DF/DA people reinstated?

by Billygoat 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Does anybody have a fairly accurate number of those that are DFed or DAed, that have been reinstated? I'm just curious as to how many that leave actually go back. I was always led to believe from my parents that I was one of [italics]the few[/italics] that hasn't come back. I've got the feeling I'm not part of a few. If a large number of DF/DAed people DON'T return, then isn't the Society wondering WHY? Are they trying to do anything differently to change that?

    Just curious...


  • MadApostate

    Simply guessing (no proof), but I would say there are probably more DF/DA in the US than there are "actives"- 1,000,000.

  • messenger

    From my experience as an elder for many years I would say around 40% go back.

  • nytelecom1

    i have never encountered a da'd person coming back.........

  • MadApostate


    I know of one. The person DA'ed because the Elders were totally wrong and behaving like asses, so the person DA'ed just to get them off their back.

    Person moved, and was reinstated later. I'm not sure how involved the original elders were in the Re decision?

  • Billygoat

    Is RealElder out there to respond to this???


  • Isis

    I would have to say that most of the df'd people I knew were eventually reinstated, but usually they only did it for their family. Then they would eventually leave again but in a more "subtle" "slow fade" kind of way. I don't have a clue on any figures on this though.


  • dannyboy

    I don't have accurate figures, but I'd say probably 75% of DF'd wind up reinstated. Don't have many recollection of DA's, but can't immediately recall ANY who achieved "reinstatement".

    I think the relatively high number of DF:reinstatements are a comment on the hold of the borg. I recall a WT article some years back that proported to quote DF'd folks as sort of hanging their heads over their DF'ng: Like "I got DF'd 'cause I couldn't be a good enough Christian", etc. etc. Subtle but effective message. Nothing like laying on the GUILT. You (DF'd folks) are letting the "bros" down, making us look bad (dragging org name in dirt) etc. etc.

    Family "pressure" was/is a factor as well, of course.

    My 2 cents worth.

  • Frenchy

    If the Society keeps figures on the number that return they are never disclosed to the local elders. I know from experience that a high percentage of DF'd persons return. I think dannboy's estimate of 75% is probably close. Disassociated ones is another matter. These rarely return. It's been a while since I've seen figures in the Watchtower about the amount of people disfellowshipped in a year but the last figures were something like 40,000. The article said that most of that was due to immorality.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

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