Wonderful Whimsical Sayings Said To You After You Left The Borg...

by TresHappy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    TresHappy- Your dad has obviously been the recipient of 'New Light!'

  • ozziepost

    "If it was up to us, we'd stone you!"

  • Gill

    Who said that to you, Ozzie!

    I hope you nutted them!

  • FlyingHighNow
    I am so sorry to hear the evil heaped upon you. Really I am sorry to hear about all the evil that the Borg has done. I did this thread because my sister (not a JW) reminded me of what Dad had said to me when I enrolled in night school. I had not forgotten, just put it out of my head. My sister says now Dad is encouraging all his grandkids to go to college!

    Tres, thank you. I hope you were able to finish night school.

  • Moridin

    My mom asked, "Why did you decide to leave the "truth"? Then she said, "Never mind I don't want to know." To which I replied, "I have to listen to you preach all the time, you're going to listen to me." We've never talked about religion again after that long conversation.

  • damselfly
    "If it was up to us, we'd stone you!

    This was said to me at my JC.

    I also enjoyed being compared to a dog returning to it's vomit.


  • TresHappy

    The vomit remark...that one got used on me also.

    Also being compared to Satan...that was another joy!

  • ballistic

    They ended my JC by saying they'd "snatched me out of the fire" LOL

  • ChrisVance

    When I told my cousin who is a staunch dub that I was no longer a dub she said, "That's scary."

  • avishai

    When I got someone to agree that It might be BS they said "Even if it IS wrong, where else will you go?" As if it were somehow lesser bs. I dunno, bullshit lite or something. This logic is so skewed.

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