most HATED thing about the meetings ...

by alliwannadoislive 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    I also hated when parents took their children to the bathroom and you could hear a loud slap and then crying. There was one sister in particular whose children I felt very sorry for.
    The service and school meeting was by far the worst to attend. VERY BORING !!!!

  • Hmmm

    I hated people who didn't prepare ahead of time for the meetings.

    I hated people who prepared by underlining, but didn't write any points in the margins.

    I hated people who wrote in the margins, but it wasn't research, it was some lame catch-all phrase.

    I hated when the WT conductor didn't call on me when I'd done some deep research on an issue, but called on three people who made only cursory comments.

    I hated that not many people went out in service on Sunday before/after the meeting.

    I hated parents who let their kids act up in God's House, who spared the rod.

    I hated that so many other people obviously didn't want to be there; that they thought there were better places to be than Jehovah's Spiritual Ark.

    Now I hate that I was a judgemental, self-righteous, arrogant, couldn't-wait-for-evil-people-to-be-destroyed a**hole.


    [Edited to say that I really was a great guy! Really!]

  • AGuest

    Hmmmmmm... let's see... (peace to you all!)...

    You know (no pun intended), I actually LIKED going to meetings for some time, because I THOUGHT I was getting 'information' (I love information)... but I realize that when I stopped liking it, it was because of the:

    1. Abandonment of "widows and orphans... in their 'tribulation'"
    2. No concern for the 'fatherless' boy/girl
    3. Condescending attitude towards others, especially 'the world'
    4. Lack of love
    5. Prohibition from 'eating and drinking'
    6. "Lording it over" by some of others
    7. Self-assumingness
    8. Haughtiness
    9. Gossip
    10. Slander
    11. Speculation
    12. Hypocrisy
    13. Lies
    14. Deception
    15. Misleadings
    16. Misrenderings
    17. Misinterpretations

    in that order... and the fact that EVERYONE, in and OUT of the 'borg... except those who were considered 'spiritual'.. based on their ADORATION of the 'borg (so, I guess the 'right' word is those who were 'acceptable')... was suspect... and on many occasions, considered just plain old 'unworthy'.

    All of that stuff just got on my @#&!^ nerves! (Sorry, but it did... and does).

    Again, I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • buffalosrfree

    I hated the book study or rather the boring book reading, because it was apparent that not many cared enough to study. You could see that most didn't even go over the material. I especially hated having to ask Jehovah/Yahweh whoever for a blessing at the end of it, and the last three times when asked if I would give the closing prayer, I declined, you could hear a pin hit the floor (that be a carpeted floor) it got so quiet, embarassed my wife to no end. Elder too he didn't know what to say. Told the Elder that bro so and so can't read needs the practice so I decline thanks. They hated me I know but then again, I hated them too. My children said do to my demeanor, and past (x amount of years in military and 42 months in Vietnam i tended to intimidate people) well I know i intimidated that weasel. He was scared shitless of me and most there could tell it. oh well adios ass holes. Buff

  • soylibre

    More than anything, I hated attending....

  • JW83

    Right on Hmmm!!

    I too hated the fact that everyone talked about witnessing blah blah but it was only ever me and another sister who ever bothered to show up for Sunday witnessing. They would give us a map and let us go! Year in and year out. And we still never made it into the cool pioneer group!!


  • alliwannadoislive

    hmmm - that made me laugh out loud - ty

    buff - i sat mouth hung open - how could you refuse to ask the prayer ? i can't believe that ! ... sigh .. if only i had you as a teacher ... heehee ...

    JW83 - was that your baptismal year ? (was mine)

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