KH meeting - boring!

by jstalin 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FlyingHighNow
    I fucked who died after I was disfelowshiped right before the last half of my senior year after I moved to a new congragation who everybody knew his wife and hated me by way of her.

    Not to add pain to you, but a 17 year old hopping in bed with a married guy? I can imagine that wouldn't help you win any popularity contests. How old was he? I hope someone kicked his a$$. I hope you learned a lot from that situation. It's the only good that could have come out of it.

    Welcome to the board. I hope things are a lot better for you now.

  • Generic Man
    Generic Man

    Yes, the boredom. Most of my childhood was spent at those miserable meetings and now as an adult, I'm still attending them. The information they give at the meetings is almost exactly the same as it was when I was a child. Its different when you're an adult though, beacause now I understand that this religion is bunk. All I do nowdays is sit there and try and ignore all the obnoxious ranting that regularly comes from the platform.

  • Andrea Wideman
    Andrea Wideman

    Boring and dour certainly. I love to sing but those songs are so tough to do. I couldn't really enjoy the singing though I did try very hard to do that.
    Also one other thing I noticed is the way they speed read the scriptures. They mention the chapter and verse, rush to find it as fast as possible, speed through it, and then the process starts again. They don't stop and really think about the beauty of the words.
    The really dour part is being judged all the time. No matter how much you know or how well behaved your kids might be they always have a comment on how you can do better.

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