Ever feel embarrassed when buying condoms?

by tsunami_rid3r 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r


  • Dan-O

    "i dont know if i could do it, it'd almost be like buying tampons."

    Either way, it's a celebration in the checkout lane. On one hand, you're there with a box of Trojans saying 'YEAH! I'm gonna get some!' or, on the other hand, you're there with a box of Kotex saying 'YEAH! I'm gonna get some in a few days! And I'm gonna get a hummer when I get back home with this box! Damn, but I'm a nice guy!'

  • tsunami_rid3r

    wait a minute, condoms expire.. so when should i buy them? now to keep them handy?

  • sonnyboy

    I bought mine online.

    It's still resting in the night stand...

  • avishai

    They take over a year to expire, so buy some today, just in case. It's not like they're expensive. Or, hell, go to your local free clinic and get some. Condoms, that is. Just remember, put it on before you start and take it off after you are done. In that order.

  • JH

    This thread reminds me of a funny thing that happened to me in my dub years.

    Once I was at the drug store, and I went to buy some laxative, and advancing towards the cash register, a sister was just in front of me at the cash. I kind of hid the laxative box in my hand, so that she couldn't see it, because It was none of her business that I was constipated..lol But she turned around and started talking to me, and she kept on looking at what I had in my hands, seeing that I was doing on purpose to hide the box from her, so just by the look on her face, it was as if she taught that I was hiding a box of condoms in my hands.

  • Nikita

    Have a funny story with regards to condoms.

    I am in Market Research and on Tuesday, I was kneeling, scanning an endcap of contraceptives. My husband walks in (he was waiting for me to finish up out in the car) and asks me "how much longer I would be?" I say " not too much-maybe 5 minutes." He gives me a gentle caress on the top of my head and walks back out to the car.

    Well, shrieks of laughter emerge from behind me (at the Pharmacy counter!) Apparently, the clerks thought he was a customer who asked me how much the condoms were and then patted me on my head! They thought he was way to appreciative of my help!


  • heart2heart

    I went to a school with 900 people, and 23 JW's. ; I still managed to smoke, drink, consume narcotics and have "worldly girlfriends" in peace. ; Just don't hang out with them, it'd be stupid if you did. ; They're probably losers anyways, and don't put out either. ; And that's what you're getting the condoms for, right?




    Heart2Heart (one of those "worldy girlfriends")

  • tsunami_rid3r

    well it felt wierd when i got 'em. should i try one on for practice so i don't look like a newb when the time comes?

  • damselfly

    Um, go for it?

    Don't they show this in sex-ed classes?


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