Ritzville Bound

by silentlambs 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • silentlambs

    I leave tonight to head for Ritzville. There have been so many kind thoughts and notes sent which I am going to pass on to Erica when I get there. We even had a person from Germany send $80 for flowers.

    An article ran early in the local newspaper which in turn gives the defense a basis to ask for a mistrial. I do not think this will happen but this puts Erica in a pre-trial hearing Monday. They have run out the very best prosecuter in the area and he seems clear cut on making sure things go right this time. We hope it does of course, but I believe the pedophile will be getting support from high places. He was met with many hugs from his congregation today.

    I hope this is the beginning of a new fight for the victims. To no longer let wt be in control and call the shots. While being df for six months for molesting a child may be plenty enough punishment to the Othello congregtion of jw's, as before, I believe again the courts will see otherwise.

    Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. If you pray, please pass a kind word on for what is going to happen next week. Your love and positive feelings in these matters will have an effect for the right outcome.

    When you consider it from Erica's shoes and think about having to sit before a court and tell about being raped as a child, all the while having the perpetrator staring at you with hatred in his eyes, along with all his friends. It is easy to see who the courageous one is in this matter. Did you know in the last trial the jw's snickered and laughed while she testified? Not this time, not this time.

  • gsark

    No indeedy... not this time.

    Best of wishes to you SL and Erica. And everyone who is going to be there.

    This in my opinion is an example of the True Christianity that Jesus Christ spoke of; people helping people from the heart...and no turning in time!!!

    Agape all...

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • Pathofthorns

    Kick ass Bill and give her a hug from all of us here.


  • Treborr Jones
    Treborr Jones


    Good luck and God speed

  • Simon

    Good luck - please pass on our love and best wishes to Erica. The number of people against her may be more locally but world-wide I reckon we would outnumber them and could wup the lot...

  • zev

    good luck.

    -August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED

  • Prisca

    We won't be there in person, but we'll be there in spirit.

    All the best of luck.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Hope all goes well!! May Erica be double blessed for her courage!

  • ZazuWitts

    It is a pity that she has to go through this 'once again' - but I'm so happy that this time around she will have others there supporting her. And, also that she is aware that so many of us applaud her for her courage. Thanks to you Bill, and all of you that will be in that courtroom supporting Erica.

  • Tanalyst

    Have a safe trip for all going.Bill,thanks for your concern for WT victims, in action. What a fine example for all Christians.

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