"....You probably think this song is about you...."

by Preston 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Preston

    When I was a faithful dub, the biggest, nagging doubt I had was the belief that a book... writing thousands, upon thousands of years ago....largely written in the middle east....was written with a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses in mind. It never ceased to amaze me the number of elders that told me that "the Bible was really written for the annointed...remember, everyone else just benefits from its non-heavenly related discussion..but only a god fearing, going to heaven annointed dub could truly understand it...in that special way."

    The whole thing reminds me of that Carly Simon song, "You're so Vain", you'd have to be really vain....or Insane even... to think that a book that ancient was written with a couple of guys in Brooklyn in mind, a city that didn't even exist at the time the last book of the Bible was written. If some guy went around saying that Theodore Dreiser's "Sister Carrie" was written for them, they'd be written off as one insane mofo, but we're talking about the Bible here... the #1 selling book of all time. Isn't it odd that the dubs in general haven't stopped and said, well... maybe these guys really are crazy... even that's a less controversial way of approaching it than saying well, the governing body is a bunch of dishonest evildoers... I'm still open to the organization being run by the insane... of the some of the most vain people in our lifetimes.

    - Preston

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Hey Pres, let's throw arrogant in there too.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Spot on, Preston!

    I remember thinking as we studied the 'Revelation Climax' book, how odd it was that every single word of Revelation seemed to be written to describe what happened primarily among a few 'Bible Students' in a western country, removed by 2000 years from the writings. Some of those enormous 'stretches' that were made had me thinking a long time before I knew I was thinking.


  • Honesty

    I believed that BS until the WT fog I was surrounded by started disappear.

  • heathen

    What's even more idiotic is the belief that God would some how choose a lunatic like C T Russell then booze rutherford . and so on ................ One nut case after another................

  • Preston
    Hey Pres, let's throw arrogant in there too.

    sure, why not........vain has one syllable tho...I think that's why it was picked. .. and yes AK... isn't it intersesting that one of the grandest prophecies of the revelation book had its fulfillment..... at an assemby in OHIO. Hmmm, from all the assemblies I've been to, not even the most off handed pronouncement could of produced anything above a short applause, I didn't hear no horn! - Preston

  • joelbear

    i guess you could actually say the Hebrew Scriptures were written for the Jews under the Abrahamic covenant which Christ dissolved and the Greek (i love saying Greek) Scriptures were written for the 144,000 since they are covered by the new covenant.

    those darn covenants.

  • Cygnus

    Beyond the Watchtower by Joseph Malik (c) 1982 pgs. 1-2

    I was impressed with the remarkable way that Bible verses were being interpreted. No one simply reading them could possibly come to the conclusions that the Watchtower organization did. How was I to ever understand the Bible without someone to help me on a personal level? I had no idea that such complex ideology was concealed in Scripture. Who else but someone very knowledgeable could possibly come up with such themes as the modern "Jonadabs;" "Elijah," "Elisha," and more recently the "Jeremiah class"? The Bible appeared to be written just for them. It predicted their assemblies, gave specific detail as to their content, prophesied about the imprisonment of some of their directors, and many other such pointed details all with unerring accuracy! It never occurred to me that any good fiction writer could do the same thing, as such ideas had nothing to do with what the verses used truly taught. Our Lord and his disciples never applied Scripture in the extreme ways that the Watchtower organization did. Verses intended to be examples for future generations became prophecy to be fulfilled in modern times through the agency of the Watchtower Society!

  • Cygnus

    So was the Bible written for Warren Beatty, Mick Jagger, or Chuck Russell? Will the secret be revealed at the upcoming special convention?

  • heathen

    I don't have a problem with it being a tool for those living in the end time and exspecting the return of christ . It is a hard book to understand with all it symbolisms and prophesy. The WTBTS itself has been constantly changing their stand on most of it and they clearly have done some research . Most people don't have the resources to research it that thoroughly . Thus the many screwball religions that exist today .

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