Another "New Light" or changing their damned story again about reserection

by crinklestein 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nellie
    All Along: It almost seems to me that the 'worldly' people are better off if you don't witness to them, that way they are just hapless unbelievers and are eligible for ressurection. Whereas if they become witnesses, they could f*ck up, get DF'ed, and end up eligible for SQUAT! Am I reading this right, or am I missing something important via my non-witness lack of knowledge?

    YOU GOT IT! You're absolutely right - as a "worldly person" the worst thing you can do is be informed - because ignorance is bliss! Or in this case, ignorance is resurrection!

  • blondie

    Actually, non-jws that die before Armageddon will be resurrected. So really to ensure that a non-jw will be resurrected is to make sure they die before Armageddon.


  • Terry
    I think I can sum up the problem very simply: Christians believe that Works emerge from Faith, whereas JWs believe that Faith emerges from Works. Basically they have the equation backwards.

    Could you clarify how and equation can be backwards, please?


    Terry (A=A)

  • Terry
    All Along: It almost seems to me that the 'worldly' people are better off if you don't witness to them, that way they are just hapless unbelievers and are eligible for ressurection. Whereas if they become witnesses, they could f*ck up, get DF'ed, and end up eligible for SQUAT! Am I reading this right, or am I missing something important via my non-witness lack of knowledge?

    YOU GOT IT! You're absolutely right - as a "worldly person" the worst thing you can do is be informed - because ignorance is bliss! Or in this case, ignorance is resurrection!


    The worst thing a Jehovah's Witness can do to a person is witness to them!


  • heathen
    The worst thing a Jehovah's Witness can do to a person is witness to them!


    By God I feel that way about most christian religions .The best thing they can do is shut up . LOL The deal is tho that those of the anointed can only receive their gift if they work in the preaching conversion work . Their unforgivable sin would be to speak against the spirit . I don't think the burden is so heavy on the great crowd but think it a good thing if they practice what they preach .

  • MidwichCuckoo
    So really to ensure that a non-jw will be resurrected is to make sure they die before Armageddon.

    So the kindest/most Christian thing to do would be to go out on FS with a Bible and a gun.

  • Hellrider
    So the kindest/most Christian thing to do would be to go out on FS with a Bible and a gun.

    Ha ha, exactly what I thought too. "Hi there, have you ever wondered what Gods plans are, for the future? We believe that Gods intentions are to restore paradise on earth, with the promise of everlasting life for those that follow him. I have here a broschyre, and..." BANG!

    Now you`re saved.

  • OldSoul


    Logical development of the formula in the progression laid out in the Bible:

    (1) Anyone can believe without faith in God, (e.g. The demons believe, but are faithless)

    (2) Anyone can do works without faith in God, (e.g. Matthew 7:21-23)

    (3) No one who has an active and living (vital) faith in God will fail to believe, his faith will inform his beliefs.

    (4) No one who has an active and living (vital) faith in God will fail to demonstrate works, his faith will motivate works.

    (5) Certain characteristics will always be present in somone who has an vital faith in God.

    (6) These characteristics may be imitated falsely, but their absence will always show eventually

    Therefore, just as you cannot possibly know for sure whether someone respects you, you cannot possibly know whether someone has faith or simply puts on a show of faith. Fortunately, in the Scriptures, it doesn't make one jot of difference whether you can determine the faith of someone else.

    The JWs have the formula messed up in that they believe:

    (1) Whether or not you have faith you should do works, because

    (2) Faith arises from works

    Whereas, the Scriptures consistently state the opposite, to wit, "by faith" certain works were done. (Hebrews 11) I hope this helps.


  • crinklestein

    After a few back and forth rants between both of us it has been revealed that there is apparrently an ongoing struggle to get people to rejoin the rank and file. This includes trying to lure inactives back to the hall with guilt. This is exactly what he has been doing and exactly what I've been guessing all along. He made some comment that it was his scriptural responsibility to try to get me back into the fold. I told him that he needs to worry about his own spiritual standing instead of concerning himself with those that could give a shit. Then he goes into personal insults which I then counter by pointing out his TRUE heart condition all along and why would I want to rejoin a group of people such as himself. He makes the following comment.

    "How soon we forget what we've learned. It's like a man going to school to become a skilled doctor who has the ability to save lives but, upon graduation, goes out & gets a job as a janitor, using those same hands to clean toilets rather than to save lives. "

    I reply with this.

    "Actually, a better analogy would be a person who joined the Flat Earth Society and learned and accepted their teachings as fact until the day he saw photographs of the Earth from orbit proving beyond a doubt that the Earth was not only round but a globe. Once recognizing that what was taught to him was indeed false he would be a fool to continue clinging to flase doctrines so he leaves that society behind to embrace that which he knows to be fact. And once doing so a whole new world is opened up to him, one that encompasses all dimensions. Not just the cramped, limited single dimension of the society that was left behind. "

    That ended it. He said that he at leat tried and he was free from any blood guilt. I used that to point out that his intentions of getting me back in were nothing but self serving. He wasn't really interested in getting me back into the truth. He just wanted to rid himself of blood guilt. Every single thing that he has said has been in a self serving vein. Look at me. I'm holier than thou. I'm taking spiritual matters seriously and making God a priority in my life. IS EVERYBODY LOOKING!? Let me make a list of all of my virtues for you to marvel at. See how pure I am? Don't you wish you could come back to this? Isn't this alluring to you? And if you come back won't that make me look good to everyone in the hall?"

    It really reminded me of Satan tempting Jesus with all the treasures of the world. This guy had his Livejournal username as "The Watchman". Presumtuous extreem! Now, after me putting him in his place he has changed it to "Weed em and Reap" and has a little quote under it saying "Save it for the Judge". If he's trying to get me to rejoin he's doing a hell of a job proving my points for me.

  • Terry
    Therefore, just as you cannot possibly know for sure whether someone respects you, you cannot possibly know whether someone has faith or simply puts on a show of faith. Fortunately, in the Scriptures, it doesn't make one jot of difference whether you can determine the faith of someone else

    You'd kinda think God would know.

    That is the confusing issue for me.

    God is pissed off at humanity for their humanity.

    Man has a mind and it does him no good when he wants to improve it and make it like god's mind. For this he is disfellowshipped from God's friendship.

    Yet, God is still going to rescue man? On what basis? Justice? Nope, man doesn't deserve to be rescued. Mercy? On what basis? The kindness shown is UNdeserved.

    One man oversteps a boundry and all men must pay; where is the justice in that?

    That is why the whole story seems so incredibly ill-thought out and made up out of whole cloth to me.


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