Honestly, how many beers can you drink before you get drunk?

by JH 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I can drink about 8 or 9 before a get a little drunk.

    But I wouldn't drive after 4 or 5, not that I,d be drunk, but not to get in trouble.

    Does it show that I'm in my 4th beer....

  • JH

    Ok everybody, go get a beer, and post here, ok?

  • ButtLight

    I have had a case of 20, drank it all, and was still able to walk and talk! Probably shouldnt admitt something like that, but oh well!

  • JH

    OK, this is my desk right now

  • LittleToe

    I know I'm affected by about the four pint mark, but fortunately my stomach physically can't take more, so I don't get drunk on beer.

    Here the legal limit is one pint. I might take that pint, but usually I wont. I've seen too much of the effects of drinking and driving, in the community in which I live.

  • Mecurious?

    It depends on my mood I guess. Sometimes if I drank one I feel tipsy! Probably from forgetting that I took some medication like benadryl beforehand

    Medication + Alcohol = Synergy..

    Othertimes, its takes about 5 or 6. But I never drank more than 5 at a time. Usually, only one or two though.


  • ballistic
    But I wouldn't drive after 4 or 5, not that I,d be drunk, but not to get in trouble

    I was nearly shocked by this, however I remembered you guys over in America don't drink pints nor real beer!

  • Ellie

    I used to be able to drink like a fish, but not anymore, these days I'm drunk after a couple of halfs, its quite embaressing.

  • LittleToe

    Aye, they drink half-pint bottles of watered down pish

    Simon liked it, though - his nickname over there was Bud-lite - LOL

    What I can't get over is the number of guys over here who can down 15 - 20 pints of full strength ale, in a night, and still walk!!!

  • ballistic
    Simon liked it, though - his nickname over there was Bud-lite - LOL

    True, and did you see it's Bud light in the pic above?

    When I was first told about bud light, an American said to me, "you know like when you wanna drink and not get drunk?" My eyes just glazed over.

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