This stuff is incredible to me. The Governing Body has to be scared to death, and if this sort of thing really gets out of control, look for some major witch-hunts and mass disfellowshippings. The Great Apostasy of 1980 is going to pale in comparison. Frankly, I'm pretty shocked at the links skally is posting.

  • Cygnus

    That is sheer insanity going on at our once beloved H2O. Excerpt of another version of the ficticious e-assembly part skally pasted:


    This is a preview of the first convention of the e-Witnesses of Adenoid Hynkel held at Bürgerbräu Beer Hall in Munich.We take you to the Saturday afternoon symposium entitled "Handling Your Reich Minister Aright".

    Sister Peace: They wanted to know if I was planning to show this to anyone else. I told them my intention was to tell about Adenoid Hynkel to all who will listen. Well they tried to reason with me for a while but finally they said they could not allow me to spread material throughout the Beer Hall and cause divisions. I told them I refuse to listen to any more hypocrisy from the Tower Watch Society. To make a long story short I was summarily disfellowshipped.


    That seriously has to be the funniest thing I've read in months.

    Look at the reasoning by this guy posturing himself as a JW (it almost carries a ring much like the Rick of old):


    benjamin asks the following.....

    Now take a look at this excerpt from

    E-W MailBag: March 29, 2003: Worst of all, the Watchtower has trickily twisted the prophecies to mislead Jehovah's Witnesses to believe that Jehovah could not be more pleased with us. That, of course, is a lie!

    The similarities:

    How can we as Jehovah's people, Worst of all, the Watchtower expect Jehovah to continue to put up with a people to believe that Jehovah could not be more pleased with us that clearly twist has trickily twisted His words the prophecies to attempt to uphold a faulty doctrine, namely that of 1914 to mislead Jehovah's Witnesses as concocted by the WTS? That, of course, is a lie!

    While we might accept that one or two sentences might coincidentally be very similar or almost exact in both E-W’s essays and The Report, what are the chances of it happening this many times? And to be sure there are more examples not here shown. We can only conclude that either he is the author of the book or that he has merely copied the ideas and sentences of the book, but either way he has lied about his knowing of TWMC. We have to wonder why would a person go to such great pangs to hide his connection with this book called The Report by TWMC?


    And if that isn't weird enough, you have this from


    The purpose of this blog is to critically examine the Anti Jehovah's Witnesses site , it's associated discussion board The Paradise Cafe the sister discussion board The teachings of Timothy Kline AKA Morloc (Registered owner of all these sites) and the supposed owner or owners and operators of this ring of websites. In an effort to help our brothers and sisters "Make sure of all things" we will look deeply into the essays, commentaries, and discussion boards associated with and the owners/ operators. . . The apostate sites mentioned above are by no means the only sites run by the daring duo of would be ruiners of Jehovah's people. We have a great deal of information for you, including discussion board posts and websites by apostate Timothy Kline; the real owner of .


    And what in the world is THIS all about?


    Ensin e-watchman whois:

    WHOIS information for

    Registration Service Provided By: Active-Domain Co.



    Domain name: e-

    Registrant Contact:

    Walter Reyes ([email protected])


    115 Front St. E. Suite #192

    ffice:smarttags" />

    Ja sitten Wt-seuran Kanadan yhteystietoja:

    Mark Ruge, Director, Public Information ()

    Phone: (905) 873-4100; Toll-Free: (888) 301-4259; Fax: (905) 873-4511

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Contact: J. R. Brown, telephone: (718) 560-5600

    contact: Mark Ruge, telephone: (905) 873-4100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So this "Walter Reyes" is a fake name that Robert King tried to use as domain owner?

    Skally, what do you make of all of this?

  • Kaput

    This ain't sKally, but what the hay. Yes, Walter Reyes is the fake name initially used by Robert King to register as the domain owner. "Rey" is Spanish for "king". The address is actually an old mail drop address which is no longer being used in Toronto. The names of WBTS people, J.R. Brown and Mark Ruge, are used as contacts. The phone numbers are actually the WBTS phone numbers in Canada. It appears to have been quite a ruse by Mr. King. As I've recently stated, there is more to this fellow than meets the eye.

  • sf

    Thanks kaput. I've been offline a few days. First chance to come back to this thread.

    Yea, you about summed it up. And for those of us who've been around just about all message boards and try to stay current to "all things Watchtower", Tim Kline must be given some merit in his abilities to stay loyal and run some damn pretty interesting and entertaining message forums for and about the reform movement-E-Watchman, so to speak. BRAVO TIMMY!!

    I must encourage those who are interested in the entertainment value of the great internet mystery of Robert King/You Know/E-Watchman and Timmy Kline/morloc, please do a search through google; as this site may not have the engines running tip top. You will be reading for days.

    Thx for the edit to the mod. Much oblige.

    sKally...oh yea: GOOD MORNING TED!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

  • 987654321

    Can anyone confirm this ?

    Posted by Spartacus on February 15, 1999 at 17:47:03 {MWWuZGm2SsIR.}:

    This post is in response to AF's post regarding YK down the board.

    AF and all. I know who YK is and what I said about him is true. I exposed him to show H2o that he is a hypocrite in view of his arrogant JW attitude and his readiness to damn those who do not subscribe or oppose WTS beliefs and policy. He comes off as if he's an elder and a person who is very well respected in the congregations that he has attended and have spoken at conventions but this is not the case. Also he went as far as to describe himself as a business man who is well to do which is the farthest thing from the truth!

    Also if you check the archives, when I started to describe his lifestyle and ways, he acknowledge that I knew him. You must admit that it's not too many people with his personality traits, race, age, ways and who claims to be anointed that I could get him mixed up with someone else who attends a congregation on the north side of town. Then he made the mistake to talk about his past drug use with LSD a story I've heard years ago from his own lips and much more. And he also mentioned a brother that I know. YK's statements only confirmed who he is.

    I feel that H2o have been forewarned about what type of person YK is and one must admit that there is a contrast, a gulf, as to the kind of ranting you find in his posts and the kind of lifestyle I know he lives. He's a con artist, plain and simple. His lifestyle belies the ranting and conviction in his posts.

    If he portrayed a more humble attitude I would not have exposed him. But I could not allow him to display such false holiness in his claim that he's anointed, his doomsday predictions and his damning attitude toward those who oppose the WTS, with me knowing what kind of person he truly is.

    It's too bad because he's done his best to defend the WTS, in my view he has NO credibility.

    I would hope that he has changed his life and is not living at the expense of others, including the U S government because he is capable of supporting himself.

    With that, I will continue my sparse activity on H2O as I have done for the lasts few weeks. I'll reply to this thread but for the most part my participation on H2o will be sparse.

    God is good, Spartacus

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