Demographics within WTS

by Dune 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dune

    I asked an elder when i was younger if the society had a census on who was in the organization. Things such as race, gender, age and wealth (kind of hard to find for the last) He told me no. He said that the only thing that the only thing that was reported to brooklyn was who was baptized and if someone was disfellowshipped.

    Do you think theres a reason they dont tell us the women to men ratio or am i just looking to deep into this?

  • InquiryMan

    In fact, a big survey was made in Germany among more than 140,000 witnesses. I think it showed that some 39 per cent of believeres were male, and 61 per cent female. It even stated statistics on percentage of those who received beenfit from state compared to the general population, and also educational and income level

  • badboy

    The WT once boasted in an article that fewer % of jws in France receied the dole.

  • LongHairGal


    Those statistics about the female to male ratio are sobering.

    It is practically a necessity for a woman to look outside the congregation to find a man. What is not mentioned (and makes the picture MUCH worse) is the fact that some men in the congregation are not "right" and are unmarriageable for various reasons which I won't go into. I don't mean to sound cruel but it is true. To add further insult to injury, it is highly unlikely they are even educated so what kind of earning potential do they even have?

    Any woman there who has a brain and is over age 30 has no choice but to look elsewhere.

  • Honesty
    To add further insult to injury, it is highly unlikely they are even educated so what kind of earning potential do they even have?

    I gave up a lucrative career because 99% of my income was derived from Defense contracts. Now that I am too old and worn out from 15 years of slaving for a book publishing company and did not keep up with the industry it is highly unlikely that I could ever re-enter the field again. I am divorced from my 'spiritually strong' dub wife mainly because of the WTBTS and its unscriptural doctrines, practices and demands that I totally reject. Several very well educated women have shown a more than passing interest in me but due to my limited earning potential I have not entetained any thoughts of pursuing more than a platonic friendship with them. Its pretty embarrassing to live on less than $50,000 a year when the girls I know have 6 figure incomes. A woman would have to be out of her mind to become involved with a dub or ex-dub. Not only because of the limited income potential but also every male ex-dub I know, includung myself, is carrying around so much baggage from the emotional damage inflicted on them by the diabolical JW cult that it wouldn't fit in a household moving truck.

  • Finally-Free
    What is not mentioned (and makes the picture MUCH worse) is the fact that some men in the congregation are not "right" and are unmarriageable for various reasons which I won't go into. I don't mean to sound cruel but it is true. To add further insult to injury, it is highly unlikely they are even educated so what kind of earning potential do they even have?

    This was the case in my last congregation. There were quite a few single women, all intelligent and attractive. There were only 3 single "brothers", and all 3 of them had something obviously "wrong" with them. They were all uneducated pioneers™ who worked at menial low paying jobs. I wouldn't necessarily call them "retarded" but each one displayed some physical and/or mental manifestation that something wasn't quite right. (that didn't prevent them from being MS though). It was impossible for the "sisters" to find an unmarried intellectual equal in that congregation.

    On top of that you have the Society encouraging men to remain single so they can attend the Ministerial training School, which does not accept married "brothers".

    It especially irritated me to see intelligent "sisters" leave excellent careers to pioneer just to make themselves more attractive to these "brothers" that were so obviously beneath them.


  • Dune

    I'm not so sure about the whole "golden pioneer sister" thing.I think more or less, a witness woman's ability to get married is based on her attractiveness as opposed to her spirituallity.

    My brother even told me he's not going for the "pioneer" sister thing. I mean, who wants to marry a person who sounds more like a watchtower article than a human being? And not all brothers are losers or uneducated.

  • LongHairGal


    Even though you make less money than you did when you worked for the defense industy you don't have to feel as though your life is over and that you can't be with somebody. In this day and age of unemployment and downsizing. Some people with six figure incomes can be out of work in an instant. Because you have more going for you mentally than most dubs you shouldn't compare yourself to them. As far as baggage is concerned, yes it is true ex-dubs have much. But try looking at so-called worldly people. They have loads of baggage too. No one is exempt.


    Yes, I saw what you saw and it made me angry. Although, I never had a great "career", I certainly would not have left it if I did - all so that some idiot could feel better about himself at my expense!? I always felt they were threatened by women who were intelligent. You have heard of female circumcision practiced by muslims? Well I compare that to what dubs try to do to a woman's brain! They try to destroy her or symbolically castrate her - because they are sick and inadequate!


  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you about a woman there having to be more attractive than spiritiual. Yes, I did hear of a very overweight sister who was a pioneer who did everything but couldn't meet anybody.

    A woman there definitely has to be pretty (and preferably young). Although, if she were a divorcee or widow with MONEY you can betcha the brothers would definitely go after her. Some of them are such opportunists.

  • Gill

    LongHairGal - You are so right!

    The WTBTS is misoginistic beyond belief. A woman is nothing at all in their eyes. Bunch of inadequate ass hole men running the joint!

    Makes me want to spew!!

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