Why are there more JWs on Social Security Beneifits than any other Religion

by MARTINLEYSHON 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    It's a privision from Jehovah....of course.

    ******you really must back this up with verifiable data******

    Just like the CO that told us that automobile manufacturers were building automobiles with PIONEERS in mind...they even were building cars with built in DONATION boxes.......which "worldly" people mistakenly use as an ASHTRAY.

    They're so stupid and fuckin lazy....all in the name of Gawd.


  • skyman

    Lazy plus they feed the attitude that less is more even if they do not do more in the service the attitude is still there

  • BrendaCloutier
    Sorry, Brenda, I was lumping Soc. Sec. and welfare together. Sloppy thinking in addition to just accepting the question in the topic as valid even though there were no sources cited. Ugh. My bad.

    No problem Luna. I was just trying to point out the differences between people in general. If an uneducated and even unskilled person with a brain uses it, they can become an upstanding citizen with a quality job that supports them. Welfare does not have to be an option. The only skills I had when I went to work at the office was I knew how to type (no office computers then) and I knew the alphabet and could file....I started out as a file clerk and moved to check typist for a health insurance claims office. Then I did some claims adjusting. I just kept moving forward. I was also trying to point out that just because a person ends up in a place where they have to check into the system doesn't mean they are of that mindset. I'm grateful the system is there, no matter how painful it has been to get plugged in.

  • steve2
    A lot of people have asked for the source of the 'statistic' for this thread. The original statement was that "more" Witnesses per capita are on welfare. A statistic by necessity involves a numerical value, so absolutely no statistics have even been offered, let alone a source for them.

    I'm not waiting for a statistic. I'm waiting for a source document such as may be found in press releases. For example, an organisation or agency might simply provide a table of information to the media which sets out the different religious groups and their ratio of receiving social security or welfare benefits. Does anyone know of any such information in the public domain? I don't. This claim seems plausible but awaits corroboration.

  • Jeffro


    I'm not waiting for a statistic. I'm waiting for a source document such as may be found in press releases. For example, an organisation or agency might simply provide a table of information to the media which sets out the different religious groups and their ratio of receiving social security or welfare benefits. Does anyone know of any such information in the public domain? I don't. This claim seems plausible but awaits corroboration.

    LOL. A statistic by any other name??

  • mkr32208
    because I hated being a housewife (translated whore and a housekeeper)

    I'm still blown away that no one has commented on this little quote...

    As to the JW's on social security... Bunk I don't buy it for one second! First it's not possible to get that type of statistic to begin with! Second social security is not welfare! It's not easy to get on and you had to pay in!

    I think if there is any truth to this (which there isn't) it would be because all the younger JW's are leaving the ranks in the US. That leaves mainly elderly one's, who didn't save for retirement because the end was coming any minute! So those elderly ones would be drawing SSI for the time that they PAID in!

  • DannyHaszard

    I went on SSDI at age 36 i had worked for 20 years though and earned it as well as two pensions.

    This is the kicker,my disability is due in part to mega surgery from ulcerative colitis (onset 1970) that was woefully mismanaged due to believing Watchtower apocalyptic predictions.

    I also have no education for the same reason.If i was raised 'normal' i would not have let the disease eat me away i would have sought better treatment,so i would still be working at age 48.

    But here's another kicker i don't work and have no family (all dubs me dfed) to occupy my time and assets so i spend all my time/money causing damage to the Watchtower. See how this all turned against them?

  • Finally-Free

    I knew plenty of JWs who would take advantage of periods of unemployment to pioneer™ at the expense of the taxpayer. Why not? They were doing Jehovers work, which is the most important work being done in the world today! The taxpayers should be happy that these fine pioneers™ were engaged in this life-saving™ work, and should feel privileged at having the opportunity to support these "godly men and women".


  • BrendaCloutier

    DannyHazzard, the ultimate Neener3 to the WTBTS!

    *Neener3 or NeenerCubed = Neener Neener Neener!

  • steve2
    LOL. A statistic by any other name??

    It depends on whether you mean the word statistic in a literal number-sense (e.g., I had 10 visits to my doctor in the past year) or in a wider sense that is used in the media (e.g., here's an off the cuff example, my friend Fred is three times more likely than me to go exercising during the week). There are other uses of the word statistic, as you'll see in the dictionary. Both the literal number-based one and the other ones are acceptable among statisticians, as any elementary statistics book will show. By the way, I never introduced the word statistic into this discussion - it may have been an earlier poster. My response simply said I'm awaiting corroboration of the initiating posters claim that JWs use social security more than members of other religions.

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