There Is A Logical Explanation For All Of It

by Honesty 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Honesty

    That's what I was told when I called 718-560-5600 and asked a brother in the Service Department about all the flip flops on blood and other doctrines over the past 50 years. Not once did he mention 'New Light' or 'Old Light'. Then He became a little confused when I mentioned that a lot of 'worldly' people are encouraging the JW's to compare "New Light' with 'Old Light' because a lot of it is complete reversals and turn-arounds that are circularly oriented. One article says one thing and then another in the same year or so says exactly the opposite so, what's with this? He made Mel Tillis sound like an NFL football sportscaster on national TV when he tried to answer. I didn't tell him that I used to be a JW because I knew he would hang up on me so I just told him that I was very interested in the WatchTower organisation and had some questions that needed answers. It was well worth the 20 minutes af air time I ate up on my cell phone listening to him trying to reconcile the rubber thonged footwear that is typical of the WTS.

  • Elsewhere
    There Is A Logical Explanation For All Of It

    There really is a logical explanation for all of it... the WTS is full of sht.

  • Pole

    :There really is a logical explanation for all of it... the WTS is full of sht.
    You beat me to it.

  • Hellrider

    LoL, Honesty. That`s so cool. Well, did he give you this "logical explanation", then? Or was it all stuttering? Maybe next time, you could pretend you`re a JW in doubt, because you were reading thru some old magasines, and found all the flip-flops, or and "apostate" colleague at worked has informed you on all this. Keep up the good work!

  • FairMind

    Maybe the reason they do this is so they can deny a particular stance by pointing to which ever article supports their claim?


  • Honesty
    Well, did he give you this "logical explanation", then?

    It's a little difficult to espouse a 'logical explanation' after being informed that no bible truth has ever flip flopped on any doctrine or issue that affects the human race and neither has God so therefore, any 'logical explanation' is just going to be a lie to cover up 'New Light' that was a flip flop in the beginning.

  • BluesBrother
    Logic is the systematic study of the patterns of argument and in particular those patterns of argument that are valid

    Oxford Dictionary ..

    Ok , we'd love to hear the logical reasons.....

  • still wondering
    still wondering


    i'm new here and new to posting anything anywhere on the internet. i have attended the meetings since the age of 8 (now 61), got baptised twice, studied all the publications enthusiastically for many years but for some reason that eluded me i could never understand the truth and what was worse i could'nt understand why i could'nt understand the truth.

    over a period of many decades much new light was shed but oddly enough the more light that was shed the more confused i felt. ideas (doctrines) that i believed (but not necessarily understood) were changed or were dropped entirely.

    i would have thought that new light would have clarified existing beliefs, brought them into sharper focus and reinforced them.

    but not so.

    it has clouded them over, made them less definable, replaced them entirely or even just quietly dropped.

    this seems to be not just "new" light but rather "different" light.

    what i once "knew" about the generation of 1914, earthquakes and the sign of the end, organ transplants, vaccinations and numerous other beliefs i realise now was wrong since they have all changed over the succeeding decades.

    i ask myself, if this is the light getting lighter why do i no longer understand things that i once understood so clearly.

    i'm still wondering.

  • kid-A


    Did you by any chance record that conversation? I think it would be PRICELESS to hear that !!!

  • DannyHaszard

    It's proof of uncanny power.The demons are best at deception,"angels of light/ministers of righteousness" wolves in sheep's clothing When the devil comes knocking on your door he won't have the dark goth look,they will be smartly dressed nerdy Jehovah's Witnesses wielding the Bible and flapping watchtowers.

    Watchtower Whistleblower: Danny Haszard Bangor Maine Jehovah's Witnesses are the 'perfect storm' of deception-in a word they are the cult of Innuendo

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