Where is the outrage?

by schne_belly 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The problem is that the local, state, and federal government did not think it would be as bad as this. Last year I heard a program that showed that the city of New Orleans was not prepared for a large storm as this and that preparations were not being made. The city is under sea level and protected by levees and sea walls that are not adequate.

    They did not want to disrupt tourism.

    A floating casino in Mississippi was scheduled to open yesterday; built on a regular route of hurricanes, tropical storms, and other large storms. Where were their brains?!

    People thought they could ride out the storm based on the news they received from authorities. They should have all headed for the hills.

    Poorer people without transportation were allowed to stay in known flood areas. Hospitals were not evacuated.

    So efforts are slow in coming. From what I hear, the US does not have a national plan and everything starts at the local level.


  • upside/down

    Everyone thought the tsunami incident would take forever to fix...

    The beauty of this country will be in how even a disaster like this will be absorbed... and people will go back to living quicker than almost anywhere else on the globe.

    Americans seem to always rise to the occasion and not just survive...but thrive.

    It's our way.

    u/d (of the been throug floods, earthquakes and wildfires myself class)

  • googlemagoogle

    It's our way.

  • Englishman

    A BBC radio show - UK's biggest -has just finished discussing this between music plays.

    Hear it here: BBC DISCUSS NEW ORLEANS.


  • SixofNine

    First of all, why would there be "outrage", except at the US governments response?

    And as mentioned, many other governments have expressed appropriate concern and offers of help. France, Venezuala, Russia, Netherlands, Germany, Canada so far, and quite possibly others (how would you know if it doesn't get reported).

  • schne_belly



    Apparently, this is the first national disaster to fall under the following:

    National Response Plan

    The National Response Plan is an all-discipline, all-hazards plan that establishes a single, comprehensive framework for the management of domestic incidents. It provides the structure and mechanisms for the coordination of Federal support to State, local, and tribal incident managers and for exercising direct Federal authorities and responsibilities. The NRP assists in the important homeland security mission of preventing terrorist attacks within the


    For additional information on the plan or on how to obtain copies of the National Response Plan, please call 800-368-6498.

    Looks pretty comprehensive to me. So did the Tsunami ravaged area have a National Response Plan? Did the US use that as an excuse to not donate? I don't think so .

  • googlemagoogle

    i'm not sure what point you want to make. i guess you know that the US got a lil bit more money than the countries hit by the tsunami. and if there's need for help, all you have to do is accept it - officially, not you as a person, that wont work. tell your leader he should start doing something.

  • upside/down

    Money alone...will not fix this problem...

    People being good humans will...

    And even thought "the media" will highlite and magnify EVERY bad deed done... the good will far outway the bad.

    I know this because the far majority of those involved are NOT JW's...

    People are truly capable of remarkable acts of kindness and will rise to the occassion... but this rarely makes "the news"...(well ok maybe the Awake)...

    u/d(of the believes in most of humanity class)

  • shera

    Its to help the people,who cares where they are from.Those people are in a mess and I can't imagine what hell they are going threw.

    Good to see,they are getting aide.Do they ever need it and more.

  • freedom96

    I have heard some other countries offering their help. However, I am not sure if this is a pr move on their part. Also, how much help will actually be given. Will it even be close to the amount of help the US puts out there? Will there be organized man power coming over to help? Will there be a large cash donation? What will the extent of help be?

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