Why did the WTBTS not sue Ray Franz?

by Gill 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    Freedom of the press, is equally as strong as freedom of religion. You cannot sue someone (successfully anyway) for their personal opinion of matters. I would imagine that CoC, from the outside world, would be considered more of an autobiography. It's only from the inside is it viewed as an expose.


  • Cygnus

    My own personal tribute to Ray: I used to have a yahoo msg. name, "RayFranzIsGOD"

  • ozziepost

    From what I know of him through correspondence etc, that's the furthest thing from his mind - he never sought adulation.


    My wife Twinkletoes and myself having read Ray's books didn't find one ounce of bitterness in them. Having spent 30+ years in the Organisation we could relate to much of what Ray wrote. I think to understand Ray's books, you need to have been involved with the witnesses. I (Twink) would like to ask CB if he has ever been involved with the witnesses and seen the inner workings of them?

    Kaytee & Twink

  • CinemaBlend

    You guys, just like the JWs are living inside an insulated bubble where Ray Franz seems a lot more important than he actually is.

  • HappyDad
    You guys, just like the JWs are living inside an insulated bubble where Ray Franz seems a lot more important than he actually is.


    You post here pissing and moaning about the way your mother and others treat you. You hate the JW way of life! That is understandable because most here are going through similar circumstances! But why dis' Ray Franz? Do you have enough kahoonies to make a stand for yourself....like he did? I doubt it!

    He lived in the very heart of the borg and probably has forgotten more than you will ever know. He exposed the inner workings of the org. that influenced your life. Seeing your age is a giveaway to your attitude. You haven't been around long enough to appreciate the things Ray wrote about. No.....he isn't a god.......but he is what 10's of thousands of people needed to make a life changing choice.

    You might know about fictional movies, but you are totally ignorant about writings that are truthful about living decades as a JW. In the meantime.......you are entitled to your opinion. Why not give us some facts rather than your hateful opinion.


  • truthsetsonefree

    I remember in those years the Society making a big deal of the Scripture where Jesus told the apostles to 'let the Pharisees be.' The concept was not to respond to 'apostates' because that would just be profitless. Of course profit is determined by who you are in this case.

    I for one grew up as a witness and even witnessed (no pun intended) some of the events Ray Franz describes in his books. Many of the things he says are conclusions I had already begun to come to. But he certainly sped up that process for me and made it much less painless.

    I dug up these quotes from the period:


    w82 11/1 p. 21 Champions of Kingdom Truth Assemble ***

    During this afternoon all of Jehovah’s ministers were warned that the enemies to be on guard against are not only those obvious ones ‘on the outside’ but those who profess to be of us yet who craftily seek to weaken our faith and service. Said the speaker: "These convey the thought that, since Jehovah is such a loving God, all that he wants us to do is to be good persons, care for others in a physical way and love our neighbors." Viewpoints like these can be dangerous, for they do not take into account the command laid upon each one of Christ’s followers, namely: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations."—Matthew 28:19.

    Some question the need for an organization and claim that all a person needs to do is read the Bible for himself. The rank inconsistency of this position is to be observed when such ones proceed to set up their own organization and follow their own prescribed course of study, based on human wisdom.

    When we are faced with such negative and opposing arguments, the counsel of the Holy Scriptures is clear: Let them be. Avoid them. Move ahead with your precious ministry. (Matthew 15:14; Romans 16:17, 18) To dispute publicly with those causing divisions would be displaying a lack of good judgment. Each of us should do his part in helping the household of faith to keep the right attitude toward those who would defame Jehovah, his organization and his organized people. The kingdom proclamation will be completed successfully, for Christ Jesus promised to be with his servants "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."—Matthew 28:20.


    w83 3/1 p. 23 What Is Our Position Toward Opposers of the Truth? ***


    How did Jesus react to those who opposed him? Speaking to his apostles, he said: "Let them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Matthew 15:14) Jesus’ wise advice was: ‘Let them alone.’ In due time it would be evident what they were.
  • DannyHaszard

    The Watchtower's flunky legal whores would never win a jury trial,civil or criminal.

    Any empaneled jury of 12 (usa) 'normal' worldings has already been tainted because 90% of the jury pool know JW's suck.

    Who's afraid of the big bad legal bimbos?Come and get me flunkys.-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine "expert witness on the Jehovah's Witness"

  • BrendaCloutier

    When I mentioned Ray Franz name in a chance encounter with an Elder, you should have seen the terror-striken look on his face when he realized who I was talking about! He has affected the older generation of JW's who remembered him, at one time with fondness.

  • CinemaBlend

    >>>>>>HAPPY DAD SAID: You post here pissing and moaning about the way your mother and others treat you. You hate the JW way of life! That is understandable because most here are going through similar circumstances! But why dis' Ray Franz? Do you have enough kahoonies to make a stand for yourself....like he did? I doubt it!

    Wow, that was called for. Thanks Happy Dad. You're an asshole.

    So if I don't think highly of Ray Franz you get to accuse me of pissing and moaning for sharing personal stories with others.

    Thanks man.

    That make you feel good?

    I really don't think I deserved that and don't appreciate it.

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