Watchtower Gives Up Explaining 607 BCE Date!

by VM44 239 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ackack

    To quote from simpsons:

    Lisa: All through history self-anointed seers have predicted the end of the world and they've always been wrong.
    Homer: But sweetheart I have something they didn't have. A good feeling about this!

    Thank God It's Doomsday

    I believe this is actually how the chronology is calculated.


  • scholar


    No one has provideda successful rebuttal to WT chronology, there have been many attempts with the moist famous being Jonsson's GTR but all such efforts have failed miserably. I have responded to every single point of criticism of our illustrious chronology since posting on this board and I welcome all contenders because scholar defeats them all and I love repeating the same expressions because this irks the apostates.

    scholar JW

  • City Fan
    City Fan
    I love repeating the same expressions

    You're not kidding!

  • Hellrider

    No one has provideda successful rebuttal to WT chronology, there have been many attempts with the moist famous being Jonsson's GTR but all such efforts have failed miserably. I have responded to every single point of criticism of our illustrious chronology since posting on this board and I welcome all contenders because scholar defeats them all

    You know, it`s kind of like when Adolf Hitler in his bunker, three days before he killed himself, proudly declared that they were winning the war.

  • Jeffro
    No one has provideda successful rebuttal to WT chronology, there have been many attempts with the moist famous being Jonsson's GTR but all such efforts have failed miserably. I have responded to every single point of criticism of our illustrious chronology since posting on this board and I welcome all contenders because scholar defeats them all and I love repeating the same expressions because this irks the apostates.

    The fact is that the WT chronology has been completely torn to shreds, with almost every aspect of it coming under fire. And the rebuttal on all fronts of the Society and its hapless devotees is that all of the facts must be wrong because they disagree with the Society's interpretation. 'Successful rebuttal' doesn't simply mean to give just any response over and over again; it has to actually have some substance that specifically answers the issues raised. Both you and your precious Society have failed dismally and will continue to fail in this area.

  • stevenyc

    scholar: No one has provideda successful rebuttal to WT chronology, there have been many attempts with the moist famous being Jonsson's GTR but all such efforts have failed miserably

    Do you actualy know the history of this data calculation? If you did, I think, even you, may reconcider.


  • scholar


    The fact of the matter is that WT chronology long presented by celebrated WT scholars had made wordly scholars and apostates look foolish because they have not provided a rebuttal of sacred biblical chronology. All that they have done is provided several conflicting chronologies with no agreed dates on anything that happened with history, a mire of conflictiing opinions, historical revisionism at best and a lack of prophetism.

    Our chronology is simple, prophetic, functional and based on God's Woird of Truth. Praise be to the Lord for this wondrous beautiful chronology. Ever so humble.

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro
    The fact of the matter is that WT chronology long presented by celebrated WT scholars had made wordly scholars and apostates look foolish because they have not provided a rebuttal of sacred biblical chronology. All that they have done is provided several conflicting chronologies with no agreed dates on anything that happened with history, a mire of conflictiing opinions, historical revisionism at best and a lack of prophetism.

    Have you just come out of a coma or something? There have been continued rebuttals against the Society's flawed dogma, which is the sole reason for your continued presence on this forum. The hubris of the Society to equate its flawed interpretations with "sacred bibilical chronology" is truly pathetic. The Society claims that its childish interpretation is superior because it arrives at a particular start date, even though there is no evidence that anything happened at that time, there is much evidence that it happened at a different time, and the end time given for their interpretations conflicts with the bible. Real historians prefer to rely on evidence.

    Our chronology is simple, prophetic, functional and based on God's Woird of Truth. Praise be to the Lord for this wondrous beautiful chronology. Ever so humble.

    It is wrong, flawed, impractical, and loosely based on the bible. There is certainly no humility involved.

  • steve2
    Our chronology is simple, prophetic, functional and based on God's Woird of Truth. Praise be to the Lord for this wondrous beautiful chronology. Ever so humble.


  • scholar


    Nope, no coma but scholar has followed this controversy for many years for it was Carl Jonsson who first attempted a major rebuttal of our chronology but failed to provide any convincing alternative or any coherent interpretation. The simple fact that a start and end date is achieved is indeed significant othberwise any such scheme would be of little value for Christians today. The dates therby deduced such as 607 and 1914 are confirmed by the present state of the world today and the fact the Kingdom is ruling. Your flights of fancy and false chronologies are empty and are of no value to you and other ridiculers. We have something that works, you have something that fails.

    scholar JW

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