Do You Think The Watchtower Will Help The Hurricane Victims?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Is there any group that you know of that gives the majority of their proceeds to the cause or are they all only giving a fraction of what is really donated??

  • Qcmbr

    Not all religious groups that are helping are listed on the FEMA site - maybe the JWs will be helping with what they've got where they can.

    In times like these I guess recriminations can happen after, right now I guess even 1 JW helper is welcome.

  • DannyHaszard

    I have nearly half a century of hard core exposure to JW heartlessattitudes.

    1.'worldly' people who want aid are only"rice" christians

    2.they need to look to God's Kingdom established in 1914 as all man-made expedients are temporary.

    3.if they are sheep like Jehovah will see them through the hardship.

    [same rational-lies goes if you are an active JW in good standing,i was in dire straits for 28 years with unrelenting ulcerative colitis and it was still my fault for not trusting in Jehovah with a complete heart]

    This is what i have been told,if i heard it this way once i have heard it a thousand times.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Is there any group that you know of that gives the majority of their proceeds to the cause or are they all only giving a fraction of what is really donated?? Try this site: It only recommends organizations were there opperating expences total no more than 35% of what they take in. Both the Red Cross and the Salvation Army are among the approved groups.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The JWs do a marvelous job at helping out... but only their own.

    It's their modus operandi, and it's not going to change anytime soon. Their way of rescuing their own is absolutely superb! Even more so if the person happens to be very active and considered a 'pillar' in the congregation or if you're 'well connected' with the heavy ones.

    Well, looking at it positively, at least they offer some sort of help if only to a chosen few. If every group or religious organization would offer the same sort of help, the problem wouldn't be as much for the government.

    DY - Of the 'thankful for any help at this time' class.

  • steve2

    Some have defended JWs efforts to help. I guess the main point others, including me, are saying is the following:

    It's not so much the quantifiable help or lack of it, but rather the mentality that underlies JW thinking on the topic of getting involved with practical relief efforts.

    That mentality is best summarised in a letter written by my JW uncle to my "inactive" mother shortly after 9/11. She has given me permission to quote a letter from my uncloe who is in many ways a typical loyal JW. Context: She had had a telephone conversation with him days after 9/11 and she wondered what the JWs in the US were doing to help in the clean up. He must have thought about their conversation because days later, unbidden, her wrote my mother a letter, part of which I quote here:

    (I've left my mother's name out of the letter he wrote her)

    "It's a shame that it [9/11] had to happen, but it is the time of the end and we need to focus on what lies beyond Jehovah's day of destruction. It would be foolish to become involved in efforts to fix things this side of that day. Worldly people and those with a vexatious spirit will say that we witnesses don't care and should get involved in these relief efforts. _______. you were taught as a child that all worldly efforts will come to nothing and I am surprised that you could see what happened to the twin towers and still believe humans can do anything to make things better. _______, we need to focus on trying to find the sheeplike ones and to warn by our example the ungodly and not become side-tracked with giving people temporary help."

    Straight from the horse's mouth: Superficially plausible but ultimately dismissive of the need to attend to people's immediate needs.

  • Honesty

    They prove without a doubt who their Father is.

  • minimus

    Yeah, we don't wanna become sidetracked into giving people temporary help. I hope if I'm ever drowning, he's not gonna be the one to watch me die. (Hey, at least he'll think I'll get a ressurection---if it's before Armageddon).

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