Children or no Children?

by Sirona 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    I sometimes have this nagging feeling that I will regret it if I don't have children. I guess some of us blokes have a biological clock ticking also.

  • Valis
  • LouBelle

    ballistic - so should we meet to make some babies.

  • sonnyboy

    I'm too immature to have kids. I wouldn't mind if they came out at around 10 years old and could feed and bathe themselves, but as far as dirty diapers, sticky fingers, and hiding all my drugs...that's not for me.

  • katiekitten

    Sirona I think an intelligent thinking beautiful person like yourself should have children.

    Too many kids are born from trash (I know - its hardly PC, but I teach these kids, and the intelligent thinking ones are diamonds in an ocean of human rubbish).

    More trash have more trash, they meet each other and have even more trash. They contribute nothing to society, but take in ample amounts the time and resources of social workers, teachers, police, social security, counsellors, prison officers, doctors - take take take all their life.

    So if you are a person who thinks and cares and contributes, I think you have a duty to redress the balance a bit, and produce one happy healthy beautiful child.

    Personally I never wanted children because of the JW dogma about it, which I bought hook like and sinker. But one split condom later, and I can honestly say you will feel an immense sense of pride and joy at producing that diamond.

    Go for it girl - tell hubby to take the afternoon off, and start practising now!

  • katiekitten

    Ballistic I think you would make an excellent dad. I think any child would be lucky to have you as a parent, you are a lovely gentle funny kind sensitive man. If only it were as easy for a man to manufacture a child as it is for a woman.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Nieces and nephews are soooooooo much better!!!


  • BrendaCloutier

    When I was 14 I decided that I wanted to get married at 18. But that I wanted time with my husband (whoever he was going to be) and that I didn't want kids for 5 years.

    Well, I got married at 18, June 1975. It was fine by him that we didn't have kids right away, and so the pill.

    Well at 5 years into the marriage it was so bad that there was NO WAY IN HELL that I was going to bring kids into that hell. He started in on my on how a kid would help our marriage. I didn't fall for it. We were divorced two years later (4 years later than it should have happened).

    My life since has not been one where I wanted to bring children into it. I was either raising hell in rebellion to being a JW, or I was on a career path without a husband in the forseeable future, etc. So at 30 I had my tubes tied. My parents adopted me at 39 years old and it was like being raised by grandparents without the benefits!

    I have mourned not having children. I have NOT regretted my decision.

  • rebel8
    Not only that, don't you think that being here is just sometimes so difficult?

    Let me preface my response by saying I have known since infancy it would be very risky for me to procreate. I never developed the intention or desire to have children.

    I cannot possibly say my life is lacking. I have a wonderful, happy life. There are lots of things I couldn't do if I had kids.

    Having kids takes up a lot of time, money, and emotional/physical energy. It is commendable that people want to do it, but there's nothing wrong with a person who doesn't want to.

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