My JW mom and dad

by Cygnus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    I'll make this short and sweet as I've been napping all day and need to get some stuff done.

    As you know, as of 2000 I am disfellowshipped. Well guess what. My mom is over here right now helping me, cutting the grass in my backyard. My dad just called 20 minutes ago, just to talk. When it comes to Watchtower rules about shunning, my family says "Up yours, Watchtower!"

    PS my wonderful father also reads this forum, as a lurker

  • Honesty
    When it comes to Watchtower rules about shunning, my family says "Up yours, Watchtower!"

    PS my wonderful father also reads this forum, as a lurker

    That's Great!!

    Hopefully, they will soon realise that it's not the truth and leave the cult.

  • talesin

    WTG, Cygnus! It means a lot to have our parents' support, especially when we are ill. It sounds like you are doing much better, and I'm happy to hear that. Keep up the good work.


  • BrendaCloutier

    ((( Cygnus ))) You are a very luck person to have your parents love and support inspite of JWism.



  • Sunspot

    I'm tickled to hear that! I am so happy that you don't have to grovel for their affection and attention as many of us have gone through (and some of us never got). Cheers to all three of you!



  • Undecided

    Good to hear that they arn't so controlled by the old men in NY. My children mean so much to me that no one is going to tell me how I must act when they are concerned. My brother is DF'ed and we are closer than we ever were when we were active JWs. You should be able to follow your heart when it comes to your family and it seems they love you. Enjoy the fellowship.

    Ken P.

  • Es

    That is so cool, congrats es

  • MidwichCuckoo

    ....and a BIG HELLO to Cygnus Senior

  • ozziepost

    Yes, indeed, a great big G'day! to Cygnus' father!

    We're sure glad you're here.

    Cheers, ozzie

  • Ellie

    Thats great but its also quite sad, to think that people are telling you how great it is that your parents acknowledge you, parent should treat their kids with love no matter what and its very sad that so many don't.

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