I've just been told Satan has control of my mind

by jwfacts 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    An old JW woman just called me for my sisters phone number. In the usual chit chat she asked how the meeting were etc. I said i dont go and that i dont believe it anymore.
    She then gave me an earful in her loving 80 yo voice how I must realise these are the last days and that only JWs make know the name of the Father. She proceeded to tell me that I must be breaking my parents heart, feel i am too smart for my own good and that Satan has control of my mind. She then ended up saying she will love me anyway.
    I feel absolutely crushed evertime I have anything to do with Witnesses.

  • jgnat

    If an eighty year old woman gave me a tongue lashing, the only reason I'd be crushed is if I was hogging her bus seat. Then I'd hastily move. Consider the source. I'd have half a mind to end the call with a "Boo" and then "Just kidding!".

  • Born-Again

    I think the sad thing is that the average JW really believes what ya granny said...

    Yes I think we do live in "end times" but its amazing how the JW's think they are the only ones preaching and teaching (Math 28:19-20) and the only ones making known the Father.

    Our Church as do most churches - make known the name of God and are actively involved in preaching and teaching in one form or another...

    Now if only the JW would do the real work that is acceptable to God - James 1:27

  • Honesty

    I bet she changes that song when she dies and is immediately resurrected and steps into eternity.

  • jwfacts

    Maybe one day i'll join her there and we'll have a good old laugh about it all.

  • Born-Again

    what?? Join her in HELL?????

  • free2beme

    Does she feel Jehovah has control over her mind? I thought they were suppose to be free thinkers to some degree.

  • seattleniceguy
    She proceeded to tell me that I must be breaking my parents heart, feel i am too smart for my own good and that Satan has control of my mind.

    LOL...Let's see, a guilt trip, an accusation of pride, and a diagnosis of demon possession. Sounds like she's going for the manipulation trifecta!


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    It aways amazes me that these old witnesses to realize that they are living proof that the WT hasn't a clue what they are talking about. As for satan controling your mind. Next time you see her ask her if he is using a joystick or a mouse. It would be interesting to know what type of technology satan prefers.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Boy did I bugger that up. I'll try again. It always amazes me that these old witnesses don't realize that they are living proof that the WT hasn't a clue what they are talking about. As for satan controling your mind. Next time you see her ask her if he is using a joystick or a mouse. It would be interesting to know what type of technology satan prefers.

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