What if "KOOL-AID" was offered?

by horrible life 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    My guess is from 1961 to 1980 maybe 400 or 500 JWs died from lack of blood. Since many blood components therapies have become conscience-matters and no-blood therapies are working pretty well, the last two and a half decades have probably seen 100 to 200 JW deaths from lack of blood therapy, at most.

    If a thousand JWs died each year from this, that'd be 3 a year and a newsworthy story. I just don't see it.

  • Cygnus

    Oh, and, the question posed in the title of the thread ought to be: What if "FLAVOR-AID" was offered?

  • hamsterbait

    CYP has a good point. What exactly IS the body count?

    A minimum can be calculated simply by reading the Index of WT publications. On top of that are the others whose death certificates say 'leukaemia' - maybe transfusion would have kept them alive long enough for the chemo to work - 'stabbing' ( had they taken blood they would still be here) - 'haemorrhage' (again the root cause, but a BT could have saved them) I reckon the Jonestown cult killed far far fewer. Cygnus - there are what ? 200 or more countries in the world. Even if only one JW died in each one once a month that is 2400 a year - already way beyond the Kool Aid tragedy.

    HB (of the "hanging my head in sorrow" class)

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